View Full Version : Caliper noise

13-07-2006, 10:46 AM
I can hear a noise, as though something is stuck on my brake disc, and rubs against the caliper once per revolution of the wheel. Seems to only be on the passenger side. There is no noticable loss in braking performance, and it doesnt pull to either side when braking.

Have looked at the disc and there doesnt seem to be anything stuck on there.

Any ideas?

current theory is rotor warpage, which would not surprise me as my car eats brake pads

13-07-2006, 11:20 AM
yeah i would have said warped rotor.

13-07-2006, 11:44 AM
its the first place id be lookin aswel ^^

13-07-2006, 02:20 PM
Power wash them and check to make sure the caliper is bolted tightly and torqued, then make sure you torque and retorque the tire when you put it back on. If it still does this after that then I bet the rotor is warped too.

13-07-2006, 03:00 PM
it could also just be something stuck in ur brakes maybe? Cause its happened to me before as well. But i know it sounds simple but hey its my 2cent

13-07-2006, 03:21 PM
Mr Will - does it happen at the same spot when your tyre is rotating? I'm just wondering whether its not your caliper at all...I had a similar noise....maybe a couple of weeks before the noise got really bad, and I couldn't drive up the street any longer...

it turned out to be the balljoint and control arm (well I think that's what its called)....the short arm that links to the steering (coming from wheel hub - and the joint that lies in the wheel hub) and...it wasn't moving properly and one point when the tyre was spinning it was scrubbing... (if I turned the steering wheel left or right the control arm was staying straight)

Didn't cost that much to fix...so don't worry if it is....

I would suggest getting a mechanic to check it out :)

13-07-2006, 03:40 PM
Have you try to check if the brake dust cover touch the disc?>

14-07-2006, 12:53 AM
Are you getting this problem only after excessive braking.. Coz my LS does this aswell when ive been braking really hard.. Goes away in time.. Although i havent found a fix for it yet..

14-07-2006, 04:36 AM
no it seems to do it more when the brakes are cool actually, i notice it less when im driving hard. or maybe im just distracted.
have to replace the cv joints soon anyway, so by the looks of it ill have a look at the rotors and get them machined if necessary.

14-07-2006, 05:54 PM
Stupid but simple question..

Are you sure its not yur brake pads screeching for replacement.. ?!?

Good lucK!

15-07-2006, 01:18 AM
not sure what is it..
but my dc2r is doin the same.. onli when im reversing tho.. doenst happen all the time.. but, happens enough to piss me off..

happens when im slowly reversing, and seems like once every revolution aswell..