View Full Version : Time to bling up the DC2R

Iwishiwasa Type R
23-06-2006, 04:58 PM

I am sick of only asian guys checking out my ride (you know its true).. need to boost the pussy meter :o ...

Seriously, I want to add abit presence to the R but be able to convert it for track duties easily.I want to get sussy setup that can be nicely dropped for daily driving but when I want to do some spirited driving just adjust the springs, hopefully by a handset and pop the stockies on.

Heres the plan:

Install Teins SS.
17' rims...dont worry they arent triple dipped chromies, but enkie RP03.

Remebering that realistically that I will hardly go down mountain passes, track rarely (once every 6 months) and do mainly highway cruising and Church St runs (j/ks about the last one).

Flame away!!!!!!!

23-06-2006, 05:01 PM
ROFL @ increase the pussy metre :p
Depends wat kinda pussy ur after man LOL

Jst get nice rims, a nice drop job on it, exhaust, a hectik sound system, and say its turbo charged!!

Chicks will love it! :D

23-06-2006, 05:11 PM
consider something like the volk CE28 or the TE37 over those enkeis

just get a nice exhaust system if you want to get looks buddyclub II. VERY LOUD!

get a nice decent stereo without going over the top.
and drop it down a little, that should get some looks definately!

23-06-2006, 05:12 PM
exhaust wont always go down well and neither will a stiff ride.. well.. depends ;) BUT! I think that some nice rims will always look visually apealing and to help with the suspension issue..
Im sure the tein edfc would aid here. internally adjust damper to stiffer ride for yourself and then internally soften the ride for when u have company...

(p.s. Never used or been in a car with edfc, but i think this is how it would work with an educated geuss).

23-06-2006, 05:14 PM
big bling bling bro !!! ulleh you need big rims cause size matters to chicks lol
and Q they dont love it, they dig it hahahaha ...

wanna see a riced up TypeR :D yayayaya

23-06-2006, 05:25 PM
ok things not to do to your ITR

-shopping lists
-massive wings
-outrageous bodykits

thats all i can think of right now lol

23-06-2006, 05:30 PM
ok things not to do to your ITR

-shopping lists
-massive wings
-outrageous bodykits

thats all i can think of right now lol
add to the above:
16in rims max (lightweight of course):p

23-06-2006, 05:30 PM
well this guy is gonna do quite the opposite lol

23-06-2006, 05:38 PM
WTF? You gonna add lightweight racing rims and Tien SS and you're sick of azn guys checking you out? ^_^ LOL, MORE asian guys are gonna check you out after you do that shit.

If you want the girls to check you out wind the ****en windows down, cos thats all it takes (unless your nasty, in which case,get a 5% tint and follow advice given in the rest of this thread :P :P jk) :cool:

23-06-2006, 05:56 PM
ok things not to do to your ITR

-shopping lists
-massive wings
-outrageous bodykits

thats all i can think of right now lol

agreed!!!! :thumbsup:

23-06-2006, 05:58 PM
JDM front conversion coz some of them htink its S15

Iwishiwasa Type R
23-06-2006, 06:02 PM
Woot... gettin some good replies before they shut me down and move me to the Noob section...

yeah fellas..The car's Pussy meter is like on empty. I used to just flop my gear out the window. always worked. But stated getting fined.. Apparently you cant drive around without wearing a seat belt.

I have already got a decent twin loop exhaust, will upgrade eventually. And a CAI that makes a sick whistling noise :cool: . Tints and sun roof.

QBALL: I am gna add a megaphone to the list. So I can go crazy frog with some 'do do dodododo.. whooop TISHhh!!" out the window.
Not really after specific poon... just want it so when i rock up next to my m8s 200 it wont look so boring... girls like shinny things..

Going to eventually put a good quality 10 or 12' sub nothing super mutha hectic. just a sumtin to G me up on the out....I am so happy that I even have a CD player and some speakers that dont crackle. I had a gen1 teg with the stock pioneer cassete player. great for mixtapes..lol.

Basically what i am hearing is that it can be done?.. anyone know off hand what the approx leeway the edfc gives you.. say lower and heighten a range of 3 inches ?(doubt it though).. dont want air bags too.

Stoosh: dont want to follow the whole JDM theme whilst not going uleh spec either...Maybe just a little from all, like Vip racer style.... .gna try and source the stock skirt and pods.not gna do any of those things except for the neons. I cant say that I will never put neons on it haha.
Maybe just a little from all. what do you think of these?
eg of rims:

23-06-2006, 06:06 PM
not gna do any of those things except for the neons. I cant say that I will never put neons on it haha.

interior neons in the footwells are acceptable! but not going overboard, gotta be red thou we all know red goes faster!

