View Full Version : Driving a DC5R?

Big Tav
02-11-2006, 09:34 PM
Hi guys, what is a Type R like to drive. I want to get something that is nice and sporty to drive but still has balls. It isn't a real slug around town is it? I had a manual FTO GPX and it was pretty useless unless you were really revving the guts out of it and even then there wasn't much to rave about. It felt more like 100kw than 150kw. Is there any power to it just of the lights without dumping the clutch to get it in the power band so to speak? Thanks!

02-11-2006, 09:36 PM
it'll shit on a fto gpx

02-11-2006, 09:40 PM
best advice anyone could give you is to go out and test drive one.

02-11-2006, 10:21 PM
get one.

best bet would be to take on for a test drive, be warned, once you'll do this, you'll become weak at the knee's and hand over what ever money they want.

there is still torque down low before the 5.5k Vtec. and even then, its still fun to drive around. around town they are also very easy to drive around.... they just have the extra oommph. I have let a few of my firends drive it, and they all love it, saying that the clutch is very nice.

oh... honda also did wonders with the steering. the car does come with power steering, but it is very..... "weak/heavy", this adds to the "sports car" feel the car has. it might sound weird, but once you get in it, it truly does feel like a gokart.

i have had mine since april, and i was guessing that i would have spent some more on something by this time.... the car is still as i bought it (lowered springs)...... and i still LOVE it.

man, test drive, and you'll be hooked.

02-11-2006, 10:22 PM
Having owned a DC5R I find them slow in the low rev range however after 4000 or so rpm it really starts to open up and IMO where all the power is. For city driving I would love for it to have abit more torque and power down low however it was still an awesome car and the K20A is just beautiful when revved!

02-11-2006, 10:24 PM
Having owned a DC5R I find them slow in the low rev range however after 4000 or so rpm it really starts to open up and IMO where all the power is. For city driving I would love for it to have abit more torque and power down low however it was still an awesome car and the K20A is just beautiful when revved!

i "hear" hondata fixes this right up... and is well worth it.

Big Tav
02-11-2006, 10:58 PM
THE guy at the shop said Ihad to be ready to buy it now before I could drive it. I said how will I know if it's what I want until I drive it but he wasn't really that keen.

He said you can get the ecu flashed or something to move the rev change too enhance the power. Is this true and does it need it?

02-11-2006, 11:01 PM
they dont have much below ~3500rpm but as other's have said over that its pretty quick, not goona hold you back in your seat but you'll be surprised how fast your going.
the k20 does respond to mods very tho to make it quicker, have a read through this link to get some ideas.

02-11-2006, 11:06 PM
Yeap its definitely a fun car to drive thats for sure!!! I couldn't agree more on the heavy steering, I loved it, gave you a more racing feeling and I reckon more control of your car compared to light ones in other sports car.

02-11-2006, 11:07 PM
He said you can get the ecu flashed or something to move the rev change too enhance the power. Is this true and does it need it?

there are option for this, mainly Hondata. however not all DC5R's have an ecu which can be modified. see here for more info


02-11-2006, 11:26 PM
get a type s man ;) more luxury and suited for daily driving.

02-11-2006, 11:57 PM
S ftw hahahah

[RSX 03]
03-11-2006, 02:03 AM
S looks hot when dropped hard, i should of got a S but all the Honda Dealers didn't have them in stock, couldn't be ****ed waiting 3 months so i just bought the DC5R & im loving it yo!

03-11-2006, 05:04 AM
THE guy at the shop said Ihad to be ready to buy it now before I could drive it. I said how will I know if it's what I want until I drive it but he wasn't really that keen.

He said you can get the ecu flashed or something to move the rev change too enhance the power. Is this true and does it need it?

What an idiot....tell him that's why people have test drives. Hate people like that.

03-11-2006, 09:22 AM
its a fun car to drive.... main thing to worry about is that if ur giving it a bit around a corner or launching it... make sure u hold onto the steering wheel, it tends to oversteer and torque steer a lot... but just remember, if ur goin for outright HP, then go for a nissan, not a DC5R... also, another good thing about the car is that it has heaps of space after u fold the back seats down, if u use or imagination, you will get what im tryin to hint at :thumbsup:

03-11-2006, 09:31 AM
THE guy at the shop said Ihad to be ready to buy it now before I could drive it. I said how will I know if it's what I want until I drive it but he wasn't really that keen.

He said you can get the ecu flashed or something to move the rev change too enhance the power. Is this true and does it need it?

smash the n00b car salezman

04-11-2006, 06:49 PM
Tav, if u want something with balls, dont get a honda.

The FTO was Mitsu's answer to the DC2R. And SOME ppl here say DC2R>DC5R
therefore i can only come to the conclusion that a DC5R would be marginally better OR marginally worse than your FTO. In other words, not much difrence.

These NA 4CYL dont have any balls unless there being revved of their **** (heres the problem with the s2000).

So in my honest opinion, get something with +2 more cylinders or with a turbo, in other words... get a nissan :)

04-11-2006, 07:23 PM
a good driver is all it takes to make a honda fast. learning how to keep in the high rpm is the key, dont be afraid to rev it through into the reds and something like the KPRO on sale now in the for sales would be the best investment if u wanted more torque ect.
a good tune and itll be a new car with some basic bolt ons.

u ask how they are to drive? i assure u, in the twisties is when its in its element, when u take it for a spin dont just rev out first gear and go wooa nice, feel how the car is around turns and ull soon experiance "take the corner fast syndrome"

04-11-2006, 07:26 PM
Someone will always have a faster car than you. Buy something you like and don't listen to anyone else; But make sure you drive plenty of options before you make up your mind.

