View Full Version : Does changing Immoboliser means changing the Keys too?

30-10-2006, 09:30 PM
hey man, my immoboliser stuffed up, and i need to replace it.

my central locking also doesnt work n e more bcoz the immonboliser is disconnected...

i always thought my immoboliser was stock, but just found out its aftermarket immoboliser, which means its been changed b4.. =(

and also my remote control doesnt say HONDA on it... so i should of known its aftermarket !!!!

NOW... in my HONDA manual, it says i should have 2 keys, and also a 3rd key which is a "Learning Key" which is used to code the other 2 keys..
BUT.. i DO NOT have that "learning key"... do n e of you guys have that key?

n e wayz im confused whether i need to get new keys, coz i hafto change my immoboliser..... and also do i need a new remote control?, and bcoz im getting an aftermarket immoboliser,, does that mean my keys need to be rechipped with another chip? sigh.. being a noob sux eh..

thanks in advance for any advice

[[d a n n y]]
30-10-2006, 09:35 PM
pretty sure they got a micro chip inside your key
they'll most likely be changine that

30-10-2006, 09:37 PM
if u got aftermarket immobiliser...
.. ur honda keys whre u say theres a 2nd and 3rd key are useless u'd thinmk?

mayb find the manufacturer of ur aftermarket immobiliser to see if replacemnt keys available/duplicate.

30-10-2006, 09:39 PM
the "learning key" I'm assuming your referring to is the red key that you get with any of the honda cars that come with the factory immobiliser on most cars post 96.

E.g. my 95 vtir teg doesn't come with immobiliser from Honda. They came out 96 onwards, but our EK4 civic does. It has a small chip that sits inside the black honda key, and when you plug it in the ignition, the honda immobiliser picks up the signal from the chip, and you can start the car. If there is a problem with the factory immobiliser you will see a symbol flash up on your dash.

Check your manual to see if your model comes with a standard factory immobiliser...

anyway if you're talking about an aftermarket immobiliser no, you won't need to re-program your honda key. You may need a new remote - or something that reads the immobiliser. I've got this little black thing about 2 cms long that I dangle on my keys, that talks to my immobiliser.

Hope that helps :)

30-10-2006, 09:55 PM
yeh my Car is 98 civic.. and it comes with a factory immoboliser,

i am STILL using the 2 factory HONDA keys, although the previous owner must of changed the immoboliser.

and it does not look like u can open the keys... there is no screws.. or disassemble lines on the key....

so if i get a new OEM immobliser from HONDA themselves,, or an aftermarket one from elsewhere... i still use the same microchip in my existing 2 honda keys? (Spunkymonkey says no, mrwills and danny says yes... me confused)

and yeah i dont have that Red Key.. the previous owner didnt pass it on to me.. but the manual says "Since you cannot code the keys by yourself, please contact your Honda dealer." So im guessing i dont realli need the red key, im sure the HONDA guys would have a red key to code it for me n e wayz.. right or wrong?


30-10-2006, 09:59 PM
yeh my Car is 98 civic.. and it comes with a factory immoboliser,

i am STILL using the 2 factory HONDA keys, although the previous owner must of changed the immoboliser.

and it does not look like u can open the keys... there is no screws.. or disassemble lines on the key....

so if i get a new OEM immobliser from HONDA themselves,, or an aftermarket one from elsewhere... i still use the same microchip in my existing 2 honda keys? (Spunkymonkey says no, mrwills and danny says yes... me confused)

and yeah i dont have that Red Key.. the previous owner didnt pass it on to me.. but the manual says "Since you cannot code the keys by yourself, please contact your Honda dealer." So im guessing i dont realli need the red key, im sure the HONDA guys would have a red key to code it for me n e wayz.. right or wrong?


I was saying no if it doesn't have a honda immobiliser :p

It's best just to speak to your local honda or an alarm installer to see what was actually installed in your car.

Well when we got our civic key coded they told us to bring the red key lol...

here's a question for you....is the honda immobilser and the aftermarket one working together? or is one of them totally disabled?

30-10-2006, 10:02 PM
fark looks like i need to get a new red key somehow from honda dealer...


i think they took the honda immoboliser out, and put in an aftermarket immoboliser instead.

30-10-2006, 10:06 PM
fark looks like i need to get a new red key somehow from honda dealer...


i think they took the honda immoboliser out, and put in an aftermarket immoboliser instead.

If they took the honda immobiliser out, then you shouldn't need the honda keys reprogrammed to put a new immobiliser in unless your getting a new honda immobiliser installed? If your getting a new honda immobiliser installed I'm sure honda can help you out.

Sorry but trying to get to the bottom of the problem.

If its an aftermarket immobiliser, you should be able to get any alarm installer to rip it out, and put a new one in (depending on how many points) you want...

I had a brant immobiliser installed years ago for insurance...3 points... you have a flashing red light on top of the steering column...and I have a little black thing on my keys that it picks up the signal from...if it can't find the black thing then it won't start....

30-10-2006, 11:14 PM
what are "points"?

and so if a thieve disconnects ure immoboliser.. then he/she can start up your car regardless of whether they have the key (black thing) etc.. ?

30-10-2006, 11:31 PM
n e wayz im confused whether i need to get new keys, coz i hafto change my immoboliser..... and also do i need a new remote control?, and bcoz im getting an aftermarket immoboliser,, does that mean my keys need to be rechipped with another chip? sigh.. being a noob sux eh..

thanks in advance for any advice

if your talkin about alarm immoboliser

im sure u can still use ur normal key BUT... you will have a different remote control

if u where to go make another key then you will need the red key
then u would have no choice but to go to honda have dem put in a new immoboliser and a red key

that way they can reprogram new keys.... i got quoted 400 or something if i remeber correctly

so dont lose ur keys :D

correct me if im rong... bao

31-10-2006, 10:03 AM
what are "points"?

and so if a thieve disconnects ure immoboliser.. then he/she can start up your car regardless of whether they have the key (black thing) etc.. ?

Points - are just different the what the call the different types of ways to immobilise your car - e.g through your starter, fuel.

it depends on your immobiliser in regards to your second question.

I think you just need to get someone to have a look at the car for you. :)

31-10-2006, 10:32 AM
the original honda unit you can buy, comes with a red key, black key, the immobilser unit, i think that's about it.
it's 200 and somethign from what i remember.

31-10-2006, 12:18 PM
i got quoted a ridiculous 600
fock that lol
i jus got a copy elsewhere and i didnt haf a red key nor did i haf to change my immobiliser

31-10-2006, 12:26 PM
your qoute was jipped.

31-10-2006, 12:40 PM
You don't have to get a new key if you're getting a new alarm/immobiliser.
When i got my car (99 ek1), all i got was a single black key. First thing I did was get an alarm/immobiliser fitted (along with a deck... lol) and i'm still using the original key but i just have an extra remote.

I got an extra key cut and coded from the black one and it cost less than $100 and it works fine so there isn't a real need to get a red key. I tried starting the car with a key which doesn't have the immobiliser chip in it and the car won't start, so by the looks of it i've still got the honda immobiliser with the aftermarket one running as well.