23-06-2006, 10:06 PM
personally i think the space between the spokes on the rp03 dont complement the smaller brake disc diameters both rear and front, perhaps like stoosh recommeneded, some ce28 or volk te37s

23-06-2006, 11:06 PM
Man...JDM attracts GUYS more than it attracts GIRLS.

Girls (in general) are naturally attracted to shiny and expensive looking things, hence chromies and altezzas are the go imo :p

23-06-2006, 11:21 PM

I am sick of only asian guys checking out my ride (you know its true).. need to boost the pussy meter :o ...

u need to see some photos of the mighty DSNTGR8 then cos thats a girl magnet. It gets way more looks than those faggoty nismo boys and wrx fairys!!!!

23-06-2006, 11:28 PM
u need to see some photos of the mighty DSNTGR8 then cos thats a girl magnet. It gets way more looks than those faggoty nismo boys and wrx fairys!!!!
so post them up!!
show us by startin a thread in the appearance gallery section...
show us how its done :p

23-06-2006, 11:52 PM
man u wana incerase the pussy metre.. not a chance..

an ITR is not a pretty car.. and its NOT MEANT TO BE.. if u wanted chics u got the wrong car. simple.. u should have got an s15 or something.. CHICS dont know ITRs because its not featured in movies.... and not commercialised... sorry.. ther isnt nothin u can do to ur car that isnt goin to attract more guys that u already get.. let alone girls...

if u want my advice.. get out of ur car.. and get some confidence.. at the end of the day.. the car isnt gna get u a girl.. its u.. so quit being a pansy

24-06-2006, 02:58 AM
number 1)never buy or mod a car to get poon.
number 2)of u are to do anything plz do it tastefully
i would personally reccomend sum 17's, slight drop, hid's and stereo
clean and sxc

also agree with 1900-hustler 100%

24-06-2006, 07:51 AM
number 1)never buy or mod a car to get poon.
number 2)of u are to do anything plz do it tastefully
i would personally reccomend sum 17's, slight drop, hid's and stereo
clean and sxc

also agree with 1900-hustler 100%

u realise girl h8 the 'CLEAN' look. we know us guys all love it.
They honestly h8 it. Just wanan let u know.

24-06-2006, 09:21 AM
question is....

who the hell buys a car to get chics? lol

if you wanted chics should sell your car and get an s2000, girls love the drop top!

24-06-2006, 09:47 AM
I dont think hes bought the type r to pick up chicks, like seriously, like FLY has mentioned, there are several other cars that do the job better than a dc2r...eg. an s2k or a wrx :p
Blinging out a type r will attract girls, you guys cant deny that.
However, it is a waste of the type r as the car is based on performance > looks.
End of the day, jst ensure that you do what you want to do, as it is YOUR car.
Just keep in mind that cars can only do so much in your venture to attract more girls hehe. ;)

24-06-2006, 10:14 AM
girls dont like all that played out shit EG skylines, wrx or s15s. They like individualism!!!

btw fyi theyre superficial, try getting your hands on some gucci interior or something like that

24-06-2006, 10:16 AM
^Try not to generalise too much man, not all girls are superficial!
You could be offending someone with that comment!

Iwishiwasa Type R
26-06-2006, 12:45 AM
Yeah, fact is. I have dc2r. I love it and it loves me. lol. I am not going to go out and and buy another car. But it looks boring as old balls. So, into the rice cooker it goes.

This thread was really about the Teins, how far can they drop and raise?

26-06-2006, 01:20 AM
i reakon some white rims and a dumpage.

26-06-2006, 05:40 PM
Yeah, fact is. I have dc2r. I love it and it loves me. lol. I am not going to go out and and buy another car. But it looks boring as old balls. So, into the rice cooker it goes.

This thread was really about the Teins, how far can they drop and raise?

Depends on the kit you get. Some have a 1.5"+/- raise and lower and some only lower or raise. Look at the description on their web site or get the install manuals and they will clearly tell you.

U.S. models which will be close to yours:

In Japanese if you got the plug in to translate it:

27-06-2006, 12:10 AM
yes gals don't give a fark about performance or clean looks or jdm looks or whateva, they are more into massive chromes, wild kit, big wings, posh interiors etc, if you start telling them how good ur car goes or handles,they will probably tell you to go home and blow yourself..