Nissan this nissan that, don't you want something a little less commonplace than the same old silvia/skyline? DC5/2R is definately a step outside the box, but there are plenty more options...

04-11-2006, 11:47 PM
true about the comment aimre said about if you want something with low down power, don't get a honda... but to tell you the truth... nissan would be one of the last options on my list.... i'd either be getting a Mitsu Evo or even a Audi 1.8 turbo. i looked into a getting a Audi A3 1.8t before the teg. only mod it has was a chip. so it had around 150kw (on par with the DC5r) but had 330NM of torque. compared to the tegs 190... thats a lot more... and considering it kicks in at around 1800 RPM.... it sure has hell was fun to drive.

the Audi was cheaper by a few grand, i use to be a VW/Audi nut, had a mechanic that would sort out ANY problems i had and would be able to fix it for me cheaper....... yet i still went the DC5r, just cause at the end of the day, it is a better car.

P.S. i have also driven my friends 180, has a few bits and bobs on it... and to tell you the truth, i didn't find it to special.... oh and FTO's have got nothing on tegs... i have proof ;)

Big Tav
05-11-2006, 09:43 AM
Don't worry mate, I won't be buying any Nissan...unless it's a 350Z :)

05-11-2006, 04:56 PM
Perfect,, its settled, a 350z track edition (mmm brembos)
infact there a 2003 track really chaep on carsales

Don't worry mate, I won't be buying any Nissan...unless it's a 350Z :)

05-11-2006, 07:30 PM
If you want usable torque for everyday without having to rev the **** out of it, don't buy a Honda, but if you want a car that gives you pleasure through the twisites, then the Honda is the go, and I might also add, if you want quality, then go the Honda. The theory of instant torque in any rpm is the weakness of all Hondas, whether it be the civic or the nsx.

06-11-2006, 05:53 AM
Test drive them,both Dc2R and Dc5R
If they can't satify u and u don't have enought budget
go for a wrx maybe a better choice for u

Big Tav
06-11-2006, 10:10 AM
I don't like the DC2 at all. It just looks like an old car to me. I know that will upset a few on here but it's true. The DC5 looks current. My budget will be 30-40k. (but I won't pay that for one and I'm not only considering a DC5)

06-11-2006, 10:58 AM
a DC5R can be driven better and faster than skylines/sylivas/wrx

ppl think hondaz are so much slower than all those turbo spamers because too many people are pussy traffic light spammers that want to get to 80 in 3 seconds

i got a gli civic, and i think it has enuf torque for daily driving, and even for a d17, it moves wen u maintain the rpmz in the 4000-7000 range

and u have a DC5R...stock 150kw....u can make that 160kw atw and tons more torque with some modding and i garantee u that it will give alot of turbo cars a run and even beat them.....

to say that 4cyl dont have balls unless u rev the shit out of them is complete shit

too many ppl have this stupid idea of looking at a cars numbers
how much power?
how much torque?
0-100 times?
1/4 times?

these numbers arent a good way to compare cars......like wat u did wen u compared the audi to the dc5r

tell that sales man to go kill himself, and go and try it out, then try out an r33, then try a wrx, try an evo and try the audi

then make ur choice, but dont listen to all the crap that comes from here about 4cyl and hondaz having no guts....if u want a dyno whore, go for a nissan, if u want a sports car for the road, get the DC5R, IMHO....go and try them all and make ur choice

just coz the evo is famous, it doesnt mean u will love it.....u may even end up enjoying the drive of the DC5R more than any other car ive suggested for u to see

most of the ppl here are mearly giving u their opinions, NOT FIRST hand experience, and thats including myself, but im not making massive statements

06-11-2006, 11:16 AM
^ Yes DC5R's are great, but with the quote, 'you can modify the Honda to have heaps of torque' to me is very questionable, because you can modify other cars out there that will make twice as much torque with a lot less money.
Now torque for a daily driver is pretty important. If you don't have torque, your car will struggle with passangers, can't tow as much, struggle on long uphills and not just that but the ability to make gaps in traffic safely which will not be possible with cars without good torque range, or without instant delivery of torque. With cars with torque, you can look at a gap and you will already be in that gap, but with Honda's, you would probably have to drop a gear or two to get the same response. I have driven a few cars with a fair amount of torque and it is just a much easier car to drive with expecially for a daily driver. Let's face it, the Type R's were never designed to be a good road car, it was a purpose built car for the track, so of cause they are things which are compremised.

Just go for a test drive, 30-40k range offers some very good cars, just depends on what your priorities are.

06-11-2006, 12:28 PM
DC5R's aren't your choice if you are after a torquey engine - stick with the turbocharged models if that appeals to you.

06-11-2006, 01:17 PM
if u care about handling then why the *** are u going for a FWD??? its like going to a whorehouse looking for a wife...
i've driven a DC2R and its a disgusting drive...

06-11-2006, 01:44 PM
if u care about handling then why the *** are u going for a FWD??? its like going to a whorehouse looking for a wife...
i've driven a DC2R and its a disgusting drive...

thats one opinion

i think my gli civic handles 10000000x better than my mumz POS xr6 fat slut RWD

06-11-2006, 05:33 PM
evo 6.5 makinen ftw! :D

hondas are definately fun to drive but theres only so much u can do with an n/a 4cyl fwd... its much easier/cheaper to get more power out of the turbo cars, even if its not a nissan...

