View Full Version : Looms etc.

16-05-2004, 10:50 PM
Need advice and Help from someone whos proficient in JDM model Civics electrical systems, eg Loom and ECU... namly the EG-5 (ZC) and the EG-6.

16-05-2004, 10:51 PM
Maybe you should ask a question.... pretty hard to help without a question to answer

16-05-2004, 10:53 PM
The looms apear to be almost identical... But I know they're not. I'm just wondering why its so "hard" to convert the looms. It apears to be nothing but time consuming to me. ie Issolate the wires which will be needing etc...

17-05-2004, 12:57 AM
SSSOOOO much work is involved... Anyone wanna lend a helping hand or got some advice on how to transfer the loom :S

Thanks Guys


17-05-2004, 01:32 AM
know about the JDM ECU but what loom are you trying to install, if its the PGMFI, make sure use use the JDM fusebox with the JDM ecu if your ecu is stock or the ELD may cause you greef

17-05-2004, 01:37 AM
I have a JDM EG-5 and I'm installing a JDM EG-6 Loom and computer Everything apears the same? except those parts that go to the extra sensors the B16a has.

17-05-2004, 06:05 PM
if theres anyone out there who's willing to come to my place and take a look at what I've got here and give me any idea of what can and cant, what should and shouldn't be done would be UNREAL!!! If payments necisary so long as its not to much and you KNOW you'll be able to help me out I obviously wouldn't mind.