View Full Version : any diff betwn b20 and b20b

16-05-2006, 10:19 PM
im just wonderin if theres a difference betwen teh b20 and b20b and are any of them v-tec?

17-05-2006, 08:09 AM
if yor reffering to the early prelude one and the crv one then yes there are differences.. and none of them are vtec standard... but can do a coversion with a vtec head eg. a b16 or b18c head... but only on the later crv b20b block i believe...

17-05-2006, 08:25 AM
if yor reffering to the early prelude one and the crv one then yes there are differences.. and none of them are vtec standard... but can do a coversion with a vtec head eg. a b16 or b18c head... but only on the later crv b20b block i believe...

correct, there is also a b20z, which i believe is much the same as the b20b from the crv. Tinkerbell will be able to confirm this for us, he is the local b20 guru/ god around here :)

17-05-2006, 03:39 PM
how much would a vtec conversion cost? n would it do much towards power?

17-05-2006, 04:53 PM
if you already have the base the crvtec should cost you about 4-5k. It does quite well for power, most people averaging about 200hp at the fly. But why do it to a crv?

17-05-2006, 05:44 PM
hmm just small mods.. but i guess 4 - 5 is abit too much.. im only 17.. LOL
wanna turn it into a cruiser. so yeh.. i tihnk its about 149bhp at engine thought..

17-05-2006, 05:53 PM
PM tinkerbell about b20vtec conversion, he has one in his integra.