06-11-2006, 05:49 PM
i wouldnt get one if i was u.
they arent that quick for the money u pay, YES u do have to rev them, and yes they dooo respond to mods but not as good as people think after all they are NA.
test drive one for urself to find out for urself but from wat u stated i think this isnt the car for u

06-11-2006, 06:10 PM
i wouldnt get one if i was u.
they arent that quick for the money u pay, YES u do have to rev them, and yes they dooo respond to mods but not as good as people think after all they are NA.
test drive one for urself to find out for urself but from wat u stated i think this isnt the car for u

y did u get a DC2R?

for the same price u could have got an r33series 1 and put 3k of mods and mustered an easy 180kw atw....13second car np

06-11-2006, 06:24 PM

a 350z Track edition


30-01-2007, 03:05 PM
if u care about handling then why the *** are u going for a FWD??? its like going to a whorehouse looking for a wife...
i've driven a DC2R and its a disgusting drive...

Talk about ressurecting an old thread!
Just came accross this and couldn't let it go through to the keeper. No way.

An excerpt from Evo Magazine, September 2006. The article was a comparison on what this English magazine considered were the 6 best handling FWD cars of all time.

It’s a car as sweet and all-consuming as any I’ve experienced at any price, and as pure and focused in its own way as any Porsche RS. Forget the accolade of greatest front-wheel-drive car. The Integra Type-R ranks as one of the truly great drivers’ cars of any kind.” Richard Meaden.

Perhaps mj3610 is more concerned with "posing" in his car, rather than being concerned with how a car actually handles. At the risk of being prejudiced, perhaps he may not know what "handling" really is. But that is for another topic.:)

30-01-2007, 10:24 PM
Perhaps mj3610 is more concerned with "posing" in his car, rather than being concerned with how a car actually handles. At the risk of being prejudiced, perhaps he may not know what "handling" really is. But that is for another topic.:)

if i've driven the car, and thought it was a disgusting drive then what does that have to do with me wanting to "pose" in my car? whats that got to do with anything?

31-01-2007, 02:37 PM
I don't mean to be insulting mj3610, but if you think a Type-R is a "disgusting drive", perhaps the most you would know about "handling" would be driving your car around, just to pose.

Maybe if you explain WHY you found the Type-R you drove was a "disgusting drive" I could give more value to your comments. If it didn't suit your driving style, that's ok, can't please everyone. But I'm intrigued as to why you think it was a "disgusting drive"?

31-01-2007, 03:55 PM
I don't mean to be insulting mj3610, but if you think a Type-R is a "disgusting drive", perhaps the most you would know about "handling" would be driving your car around, just to pose.

Maybe if you explain WHY you found the Type-R you drove was a "disgusting drive" I could give more value to your comments. If it didn't suit your driving style, that's ok, can't please everyone. But I'm intrigued as to why you think it was a "disgusting drive"?

it didnt suit my driving style, i've always found FWDs to be a pain in da ass to drive. whether ur so called "posing" or whether ur taking it around a track. i found it disgusting because they hardly achieve their purpose, they dont deliver any performance or handling, they're not at all practical, and they're overpriced, but dont listen to me, look at their sales figures and try to figure it out urself...
if you dont agree with what i've said about the car then your expectations from a car is clearly very low.

31-01-2007, 04:55 PM
it didnt suit my driving style, i've always found FWDs to be a pain in da ass to drive. whether ur so called "posing" or whether ur taking it around a track. i found it disgusting because they hardly achieve their purpose, they dont deliver any performance or handling, they're not at all practical, and they're overpriced, but dont listen to me, look at their sales figures and try to figure it out urself...
if you dont agree with what i've said about the car then your expectations from a car is clearly very low.

My weekend car is a '98 NSX, my plaything is an EF Civic which holds the lap record for Improved Production cars at Barbagallo Raceway. I have multiple Class State Championships from 18 years of circiut racing.

Yes it's obvious, my expectations from a car must be VERY low! ;)

31-01-2007, 04:58 PM
it didnt suit my driving style, i've always found FWDs to be a pain in da ass to drive. whether ur so called "posing" or whether ur taking it around a track. i found it disgusting because they hardly achieve their purpose, they dont deliver any performance or handling, they're not at all practical, and they're overpriced, but dont listen to me, look at their sales figures and try to figure it out urself...
if you dont agree with what i've said about the car then your expectations from a car is clearly very low.

sales figures? what sales figures are you talking about? fwd, honda what??
and i must say since when did they (fwd and dc2r, dc5r) not deliver any performance or handling.
and just by looking at the sales figures is goes to show that they are held in higher regard then say a 200sx 180sx and such skylines (average rate of r32gtr $23000 loss of 40g, average of dc2r $22000 loss of 18g) as you find hondas hold a much better of value over a longer period of time.. cough cough for what they are.
and on performance so what about straight line, most real honda people know how to drive and thus are not interested in holding a steering wheel dead straight for 5-7 seconds it takes to get from 0-XXXks but like to turn it from side to side. And it is well known that dc2s dc5s and other perfomance hondas easily hold there own and more against your sock nissans wrxs and shit on the track.

