View Full Version : changing oil filter

29-09-2006, 11:52 AM
can you change an oil filter without draining the oil first?

29-09-2006, 11:53 AM
Drain your oil out first. If you don't, oil will run down from the oil filter mount down the side of your engine. :)

29-09-2006, 12:04 PM
whats the point of that??
u will have shit dirty oil in ur filter!!! the whole purpose of changing oil is to have new clean oil

29-09-2006, 12:06 PM
whats the point of that??
u will have shit dirty oil in ur filter!!! the whole purpose of changing oil is to have new clean oil

Brand new Oil gets "dirty" after a short time anyway , it abosrbs deposits in the engine and oil filter.
you can leave the OEM filter in for the next change.( IE every 10,000 change filter and every 5,000 change oil )

29-09-2006, 12:19 PM
yeah... thats wat i thought.. i did a sump gasket replacement, filled it up with fresh oil and realised i hadn't changed the filter. probably needed it too...

29-09-2006, 12:20 PM
can you change an oil filter without draining the oil first?

lol, try without emptying the oil...

29-09-2006, 12:22 PM
if it was me i wouldnt really bother changing one without the other...
i wouldnt bother trying to change the oil filter without dropping the oil coz u'll just make a mess

Brand new Oil gets "dirty" after a short time anyway , it abosrbs deposits in the engine and oil filter.
you can leave the OEM filter in for the next change.( IE every 10,000 change filter and every 5,000 change oil )

kinda goin offtopic there a lil ben. he's asking about changing the filter without changing the oil, not changing the oil without the filter (as correct as your offtopic example may be ;))

29-09-2006, 12:28 PM
if the car is sitting there would be minimal oil to piss out of the filter mount anyway. It would all be in the sump so its not like its gonna gush, just try and get the filter vertical ASAP and put a pan under the car

29-09-2006, 01:55 PM
ah **** it... i'll just buy another batch of oil and a filter to go with in the next couple of weeks. wats in there at the moment is just some cheap crappy oil that i had left over anyway

29-09-2006, 10:14 PM
you should b able to just unscrew the filter.. and have a small drainer underneath.. any excess oil still in teh filter will just run into the drainer...

if the car has been sitting for a while majority of the oil will b in the sump anyway.

01-10-2006, 08:14 PM
It still can get a little messy getting the oil filter out lol....suggest you drain the oil first and then take the filter out...

also as others as mentioned, you don't have to always change the oil filter each change, but if you organise to change the oil at the same time.

01-10-2006, 08:19 PM
Also remember if you are asking question like this.

make sure the ring on the oilfilter is on the oilfilter still when you take it of and isnt stuck to the engine still. otehrwise it may leak when you put your new one on.

hope that made sense

01-10-2006, 08:28 PM
Also remember if you are asking question like this.

make sure the ring on the oilfilter is on the oilfilter still when you take it of and isnt stuck to the engine still. otehrwise it may leak when you put your new one on.

hope that made sense

:thumbsup: makes sense mate :)

15-10-2006, 10:24 PM
the bulk of the oil in your engine will be in your sump.you can just unscrew the oil filter and (aslong as you dont start the car obviously) the only oil that will spill is the oil in your old oil filter.The remainder of oil wont gush out or anything because the oil needs the help of the pump (which isnt running because the car isnt running) to pass into where the oil filter is.so go for it