View Full Version : weight..

19-07-2006, 09:17 PM
u guys reckon how much weight for the civic Back seats ? ... took the aircon and toll bar out... 28kg.. still looking for some more weights... :wave:

19-07-2006, 09:24 PM
not much mate, theyre only bits of foam. If you're using it for track, take out some of your dash, parcel shelf, spare tyre and every seat but your own. Any thing that is not essential to the car running properly can be culled.

Or as i tell everyone who asks this question, go to the gym!

19-07-2006, 09:27 PM
exactly as said above. The dont weigh much at all, my EG is in pieces at the moment. On H-T some guy stripped all this gear out and weighed it all. I could find it if you really want.

It adds up when you remove rear seats, front passenger seat, glove box, carpet etc etc. Also lightweight wheels and hood.

All small weight differences but they add up when all combined together.

20-07-2006, 12:09 AM
If you go hardcore track style and not going to register your car, rip everything out, essential leaving as mentioned steering, cluster, gearbox, driver seat, etc thats as light as you can go for interior, after that is changing everything to lightweight material and stuff like that...

20-07-2006, 01:19 AM
Ever think about sound deadening. That stuff weighs a fair bit, and would help out in the weight loss scheme. Worth a shot, but damn, it sounds bad after its taken out. And everything rattles alot!

20-07-2006, 01:34 AM
Use lighter rims. Lighter rims have more effect than a lightweight flywheel.