View Full Version : My EG4 GLi Is Underpowered

01-10-2006, 02:45 PM
I bought this car like 3 months ago. Back then I didn't pay much attention to the pick-up speed, but now I'm feeling that it's quite slow. For a 1.5, I feel that it's quite underpowered. I don't think an EG is that heavy, but a lot of the times its pick-up is really slow and frustrating. I used to drive a Mitsu 1.3 before and it actually reacted faster.

I'm just wondering if any part has been damaged that may have caused the slowness. Any ideas?

01-10-2006, 02:59 PM
Try servicing your car.

01-10-2006, 03:15 PM
lol if its slower than a 1.3 mitsu then somethings not right. I have same car and it does the job fine, its not fast but it gets to speed very easy.

01-10-2006, 03:31 PM
do u have an air intake??
I have a short ram on my civic, and on hot days pick up is really slow as well.

01-10-2006, 05:51 PM
. I used to drive a Mitsu 1.3 before and it actually reacted faster.

so your gli doesnt have the same throttle response as a 1.3?

well if you have an sri then your throttle response can be slower than the factory air box, cause where as the factory air box has a ready supply of oxygen flowing through at any stage, a sri with a pod will have a vaccum which your engine will need to suck air through providing that slight delay

01-10-2006, 06:19 PM
Try servicing your car.

and also checking timing etc. just look at giving it a general tune up.

cars dont maintain themselves you know ;)

01-10-2006, 06:25 PM
is your clutch worn out?? maybe u losing power cos ur clutch is slippin

btw Jing you dont live in donny area do you?

Bob san
01-10-2006, 10:58 PM
the eg is a little heavier then ur 1.3L mitsubishi. Power to weight ratio is ur answer.

02-10-2006, 12:14 AM
Try the servicing, if not might be time you got a b16, b18 or turbo.

02-10-2006, 12:37 PM
Ek4R: Donny = Doncaster area? Nope. Somewhere around Clayton. :) Tried testing my clutch based on some techniques mentioned in another thread, don't think it's worn. Pretty fast response. Unless I'm not doing it right.

Limbo, Slowegg: Well I did do a general service. Not quite if that's enough? Or is there some sort of different car service lol? I'm like a car noob.

rhk: What's a sri? I do think mine is just the factory air box though. Everything looks pretty stock to me.

kelvin: Doesn't every car has an air intake?

bob_san: Yea, was wondering about that too. Just thought that the 1.5 would've make up for it.

Oh, and I actually have been noticing some oil stain at my exhaust is that normal or is the combustion in the engine isn't that good? Could this be a problem too?

Thanks again.

02-10-2006, 12:58 PM
You need to check your spark plugs, replace fuel filter, replace air filter, engine oil and filter (if you haven't done it) with Honda FEO and check that your brake and clutch fluid is still the correct colour and level.

Changing the fuel filter on older cars works wonders.

02-10-2006, 09:36 PM
Sorry, but what's Honda FEO?

02-10-2006, 09:38 PM
Sorry, but what's Honda FEO?
Feo is Honda motor oil.Fuel Efficient Oil..:)
Made by Caltex though.

02-10-2006, 10:18 PM
yeah my civic feels heaps slow too...
coz my clutch is worn out..
even a f*cking echo took off faster than me.. and picks up speed faster than me.. and as i try to catch up .. the distance between me and the echo widens and widens..

03-10-2006, 01:10 PM
Ek4R: Donny = Doncaster area? Nope. Somewhere around Clayton. :) Tried testing my clutch based on some techniques mentioned in another thread, don't think it's worn. Pretty fast response. Unless I'm not doing it right.

Limbo, Slowegg: Well I did do a general service. Not quite if that's enough? Or is there some sort of different car service lol? I'm like a car noob.

rhk: What's a sri? I do think mine is just the factory air box though. Everything looks pretty stock to me.

kelvin: Doesn't every car has an air intake?

bob_san: Yea, was wondering about that too. Just thought that the 1.5 would've make up for it.

Oh, and I actually have been noticing some oil stain at my exhaust is that normal or is the combustion in the engine isn't that good? Could this be a problem too?

Thanks again.

Sorry i mean a short ram air intake.