View Full Version : coolant reservoir cap queries

02-10-2006, 03:21 AM
on extended high rpm runs when the car is running fairly hot i find that i have coolant marks (white spots) all on the reservoir side of the engine bay.

I think the culprit is the actual cap of the reservoir...just a question, is this cap meant to be on tight because when closed i find there is a little slack (ie its a bit loose, so under pressure/hard bumps it could easily spit some coolant out of the reservoir...

so yer...
1) is it meant to be tight fitting?
2) if it is, and my cap/reservoir is crapped up, where can i grab a replacement?

[[d a n n y]]
02-10-2006, 04:00 AM
my gf's car had this problem..
i used to find the water very low and white stuff all over the radiator
i ran the car with the bonnet open and found out that the cap was damaged and was letting water out
the rad cap is suppose to be a tight fitment..

02-10-2006, 08:26 AM
Yes, it should be tight and the hose to the radiator should have clamps on both ends. If it is loose try a new cap. If that doesn't work try a new reservoir. It make not be the only thing leaking too. Try cleaning it all off and running the car to find the leaks.

04-10-2006, 11:55 AM
sometimes tightening the clamps wont do enough. you should go to autobarn and buy silastic (soft silicone sealant) and take the hose off, apply just a tiny bit inside the hoses and then put them back on to seal it, i had this problem with my civic, kept losing coolant and found white spots everywhere, and found out it was leaking from the overflow tank cap.

05-10-2006, 01:54 PM
nah the fitment of the hoses to the cap was fine...

it was the actual cap not screwing on tightly to the reservoir

i've done a dodgy for now and used a rubberband on the thread...fits very tight now...i'll get it replaced next service i think

05-10-2006, 01:59 PM
i got the same problem.. you turn it to lock in but it turns a bit backwards so its not fully on tight but it seems to still do the trick for me

05-10-2006, 03:14 PM
Better to have it tight on, however the cap does not have to be water tight as it needs to release air as the water heats and expands and fills the reservior, theres usually a hole associated for that purpose.

With the splash marks, are you sure you have not over filled with coolant? Just be sure that when the motor is COLD the reservior is only filled to the full mark indicated on its side. If this is over the full mark when the engine warms up the water will expand and overflow your reservior. On-comming wind when driving will splash it around the engine bay.

08-10-2006, 03:09 AM
no it was not overfilled...

using rubber band to tighten cap, i've had no problems whatsoever even after giving the engine a fair workout