View Full Version : engine knocking???

29-05-2006, 02:21 PM
i was on the freeway last friday night and i dropped it back to 4th and gave it a bit and my engine felt like it gave way....i put it back into 5th and then put the clutch in and it stalled whilst doin 100k's let the clutch out again and kept going. i got to the next intersection and its sounded like a loud knocking or tapping. engine performance didnt feel much difference, so i stopped off at a servo and checked my oil and when i checked the dip stick it didnt have any oil in it. "my oil light didnt even come up" wouldnt be surprised when getting an engine conversion done by "garage R" i filled the oil back up and it needed almost 2 ltrs of oil.

The knocking sounds like its at the top of my head, but it doesnt sound like tappits i dropped it off to my uncles workshop on sat and hes going to diognose the problem but he wasnt to sure.

Can anyone help me out with some possible causes and what it could be. also maybe some parts and cost for aftermarket and OEM

ive got installed a new turbo kit, the engines only done 40 thou, its a 92 civic hatch with a b16a2 99-00 motor.

29-05-2006, 02:36 PM
If you were running short of 2L of oil, then I suspect oil starvation. Could be spun bearings.

13-06-2006, 07:32 PM
well instead of starting a new thread i thought i'd ask in here

just a few hours ago i pulled into the train station n waited to pick up a friend, the car was off and all i was just sittin there with the music playing, nothing unusual

when i started the car to head off the engined turned over then it stopped and a strange knocking/tapping sound came from the engine and the car wouldn't start, when the knocking sound came it sounded like the engine cut out then the knocking started...

go out checked like all the vitals in the engine bay that i could with my mobile light...tried starting it again n the same thing happened...

didn't really want to leave my car at a train station over night cos yeah chances are would get stolen so jst by an off chance i thought i might push start it, pushed it down the hill and did wat i did and the engine started with no hesitation...quckly drove home and turned off the engine...tried starting her up again n started with no porblems, waited a few hours n started it again, started smoothly...

anyone got any ideas? sorry for the long story jst has to explain it...

also i got an EK1 sedan with d16y8 all stock...

13-06-2006, 08:12 PM
Your battery was weak... Check the water level in your battery. It's probably low or the battery is old, so when you were listening to the radio while waiting for you friend, the battery voltage dropped below what was needed to start your car.

13-06-2006, 08:16 PM
i had only turned the radio on for litteraly less than 5min....couldn't have gone flat that fast could it...when the engine did turn over it was a strong one wasn't like a weak turn over....

13-06-2006, 08:33 PM
Flip - usually a sign to change the battery. Mine did that battery only lasted another month before it fully died

FastFWD - who did the tune on the turbo? could your tune be out, check with a wideband O2 sensor

13-06-2006, 08:39 PM
dang....money i dont have to spend...oh well gotta do what you gotta do ey... thanx aaronng n limbo for the tips

13-06-2006, 09:04 PM
dang....money i dont have to spend...oh well gotta do what you gotta do ey... thanx aaronng n limbo for the tips
If you have a multimeter, check the voltage of the battery before. Listen to your radio for 5 minutes and while the radio is on, check the voltage again. If it is lower, then it is a sign of the battery.

Oh, and be prepared to push start your car again after this.

15-06-2006, 12:13 AM
haha yeah everywhere i been parking today has been on a hill just in case and i always tell some friends to come by my car while i start it just in case :P

but prolly try and buy a new battery sometime next week anyway might as well do it then prolong it..

15-06-2006, 11:06 AM
get a maintenance free one less headaches in the long run

15-06-2006, 10:03 PM
when u say maintenance free do u mean there is a brand names that or there are batteries that are maintenance free? i never really did maintenance on batteries b4..jst put it in n thats it...