View Full Version : Car Loan & Insurance???

14-10-2006, 05:39 PM
Where's the best place to get a car loan?
RACV or the banks?

RACV seems to kick the banks' ass when it comes to loans but I heard RACV isn't that good? Does anyone know?

Oh and about car insurance....

AAMI? RACV or Just Cars? lol

thanks ^_^ :wave: :D

15-10-2006, 11:41 AM
Work out the amount of interest u'll be paying when the company's are compared . I guess go with the one with the lowest interest rate once u've worked it all out and see which compnay suits ur needs at a good going rate.

As i stated in ur other thread. Best way to find out is to ring around . :)

Lesson #1: Don't be lazy

15-10-2006, 12:45 PM
another thing to look for when choosing a lender is if there are any costs/charges for paying out early, have a look at teh fine print of the contract to see if it mentiones any thing like this (may be called break costs), these fees can amount to quite abit depending on when you pay/if you pay out the loan early.
some lenders dont charge at all for this.

15-10-2006, 12:50 PM
i've already done my research .... just after everyone else's experiences with these companies and their opinion.

yeah racv's got the best rates but i heard they're not that great... for car loan.

and as for insurance, i heard aami's copped a lot of complaints.

ugh, dnno which one to choose...

15-10-2006, 10:05 PM
looking at the insurance side of things....i just got my '92 civic hatch insured and after ringing around the major suppliers Just Cars seemed the best choice.
they are giving me fully comprehensive with a yearly premium of $1300. Its still a fair bit for a stock civic but some of the other companies (NRMA and RACQ) were insane,they both wanted near $2000.Also Just Cars will allow any (yes any) mods as long as they are legal (that's what they told me...sounded too good to be true so someone might want to confirm that)...I've only had the car for a few weeks so im looking to mod it hence the 'any mods you want' from Just Cars was a deal sealer for me.