BTW EF8+EF9+EG6+EK4+EK9+DC2R+DC5R+AP1=|-|()|\|[)/-\FTW

01-02-2007, 11:15 AM
and on performance so what about straight line, most real honda people know how to drive and thus are not interested in holding a steering wheel dead straight for 5-7 seconds it takes to get from 0-XXXks but like to turn it from side to side. And it is well known that dc2s dc5s and other perfomance hondas easily hold there own and more against your sock nissans wrxs and shit on the track.

a real genius you are, u seem to amaze me EVERYTIME...

01-02-2007, 12:34 PM
i found it disgusting because they hardly achieve their purpose, they dont deliver any performance or handling, they're not at all practical

I understand that everyone has their preference FWD, RWD, or AWD. Your choice is your choice. I agree that RWD is a better platform upon which to build a sports car, but just because something isn't RWD doesn't mean it can't be an ok car.

Correct me if I'm wrong (which I am most of the time), but I thought car makers produced FWD cars because they were more efficient to produce. By efficient I mean greater interior space, fewer components used; therefore lighter, cheaper, and better drivetrain efficiency.

Of course, FWD has its disadvantages which we all know. So when you say disgusting I assume you mean torque steer, poor turning circles, and center of gravity at front of vechical.

"Performance" means different things to different people. For some it may be a 0-100kph or 0-400m time, for others it may be a track time, or for some it may be the ability to do nice donuts or burnouts. a stock DC2R can put in a decent track time and be compeditive against a stock s15 and stock wrx. What is an integra type R's purpose? I think most would say that it is to perform alright around a track rather than in a straight line drag. If it does do well around a track does that mean it hardly achieves it's purpose?

Practicality? Again, different people will define it differently. I define it as how easy it is to live with. My integra has a much bigger boot than my friends s15 so i can easily put luggage in if i want to go to the airport. My car also has more room for rear passengers if i need to give people a lift. It's common knowledge that an integras low/mid range torque is much lower compared to an S15. But so called practical cars (eg mum's shopping car) may have even less low/mid torque. doesn't make them less practical.

Lets try not to make this another RWD vs FWD slug match, but keep it on topic of driving a DC5R.

01-02-2007, 04:14 PM
LOL @ not practical. As if that is determined by whether a car is FWD, RWD or AWD. It depends on the cabin design. Anyway, mj3610 can say that FWD sucks ass if he wants to, as it is his opinion. Everyone has a different opinion on things.

02-02-2007, 08:39 AM
LOL @ not practical. As if that is determined by whether a car is FWD, RWD or AWD.
who said its not practical because its fwd??? its a 2dr coupe and i cant say much about cabin space :rolleyes:
and how doesnt drive terrain contribute to a car's practicallity? i guess awd is for nothing :rolleyes:.
but thats not the case here, this car is for city driving and drive terrain doesnt really mean much in terms of practicality, and the original post doesnt mention practicality, he mentions power and handling, which a WRX for example beats the DC5R handsdown in both areas, and they're pretty much in the same price range, thats just one car u'd be crazy not buying over the DC5R.
you should know better arrong, i dont have to explain to you like im explaining to a 12 year old kid...

02-02-2007, 09:14 AM
i found it disgusting because they hardly achieve their purpose, they dont deliver any performance or handling

lol, thats a very bold claim there, that they dont offer ANY handling:zip: Id love to know what you define as "it lacks any handling? Do you feel it lacks in achieving good cornering Gs?, did you find you couldnt come into corners faster?, did you find you couldnt get quicker corner exit speeds, stupid amounts of body roll?, no lateral stability? poor understeer/oversteer ballance? etc. etc.
Define where you found it to underperform in your expectations of a good handling sports car. You cant make a claims like that, which go against so many opionions of professional car test drivers, without actually saying in what way you find it underperforms.

02-02-2007, 09:27 AM
how doesnt drive terrain contribute to a car's practicallity? i guess awd is for nothing :rolleyes:.

AWD provides better longitudinal acceleration capabilitys, slightly better braking ballance (over fwd) through better weight distribution, and you could also argue better cornering understeer/oversteer ballence during power on corner exit, how does this contribute to practicality?:confused:

02-02-2007, 12:01 PM
who said its not practical because its fwd??? its a 2dr coupe and i cant say much about cabin space :rolleyes:
and how doesnt drive terrain contribute to a car's practicallity? i guess awd is for nothing :rolleyes:.
but thats not the case here, this car is for city driving and drive terrain doesnt really mean much in terms of practicality, and the original post doesnt mention practicality, he mentions power and handling, which a WRX for example beats the DC5R handsdown in both areas, and they're pretty much in the same price range, thats just one car u'd be crazy not buying over the DC5R.
you should know better arrong, i dont have to explain to you like im explaining to a 12 year old kid...
Hey, you're the one who mentioned practicality. I'm only replying to your posts, not the thread starter's.

It's has the same practicality as other 2DR coupes. Same as an S15, but with a bigger boot. Slightly less rear seating space but a larger boot than an IS250.

Show me how AWD and RWD is more practical than FWD. And if you equate practicality with performance/handling, then I won't even waste my time trying to explain the difference between the two as my time would be better spent trying to explain other things to a 12 year old kid.

And there is a reason to get the DC5R over a WRX. Lower running costs and maintenance.

02-02-2007, 12:43 PM
each to their own i say, fwd are more efficient as wheels and engine move the same way and less is power is lost through sending the power down to your rear wheels. more power is lost in a awd i believe.

if u just wanted speed and handling then yeh you would go the wrx, but if you want something alittle different, abit more luxurious and rev happy then you would get the teg. each has merits the other doesnt

everyone has their own opinion test drive the car and buy it cos you like it, not the guy next to you. all cars have +ves and -ves, you just have to find the one with the right mix and price tag u want.