27-06-2006, 01:16 AM
yes gals don't give a fark about performance or clean looks or jdm looks or whateva, they are more into massive chromes, wild kit, big wings, posh interiors etc, if you start telling them how good ur car goes or handles,they will probably tell you to go home and blow yourself..

thats kinda generalising dont ya think, my gf loves the sleeper track beasts and laughs wen she sees a riced up skyline, wrx etc.

27-06-2006, 11:41 AM
man u wana incerase the pussy metre.. not a chance..

an ITR is not a pretty car.. and its NOT MEANT TO BE.. if u wanted chics u got the wrong car. simple.. u should have got an s15 or something.. CHICS dont know ITRs because its not featured in movies.... and not commercialised... sorry.. ther isnt nothin u can do to ur car that isnt goin to attract more guys that u already get.. let alone girls...

if u want my advice.. get out of ur car.. and get some confidence.. at the end of the day.. the car isnt gna get u a girl.. its u.. so quit being a pansy

well i am going to have to disagree with you there dude....
the first half anyways =P
ITR is quiet pretty if you do it up right...
you know a nice yellow ITR..with some 18" impuls..its got a little bit of a polished dish...
dropped with jumbo springs.. mugen skirts and mugen rear lip...
I've had a couple of girls whose left notes on my car..saying things like
"Hey nice car!!, call me sometime.... 04########.. Love Karen..". etc. pfft!
but if you want chicks.... you'll have to be confident! :) not too confident where you'd come across arrogant...
but with a hint of humour...and you shall do fine...

27-06-2006, 03:21 PM
Go banana power all the way!

27-06-2006, 04:18 PM
Depends on the kit you get. Some have a 1.5"+/- raise and lower and some only lower or raise. Look at the description on their web site or get the install manuals and they will clearly tell you.

U.S. models which will be close to yours:

In Japanese if you got the plug in to translate it:

good advice as always.:wave:

27-06-2006, 09:26 PM
just out of curiosity... y would u want a girl that wants u for ur car??? girlz like that aint girlfriend material.... BUT!! good for temporary fun though...

27-06-2006, 09:46 PM
my suggestion is spend your money on clothes and make yourself more attractive. a car can only turn heads, but if u have sex appeal then u be you can turn heads and take the gals to bed. :)

27-06-2006, 10:23 PM
^ Agreed.

ITR might be able to get you the looks/attention- u gotta do the rest! :D hehe

but as someone said before - just do the car the way you want.

28-06-2006, 12:35 PM
my suggestion is spend your money on clothes and make yourself more attractive. a car can only turn heads, but if u have sex appeal then u be you can turn heads and take the gals to bed. :)

Nah I know Iwishiwasa Type R personally and can confirm that he's a sexy beast, and so is his car!! :p
He just has been out of 'the game' too long and needs to ease back into it imo!!

28-06-2006, 02:38 PM
heaps of chicks have asked me to take them on a cruise in my car... but doesn't mean they gonna let me get into bed with them... they wanna sit in the car purely because they love they way it looks... something about banana dc2r's .. hehe... if i want success, i gotta work my charm... most girls should like u coz of the way u are, not what u drive

28-06-2006, 02:39 PM
heaps of chicks have asked me to take them on a cruise in my car... but doesn't mean they gonna let me get into bed with them... they wanna sit in the car purely because they love they way it looks... something about banana dc2r's .. hehe... if i want success, i gotta work my charm... most girls should like u coz of the way u are, not what u drive

28-06-2006, 02:41 PM
heaps of chicks have asked me to take them on a cruise in my car... but doesn't mean they gonna let me get into bed with them... they wanna sit in the car purely because they love they way it looks... something about banana dc2r's .. hehe... if i want success, i gotta work my charm... most girls should like u coz of the way u are, not what u drive

28-06-2006, 02:42 PM
sorry...had some problems posting and now its gone up 3 times!

Iwishiwasa Type R
29-06-2006, 09:43 AM
Nah I know Iwishiwasa Type R personally and can confirm that he's a sexy beast, and so is his car!! :p
He just has been out of 'the game' too long and needs to ease back into it imo!!

do you vouch for me? :p

Iwishiwasa Type R
29-06-2006, 09:43 AM
Nah I know Iwishiwasa Type R personally and can confirm that he's a sexy beast, and so is his car!! :p
He just has been out of 'the game' too long and needs to ease back into it imo!!

do you vouch for me? :p