View Full Version : DC2R Valve Clearance Issue - DC2R

20-05-2006, 06:30 PM
Hey all

Last time i had my car serviced i had my mechanic check and adjust my valve clearances.

Until last week i didnt even bother looking at the paperwork he left in my car, and when i did i noticed he had a reference sheet for a K20... so hes done the adjustments for the wrong model.

Is this a big issue, as in, can i drive it until i have a chance to take it back, i would typicall drive 20k's a week unless im actually travelling somewhere as i catch a bus to work... im losing my license for 3 months so i was thinking ill take the car back when i get my license back and have the clutch and flywheel changes at the same time

should i try and get this done ASAP?



21-05-2006, 02:04 AM
What are the number of valve clearances at the paper?

21-05-2006, 10:08 AM
What are the number of valve clearances at the paper?

Valve Clearance - IN (mm) 0.21-0.25 K
Valve Clearance - EX )mm) 0.25 - 0.29 K

21-05-2006, 10:37 AM
From the ITR Helms

Valve Clearance when Cold
Intake 0.15-0.19 (0.006-0.007)
Exhaust 0.17-0.21 (0.007-0.008)

21-05-2006, 11:15 AM
if u r not gonna do anything about it yet at least make your mechanic aware about it now so he's not like WTF!?!? when u tell him in 3 months

21-05-2006, 12:28 PM
']if u r not gonna do anything about it yet at least make your mechanic aware about it now so he's not like WTF!?!? when u tell him in 3 months

yeh was tinking of doing this anyway...

what im more concerned with is if it has negative implications as its out...?

21-05-2006, 01:09 PM
Zilli, by since he has added more clearence than is needed, you should be ok. All that will happen is your valves wont open as far, and you will be down on power, Not that I would be V-TAKing with my clearences out.

If for instance he had made the clearences to small then I would be worried, as the valves would open too far, and potentially hit the piston.

My advice just take it back ASAP to get fixed, and drive normally if you can :P

- Kyle

21-05-2006, 01:34 PM
yeh was tinking of doing this anyway...

what im more concerned with is if it has negative implications as its out...?

look as kyle said u should be ok unless ur driving around at silly speeds. personally i would take it back to him asap and make sure it's done right so there is no need to worry everytime u drive it

21-05-2006, 01:46 PM
Zilli, by since he has added more clearence than is needed, you should be ok. All that will happen is your valves wont open as far, and you will be down on power, Not that I would be V-TAKing with my clearences out.

If for instance he had made the clearences to small then I would be worried, as the valves would open too far, and potentially hit the piston.

My advice just take it back ASAP to get fixed, and drive normally if you can :P

- Kyle

thats weird man, because it doesnt feel down on power at all.....

and ive been giving it just as much as i always do and theres been no problem

21-05-2006, 04:52 PM
Zilli, by since he has added more clearence than is needed, you should be ok. All that will happen is your valves wont open as far, and you will be down on power, Not that I would be V-TAKing with my clearences out.

If for instance he had made the clearences to small then I would be worried, as the valves would open too far, and potentially hit the piston.

My advice just take it back ASAP to get fixed, and drive normally if you can :P

- Kyle

Anything under/over spec is bad man, too lose and your valves can fall out... too tight and they can heat up- burnt valve= no good at all.
A poorly done valve set is the easiest way too *** up an engine, i should kno i've witnessed heaps of 'em...

22-05-2006, 10:55 AM
i just spoke to my mechanic and he asked a coupla questions, he said the top end would sound horrible if it was out, and i told him its been drinking heaps of fuel, but he said its out in such a way where it would be drinking less

lon story short its going in on Wednesday so he can check it up and do a complimentary service

24-05-2006, 05:55 PM
good news guys, my mechanic pulled the rocker cover today and did a check, all is well, he said they did the specs out of the manual, but so i had a printout they printed off what they thought was the right printout from their web manual, but they printed the incorrect one

so its all good, plus, bonus i got an oil change out of it