02-02-2007, 12:59 PM
drive terrain does contribute towards practicality, awd can be driven in snow, might not be important here i aus, but overseas it makes a big difference and makes the car VERY practical. it wont matter here but u cant say drive terrain has nothing to do with practicality like arrong has said...

regarding the specifics i found appauling on the car as muzz said, yes i found u cant pull Gs on the corners, a little bit of understeer is good on a car but the unsafe amount of understeer it had just worried me. the braking balance was terrible and the wheels almost locked and i nearly went into the gutter when i tried to go around a corner, i felt the dc5r could do better with improved braking balance. everything else seemed not bad but what also worried me (and this goes for all fwds) is when u put your foot down and the steering wheel has a mind of its own, it controls the car AND you, i usually gotta worry about squeezing the steering wheel and keeping it under control AND watching the road when im changing lanes or coming onto a road at high revs. the car is steered AND powered all by 2 little wheels...
i had no problem with the engine tho i thought it pumped out good juice for a 2L na engine.
regarding the interior, when my mate had his for a couple of months it all seemed alright cause i always sat at the front or sometimes when i was driving, but one day i had to sit at the back with 2 other friends and thats when it all went wrong, i had to squeeeze myself in the back from the front door and it didnt end there, there wasnt much leg room at the back, even worst was the headspace, i felt like i was cramped into a cave, my eg civic had more room at the back than his car, it was DISGUSTING.

finally, all this put together i dont see how the integra is worth 40g, not when compared to a 4dr 4wd WRX with 168kw of power and 300nm of torque, the most disgusting bit is both cars were 42g.

regarding the original post:
have a look at this, its just ONE example of a better deal than the dc5r, but if u have a "love for honda" or ur a "vtec yo" nutcase like some of the spastics on this site then by all means go buy one...
only downside is the 5spd gearbox.

02-02-2007, 03:37 PM
but thats not the case here, this car is for city driving and drive terrain doesnt really mean much in terms of practicality, and the original post doesnt mention practicality, he mentions power and handling, which a WRX for example beats the DC5R handsdown in both areas, and they're pretty much in the same price range, thats just one car u'd be crazy not buying over the DC5R.

wrx beats dc5r hands down in power and "HANDLING" ROFL power i understand and only just but handling????? lol wrx understeers shit loads more then a dc5r, and also i read you were having problems with power down torque steer!! learn to use the correct steering angles. Shit learn that not all cars can be driven in the same manner you can easily make a fwd turn in without understeer if you know how to use the brakes rights or balance the car

02-02-2007, 03:50 PM
exactly, the difference between driving a fwd well and a rwd is huge. Its totally different. To many people praise the wrx as having amazing handling, dont get me wrong, it is good, but its nothing like people praise it to be.
In the suspension geometry department it really isnt that crash hot, the benifit comes alone from the 4wd drivetrain, and the fact that it can handle big power better, not because it can pull higher cornering Gs at a constant speed.

IMO the dc5r is a better handling car for a fwd, than the wrx is for a rwd.

i can absolutly fry my friend in his subaru RS through twisties, which uses the same geometry and 4wd drivetrain as the wrx, in my 6th gen civic. Both cars have similar power, and hes not a shit driver at all.

02-02-2007, 04:21 PM
IMO the dc5r is a better handling car for a fwd, than the wrx is for a rwd.

the dc5r is a better handling car for a fwd, than the wrx is for a 4wd.

yes that might be true if you compare the 4wd wrx to a GTR or a bugatti veyron...
but you still cant say the wrx is not a better car than the dc5r, even regardless of the fact that they both cost exactly the same...
at the end of the day if u get a experienced professional driver to race both cars, the results wont be a surprise...

02-02-2007, 04:25 PM
hey dude.....sounds like u really honda's...
u hate honda's yet your reading and posting on a honda forum?
meh do wateva....doesn't bother me

02-02-2007, 05:26 PM
hey dude.....sounds like u really honda's...
u hate honda's yet your reading and posting on a honda forum?
meh do wateva....doesn't bother me

its a learning experience, you look at what the losers in society do and u learn not to do the same.
dont get me wrong tho, some of the people here are ok...

02-02-2007, 06:08 PM
the dc5r is a better handling car for a fwd, than the wrx is for a 4wd.

yes that might be true if you compare the 4wd wrx to a GTR or a bugatti veyron...
but you still cant say the wrx is not a better car than the dc5r, even regardless of the fact that they both cost exactly the same...
at the end of the day if u get a experienced professional driver to race both cars, the results wont be a surprise...

i can say the honda is better. more reliable cheaper to run and maintain and a much better looking car. practicality as well mj not all people are after a family car 4 doors and shit.. its to what suits and personaly and as written my motoring journos the dc5r is the better car. and with a race driver i have seen the dc5r beat a race driver in a wrx

02-02-2007, 06:29 PM
compare sti with dc5r.....
cause i agree dc5r is better then wrx...stock for stock that is...
wrx does understeer alot...cause the stock shocks n springs r really soft....sway bar n coilover's make a biggg diference n would fix that problem..

ps....wrx is much more practical thnk you...all 4 doors cars are much easier to live with then 2 door cars:p

