View Full Version : civic hatch differences

18-05-2006, 10:25 AM
Sorry if this have been covered but i could not find any info on the search..

could someone explain the performance and visual difference and mods between all the diff models and year of the civic hatches?

so far i know GLI has power options and CXI doesnt
but wat about EK 1 etc.. how do u determine what EK or EG a civic hatch is?

sorry if i sound like a noob....thats coz i am

thx in advance

18-05-2006, 02:02 PM

take a read

18-05-2006, 02:35 PM
omfg, go home and read books, u dun belong and ur questions are annoying, search, i just did and the top 4 results relates to ur question.
just to answer ur question, eg civic are 92-95 model, they all look the same but they come in Gl, gli, vti, si, sir, ek= 96-00 model, comes in cxi, gli, vtir, ek1=cxi=gli, gli has power options such as pwer window, mirror, front sway,color coded door handle and mirror.
u noe if u done noe what a eg or ek civic looks like, theres a wonderful site called www.google.com -->image section

18-05-2006, 02:37 PM
this has been asked like about

18-05-2006, 02:41 PM
Agreed. This post has been covered multiple times. Start with the sticky at the top of the civic forum and search a little harder :thumbsup:. If you have any further questions to ask, please PM me and I will re-open this thread.