View Full Version : Perth People! Yellow Sticker Help!

26-06-2006, 06:11 PM
hI guys..got a yellow sticker for having too low an exhaust as my muffler is underaxle..

is there any pits around in perth that r more lenient? the legal height is 10cm from the ground and mine is 7cm frm the ground...wld i be able to pass the pits?PLEASE HELP!!

26-06-2006, 07:07 PM
ur gunna have to raise the car up dude

26-06-2006, 07:10 PM
just get ur mechanic to put wooden blocks between the springs, go thru the pits, get it cleared, then go back and take em off.
i have done this plenty of times and with different cars aswell, and have had no trouble with it.

26-06-2006, 07:47 PM
just get ur mechanic to put wooden blocks between the springs, go thru the pits, get it cleared, then go back and take em off.
i have done this plenty of times and with different cars aswell, and have had no trouble with it.

wooden blocks between springs!!! :eek: to prevent it frm compressing and also lift it up abit?

26-06-2006, 07:53 PM
its the easisest way, instead of changing to stock springs and putting the lowered ones back in,
ask ur mechanic, im sure he would know what im talking about,
the best way would be to use a hoist and lift all four wheels off the ground

26-06-2006, 08:19 PM
if you got stuffed shocks.

jack your car up aroudn the corner then let it back down. should give you a extra 2cms :P