Big Tav...get a evo 6.5..
heaps or torque....
quick in straight line.....
quick on track...
looks tough azzz....
easy azzz to mod...(friends evo 3 run's 12.7 with just catback and ABIT off boost)
and would kill a dc5r anyday....actually...the evo would out perform the dc5r in almost every way...:eek:

go the evo......
:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

03-02-2007, 01:20 AM
drive terrain does contribute towards practicality, awd can be driven in snow, might not be important here i aus, but overseas it makes a big difference and makes the car VERY practical. it wont matter here but u cant say drive terrain has nothing to do with practicality like arrong has said...

regarding the specifics i found appauling on the car as muzz said, yes i found u cant pull Gs on the corners, a little bit of understeer is good on a car but the unsafe amount of understeer it had just worried me. the braking balance was terrible and the wheels almost locked and i nearly went into the gutter when i tried to go around a corner, i felt the dc5r could do better with improved braking balance. everything else seemed not bad but what also worried me (and this goes for all fwds) is when u put your foot down and the steering wheel has a mind of its own, it controls the car AND you, i usually gotta worry about squeezing the steering wheel and keeping it under control AND watching the road when im changing lanes or coming onto a road at high revs. the car is steered AND powered all by 2 little wheels...
i had no problem with the engine tho i thought it pumped out good juice for a 2L na engine.
regarding the interior, when my mate had his for a couple of months it all seemed alright cause i always sat at the front or sometimes when i was driving, but one day i had to sit at the back with 2 other friends and thats when it all went wrong, i had to squeeeze myself in the back from the front door and it didnt end there, there wasnt much leg room at the back, even worst was the headspace, i felt like i was cramped into a cave, my eg civic had more room at the back than his car, it was DISGUSTING.

finally, all this put together i dont see how the integra is worth 40g, not when compared to a 4dr 4wd WRX with 168kw of power and 300nm of torque, the most disgusting bit is both cars were 42g.

regarding the original post:
have a look at this, its just ONE example of a better deal than the dc5r, but if u have a "love for honda" or ur a "vtec yo" nutcase like some of the spastics on this site then by all means go buy one...
only downside is the 5spd gearbox.

in response to this post, i was at tuning arvo TODAY in my DC5R so everything about it is still fresh in my head.

re: brake balance, in a track environment you want everything to be working very close to their limit to get the best out of them (you were you using full throttle?), if your tryes nearly lock whats wrong that? means you were getting good brake performance. the fact that it nearly sent you into the gutter is more because you dont know how to handle the car, you should always brake in a straight line, especially in a FWD car. your gonna get weight shift so braking mid corner is gonna throw you off line. trying to brake and turn at the same time is gonna give a similar result wether you have AWD RWD FWD. im sure you found a similar thing if you lifted of the throttle mid corner too, again weight shifting is doing more of that than FWD.

Understeer: its a FWD car, applying power and turning too much is going to cause understeer. a friend that was at teh same event in an Evo 8 was experiencing exactly the same problemas as will most AWD cars. the fact that your experiencing such bad understeer again points to you not having enough time in the car.

Torque steer: when i first drove my car before buying it of course there was torque steer, it's a FWD car with 147kw and a LSD. but after about 15 months of driving it i can tell you, you only get torque steer when your applying power at the wrong time, i hardly ever get this in my car. all i can say about this is that you haven't driven the car enough and this goes for wheels magazine too who in their review where always whinging about torque steer.

engine: of course it had plenty of power for a 2L NA engine, there aren't many around which have more power per litre.

interior: a two door coupe/hatchback is gonna have shit headroom, s15's aren;t the best last time i checked, these cars ar really a two seater with a little convenience with having rear seats, at the end of the day i bought my car for ME and if my mates dont like the headroom, well they can catch a taxi for all i care. as far as im concerned i love the interior of my car, seats are miles better than whats in a S15, have you ever wondered so many type r seats get stolen? and the dash looks a lot nicer and easier too use too. oh and if you were sitting in the back with two friends, of course it's gonna be uncomfortable, there is only 2 spots in the back!!

and your last comment about the integra not being worth 40k because is doesn't have 168kw and 300nm simply shows your a spec chaser and i see exactly the same type of people at work EVERY day. as it happens im watching some BMI dvd's where the type r's beat wrx's on the track so what does that say?

i definately agree with you that AWD has teh advantage in bad weather.

finally MJ3610 most of the posts i see from you are about how much better AWD/RWD turbocharged cars, last time i checked this is a HONDA forum, most of the 10000 members own a honda and are well aware of the shortcomings of FWD and NA engines yet they still own hondas.

for someone getting into a dc5r for the first time the handling might strange but that is what i found so much fun about the car over the past 15 months is learning how different thong effect the way the car handles. if i had the time over again, would i buy a dc5r again, definately!!!

