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View Full Version : State sues car firms on climate - GM, Toyota, Ford, Honda, Chrysler & Nissan

21-09-2006, 01:51 PM
Taken from BBC news:

The state of California is suing six carmakers for costs associated with their cars' greenhouse gas emissions.

The suit names General Motors, Toyota, Ford, Honda, Chrysler and Nissan.

California is asking for "monetary compensation" for the damage which it says their emissions are doing to health, economy and environment.

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (AAM), a pan-industry body, called it a "nuisance" suit and suggested it may be dismissed.

"Right now, global warming is harming California," runs the state's complaint.

"Human-induced global warming has, among other things, reduced California's snow pack (a vital source of fresh water), caused an earlier melting of the snow pack, raised sea levels along California's coastline, increased ozone pollution in urban areas, [and] increased the threat of wildfires."

State lawyers want any judgement for damages to be ongoing, so that manufacturers will be liable every year.

Guto Hari, the BBC's North American business correspondent, notes that California has taken an aggressive stance on global warming, passing legislation to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2020.

'Time to answer'

The lawsuit, lodged on behalf of the Californian people by state attorney-general Bill Lockyer, alleges that emissions from cars made by the firms in question account for 30% of all carbon dioxide emissions in California.

It is time to hold these companies responsible for their contribution to this crisis
Bill Lockyer
state attorney-general

The complaint alleges that the firms' activities have harmed the state's environmental health, with California having to spend million of dollars responding to environmental threats such as coastal erosion.

Mr Lockyer said he had not put a figure of the level of damages he was seeking but that it was likely to run into "hundreds of millions of dollars".

"Global warming is causing significant harm to California's environment, economy, agriculture and public health," he added.

"The impacts are already costing millions of dollars and the price tag is increasing. It is time to hold these companies responsible for their contribution to this crisis."

'Most significant'

This is the latest in a series of legal and quasi-legal cases in the US aimed at forcing reductions in greenhouse gas emissions

Heritage body 'no' on climate
Contempt case for Shell
Inuit to sue on climate

* An Inuit group is taking the federal government to the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights

* Conservation groups are trying to force the government to protect coral and polar bears from the effects of global warming

* There are ongoing attempts to force the Environmental Protection Agency to define CO2 as a pollutant and regulate emissions

Roda Verheyen of Climate Justice, an international organisation which co-ordinates legal climate cases, said California's suit took action to a new level.

"It is the most significant piece of climate change litigation that has ever been brought," she said.

Car manufacturers have their own case against California pending over laws requiring them to reduce emissions.

The AAM said in a statement: "Automakers will need time to review this legal complaint [by California], however, a similar nuisance suit that was brought by attorneys-general against utilities was dismissed by a federal court in New York."

Link to Article (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5365728.stm)

I was a bit surprised to see Honda in the list, along with Toyota. I mean Honda is actively pursuing hybrid technology, it has most of it's lineup meeting the stringent ULEV standards that California requires and is continually trying to engage in alternative fuels (Honda FCX?). Wonder if this case will be dismissed like the other nuisance suit mentioned in the article.

27-09-2006, 07:35 AM
State of California just wants money. Anyway, they should find that all vehicles sold will comply to Californian emissions requirement that was set by the state, so the court might not be able to punish automakers since they did follow by the rules set by the state.

27-09-2006, 08:09 AM
^^ Exactly.

Stupid fools.

27-09-2006, 09:26 AM
Governer Arnie has had one too many blows to the head lol

They should be targetting the car companies making fat V8 SUV's and trucks (such as the hummer), not efficient cars like honda's and toyota's..

06-10-2006, 11:39 PM
thats the biggest load of bull i've heard in a long time

11-10-2006, 08:01 AM
Good on ya arnie... now drive to work in your fleet of hummers while you try to blame a poor 16 year old kid in his 89 honda civic for all your states problems

this is rediculous... if the state allows the cars to be sold then the public should be suing them if it's affecting them so much

11-10-2006, 08:53 AM
humph! americans and their 'suing everything that moves' style

11-10-2006, 01:25 PM
They should be targetting the car companies making fat V8 SUV's and trucks (such as the hummer)
notice the first brand on the list?

hummer = GM

the list is basically the 6 largest auto sellers in the state

either way, it's rediculous and makes me embarassed to be associated with it.

furthermore, I'm yet to see anything that suggests arnie had much to do with this. Considering his republican ties, I hardly could see him making an attack that could get back to big oil.

