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View Full Version : Aussies 2006's Jazz LED tailights

30-06-2006, 09:49 PM
just found out that they got them on standard now and i want them.

Do i get them from dealers??

If so how much??? a rough $$ figure???

BTW: ive got an 05' one that was compliance in 06'


JDM Sucks
30-06-2006, 09:50 PM
wheres panda when u need him

01-07-2006, 10:27 PM
If you find out the price post it up here for everyone.

02-07-2006, 01:04 PM
damn i thought u's would know

guess ill give the dealer a ring

02-07-2006, 07:51 PM
i think it may be cheaper to buy some after market LED rear lights...

but yeah a price on the orignal honda ones will be nice..

02-07-2006, 07:59 PM
i think the set was around $400 or so.

02-07-2006, 08:24 PM
wheres panda when u need him
i'm not in parts, and none of our customers have smashed em yet.

i'd say about $400 for the pair sound about right

02-07-2006, 08:27 PM
eh, i'll find out tomorrow, if i remember.

03-07-2006, 02:11 PM
GLi models:
Right 33501-SAA-J11
Left 33551-SAA-J11

VTI-S Models:
Right 33501-SAA-J21
Left 33551-SAA-J21

RRP is $173.90 each, so it's $347.80 a set.

you will also have to buy the LED assembly, which is the same for both models.
Right 33502-SAA-J11
Left 33552-SAA-J11
RRP is $185.55 each, so it's $371.10 for the LED assemblies.

everything will cost $718.90

you may also need the rear tail light covers.
Right 33506-SAA-J11
Left 33556-SAA-J11

RRP is $37.10 each. so it's $64.20 a set.

so all up your probably lookin aroun $783.10 for a set. for LED tail lamps for the 06 Jazz.

03-07-2006, 03:42 PM
you will also have to buy the LED assembly, which is the same for both models.
Right 33502-SAA-J11
Left 33552-SAA-J11
RRP is $185.55 each, so it's $371.10 for the LED assemblies.

you may also need the rear tail light covers.
Right 33506-SAA-J11
Left 33556-SAA-J11

RRP is $37.10 each. so it's $64.20 a set.

so all up your probably lookin aroun $783.10 for a set. for LED tail lamps for the 06 Jazz.
What are theses??? Have pics???

I have a 04 model jazz and want the full LED setup on mine... Can it be done??? plug and play???

03-07-2006, 03:45 PM
the LED assemblies?
thier the actual lights.

the first ones, are practically just the casings.
plug and play? who knows. lol, they might be.i don't see why not, but have to double check it. and compare both vechiles at the same time.

go aftermarket, it's probably around the $350 for the aftermarket lights.