03-02-2007, 08:30 AM
you should always brake in a straight line, especially in a FWD car. your gonna get weight shift so braking mid corner is gonna throw you off line. trying to brake and turn at the same time is gonna give a similar result wether you have AWD RWD FWD.

you should always brake in a straight line? so basically what you're saying is the dc5r is a go-kart, because when you drive a go-kart its not a good idea to brake around the curves or your wheels will lock and you'll go into a spin. the car isnt a go-kart and neither do u pay the same amount as a go-kart so why should it handle like a go-kart?
the car needs better braking balance, it applies too much braking force to one side of the car and its causing ineffective braking and wheel locks. you honestly cant get away with the excuse of "you shouldnt brake on the curves, but on a straight line", what if your doing 70-80km/hr around a curve one night and a dog runs in the middle of the road? AND ITS WET, then you will hit the brakes and you will kill the dog and go into a gutter.
but i know what you mean, generally you should apply the brakes at the right time, but that doesnt give the dc5r the excuse for its braking balance, its UNSAFE and its up to honda to fix this.. can you imagine ferrari comming out and saying "we designed the enzo's brakes very well, you just have to brake in a straight line otherwise your wheels will lock, its not a good idea to brake while your turning".
im not an engineer and maybe its not because the dc5r is a fwd, but i do know compared to other cars i've driven for around the same price range the dc5r needs better braking balance so that when a 10 year old or a soccer mom drives the car to it's limits it doesnt give up that easily, THATS what makes a good car.

oh and if you were sitting in the back with two friends, of course it's gonna be uncomfortable, there is only 2 spots in the back!!
thats my point, we walked to his house thinking we could all go to the beach in one car and we got disappointd, it was a very uncomftable ride, but not so much because there was 3 of us, but because the room at the back was clearly terrible, leg room and headspace.
not very practical...

finally MJ3610 most of the posts i see from you are about how much better AWD/RWD turbocharged cars, last time i checked this is a HONDA forum, most of the 10000 members own a honda and are well aware of the shortcomings of FWD and NA engines yet they still own hondas.

trust me 90% of them arent aware of the shortcommings, they're the ones with the "vtec yo" and "i chopped a GTR with my k20 civic" attitude. im sure you've seen them, its sad...
they need to stop admiring honda for designing crappy sports cars and use their ability to bring out more cars like the s2000 and the nsx that you can atleast call "sports cars with performance". not bring out a fwd with 147kw and put a 42g price tag on it.


and with a race driver i have seen the dc5r beat a race driver in a wrx

yeah i meant get ONE driver and get him to do a couple of laps in each car and record the best lap.
i very much doubt the stig (for example) would get a better time in the dc5r than the wrx on the top gear track...

04-02-2007, 07:13 PM
its still to do with weight transfer rather than brake balance. because its fwd there is not much weight over the rear tyres so when you hit the brakes the weight transfers forward unloading the rears allowing them to silde. its the same reason you get lift off oversteer.
your example is a good one, of course there are gonna be times when you need to brake mid corner and its just a case of being aware that the car may slide and be ready to correct it.
its not something that honda have to fix, its just the nature of the car and FWD in general.

re practicality, again its a 2 door coupe if you want to carry your mates around then buy something else.

they need to stop admiring honda for designing crappy sports cars and use their ability to bring out more cars like the s2000 and the nsx that you can atleast call "sports cars with performance". not bring out a fwd with 147kw and put a 42g price tag on it.

this is a rediculous statement, hondas have never been designed as drag cars or fastest in a straight line but as its been mentioned in this thread a number of times dc5r's can mix it very well with s15 wrx etc on the track. so if that doesn't show them as a good performance car then i dont know what does.

04-02-2007, 07:32 PM
i like my car for the way it is.

otherwise I would not have bought it.

the rest, I would haze, have exactly the same opinion. it's just all what you like.

05-02-2007, 02:40 AM
i agree with 100% percent with what matt is saying.

i found u cant pull Gs on the corners
lol, i think you should change that to "I found i cant get it to pull gs on the corners".

Believe me, they have supurb cornering grip ability, i have been a passanger in plenty of performance nissans and such being driven to their limits, also a regular in my mates dc5r. i believe they are almost equal during cornering. if you find that it lacks in lateral acceleration, sorry but it is definatly your driving style.

I know the comparison really isnt accurate due to slight variables, but where we live in robina, there is a section of road, its 2 medium sized roundabouts with about 30m of straight in between them. Coming upto this section, we noticed a r34 flying up behind us in the rear view, obviousy thinking of doing a fly by through the twistys.
At the point of us just entering the 1st round about, he would of been 10-15m behind us in the other lane. from that point we hammered it with the skyline chasing, by the time the r34 was exiting the second roundabout, we had gained another 8-10m. (i would like to point out i certainly dont condone this sort of behaviour, it was 1am, there was no other traffic, but still, i dont condone it)

I fail to see how a car, that you feel "cant pull g's, "lacks any handling" etc. etc, was capable to pull on a r34 through tight twisty roads, relying soley on its cornering ability alone, certainly not power! And the wheels of the r34 were screeching in the corners, so it wasnt like he wasnt pushing the limits.

the braking balance was terrible and the wheels almost locked and i nearly went into the gutter when i tried to go around a corner, i felt the dc5r could do better with improved braking balance.

What would you change More rear bias, or more front bias?

it applies too much braking force to one side of the car and its causing ineffective braking and wheel locks.
lol, i hope you dont think brake force is varied from side to side. Always equal left to right!

if your tryes nearly lock whats wrong that? means you were getting good brake performance. the fact that it nearly sent you into the gutter is more because you dont know how to handle the car id have to agree there.

Id like to hear more about you little off, im guessing you came into the corner with a bit of speed, braking, and experianced understeer which sent you toward the gutter???
This is where knowing how to drive a fwd well comes into play, it is all about finese and how your imputs act upon each tyre. You need to have a good understanding about weight transfer, also about traction capability of tyres.