11-10-2006, 02:01 PM
California's emission limits have always been the tightest in the world, even before Arnie became governor.

11-10-2006, 02:41 PM
True... the emissions laws here are rediculous

11-10-2006, 02:49 PM
True... the emissions laws here are rediculous
Is it true that the tight emission laws were passed because of the smog due to the high density of vehicles per square mile in California?

11-10-2006, 03:10 PM
Anyone seen Inconvenient Truth?....
I think it helps puts this issue more in perspective.

11-10-2006, 03:18 PM
Is it true that the tight emission laws were passed because of the smog due to the high density of vehicles per square mile in California?
there certainly are areas of higher density that get a lot of smog(Los Angeles and Sacramento in paticular), but I'm not aware of any specific connection between that and there are plenty of other places in the states with the same issue

11-10-2006, 09:47 PM
The Smog in LA is disgusting, but blaming the people who make the cars??... What is sewing them going to solve?

Is this because California is in massive debt?

12-10-2006, 12:13 AM
California and some of the other states are leading the charge against corporations who have signifgantly contributed to climate change.

I think this is motivated by a variety of reasons.

Firstly, because the targeted motor companies haven’t acted in a morally or legally responsible manner in the production and sale of there range of vehicles when they had the means to do so, for example they deliberately avoided producing low emission low fuel consumption vehicles when they had the technology to do so - but chose the opposite. I don’t mean like since 5 years ago but over a longer time period.

Secondly, it seems (like here in Australia) there is a culture of ignorance that pervades the elected Federal Governments ie the Bush administration and Howard Government to acknowledge its existence and to deal with the fallout from the Greenhouse effect – which is massive. This is evident in there reluctance to sign the Kyoto protocol – an agreement that could have existed between industrialised countries to place legal onus to reduce their collective greenhouse gas emissions.

12-10-2006, 12:23 AM

This figure shows the annual fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions, in million metric tons of carbon, for a variety of non-overlapping regions covering the Earth. Data source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center

High Carbon dioxide means high global temperature. Why should we worry about how car companies profits are being affected when our whole habitat is getting fcked up!?!

link for y'all:

12-10-2006, 11:58 AM
well it looks like Arnold is trying to do the right thing......

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER has ditched his beloved $950,000 (GBP500,000) fleet of Hummer cars in a bid to save the environment. The TERMINATOR movie star-turned-California governor is devoted to the sport utility vehicles for their "precision". He was the first person to own one of cars in 1992 after persuading manufacturers to make them for non-army purposes. But Hummers emit three times more carbon dioxide than a regular car - and after the State of California announced it was suing carmakers Toyota, Nissan, Ford, Honda, Chrysler and General Motors over greenhouse gas emissions, ex movie star Schwarzenegger felt it was prudent to make the change. Eco-aware campaigner AL GORE confirms, "Arnie has given up his Hummers."


12-10-2006, 07:26 PM
So whats Arnie driving now, a Prius or Civic Hybrid? :p

14-10-2006, 05:54 PM
Can he even fit into one of those?
I'd like to see him in an Insight.

The graph really puts things in perspective. The line for Eastern Europe is very interesting, seems like they care & are trying to cut down on their Carbon emissions.

14-10-2006, 06:20 PM
The line for Eastern Europe is very interesting, seems like they care & are trying to cut down on their Carbon emissions.
Uhhh.... the economy's crumbling after the fall of the Soviet Union. So there is not much industry going on, hence lower CO2. Also, they are too poor to own cars.

16-10-2006, 12:51 PM
Uhhh.... the economy's crumbling after the fall of the Soviet Union. So there is not much industry going on, hence lower CO2. Also, they are too poor to own cars.

How could I have missed that...:o
I have a one track mind sometimes.:p

17-10-2006, 12:20 AM
the car companys will get sued and huge pay outs will be made.

just like people suing tobacco' companies for causing cancer.

same shit, different smell.

u can pretty much sue anything these days. i can sue your dog for shittin on my lawn. :rolleyes:

Cold Fusion
17-10-2006, 03:34 PM
i bet the people sueing the car factories still drove to and from the court...stupid fools