Im certain your understand the concept of weight transfer, braking = more weight on front wheels, less on rear. accelerating = opposite.

with traction capabilitys lets consider a tire that can hold 1g under a constant weight. during steady state cornering it can pull 1g, during braking it can pull 1g, it cant do both. if your cornering hard, braking slightly can very easily push the tyre beyond its limits. ie braking and acceleration reduces the tyres cornering ability.

what also worried me (and this goes for all fwds) is when u put your foot down and the steering wheel has a mind of its own, it controls the car AND you, i usually gotta worry about squeezing the steering wheel and keeping it under control AND watching the road when im changing lanes or coming onto a road at high revs.

lol, are you just trying to find excuses to support ur cliam that the cars performance is discusting? what do you meen the steering wheel has a mind of its own? was it too sensitive to imput? did it try and turn in your hands? did you have to fight the wheel, was it too sloppy? crazy torque steer? Driving my mates dc5r i found the steering really nice, even under hard acceleration!

05-02-2007, 02:59 AM
this is a rediculous statement, hondas have never been designed as drag cars or fastest in a straight line but as its been mentioned in this thread a number of times dc5r's can mix it very well with s15 wrx etc on the track. so if that doesn't show them as a good performance car then i dont know what does.

Damn straight, ive seen shit loads of dc5rs take on and beat tons of rwd nissans subarus etc. Even though they have a significant dissadvantage of being non turbo, 4cyl, fwds. They do it through one thing, handling and cornering capabiliyts, of which mj belives they have none, because he cant drive it fast.

if you gave the dc2r the same power as a wrx, and put them against each other in a time trial, using both the same racing driver (who is familiar with fwd racing also), id definatly put my money on the dc5r.

05-02-2007, 03:46 AM
you should always brake in a straight line? so basically what you're saying is the dc5r is a go-kart, because when you drive a go-kart its not a good idea to brake around the curves or your wheels will lock and you'll go into a spin. the car isnt a go-kart and neither do u pay the same amount as a go-kart so why should it handle like a go-kart?

The truth of the matter is fwd and rwd are very different. rwd are capable of trail braking very slightly deeper into corner entry. With fwd, its better to trail brake less/lighter, get most of it done before corner entry.

The reason is that cars need there front tyres for corner entry, braking reduces the cornering power of the tyre.
With rwd the weight balance is slightly better between front and rear. ie. can use more rear brake distribution, so the fronts are doing less braking work.

With FWD though, more work is done in braking through the front wheels (more weight there than rwd), meaning that to get the same turn in, it must be braking less. ie, do the braking mostly before the corner and trail brake slightly less than rwd.

there a few more reasons why its better for the fwd chassis to get the braking done before corner entry, but i cbf explaining. let me know if you realy wanna hear.

that doesnt give the dc5r the excuse for its braking balance, its UNSAFE and its up to honda to fix this.
Ok, so once, again do you find that the brake ballance needs more front or rear bias?
IMO the ballance between front and rear is fine, the problem your experiancing is driver related. You have made many statements that lead me to believe you dont understand what is required to drive a FWD platform in a fast manner, also the differences in driving between f/rwd. if you would like i would be happy point out what they are, but i dont think this is necissary to the good discussion:thumbsup:

05-02-2007, 02:29 PM
all this belony isnt gonna convince me an integra is worth buying, when i've driven it and compared to other cars it felt $10g cheaper, and im not just saying this cause "i hate honda" as some of u suggest. im a honda enthusiast, but im just not a "integra enthusiast". now u can triple post all day everyday in this thread tryin to convince everyone ur ride aint so bad, but im sure if i go on a lancer forum they'll spray exactly the same thing your saying here...
i cant even be bothered reading the 10000 lines of jibberish above me...

05-02-2007, 02:40 PM
lol, fair enough, im not saying its worth the money/better than other cars etc. Im only interested in your post:

i found it disgusting because they hardly achieve their purpose, they dont deliver any performance or handling

Your findings are due to the driver, as the dc5r has proven its self against many high performance cars, and is renound for its capabilitys on the track, even more so, being that it has a significant disadvantage over most other high performance cars, being fwd, and having less power.

05-02-2007, 02:53 PM
each to their own....

try telling a v8 holden man the xr8 is better then the ss or vice versa, even better tell them how much better evo is (all roughly the same price). each person looks for different things in cars.

05-02-2007, 02:59 PM
Don't bother arguing with idiots guys, let him think what he wants.

05-02-2007, 03:16 PM
it has a significant disadvantage over most other high performance cars, being fwd, and having less power.

42gs for a fwd with 147kw and 190nm of torque, i dont have to say more, so stop coming up with all these excuses. ur making the car look more rediculous...
the sportivo is pretty much the same thing with 4 doors and a better price tag of 29g.

Don't bother arguing with idiots guys, let him think what he wants.

says the man with the integra, here u go buddy:

05-02-2007, 07:36 PM
42gs for a fwd with 147kw and 190nm of torque, i dont have to say more, so stop coming up with all these excuses. ur making the car look more rediculous...
the sportivo is pretty much the same thing with 4 doors and a better price tag of 29g.

says the man with the integra, here u go buddy:

knob!!! all you are interested in is numbers!!! lol who cares about numbers mj.. its p/w that matters

05-02-2007, 07:38 PM
42gs for a fwd with 147kw and 190nm of torque, i dont have to say more, so stop coming up with all these excuses. ur making the car look more rediculous...
the sportivo is pretty much the same thing with 4 doors and a better price tag of 29g.

That pretty much shows your ignorance and bias against the DC5R (plus your lack of knowledge of what the 42k gets you other than the 147kW).

05-02-2007, 07:59 PM
dc5 42g 147kw=$285.72 per kw.... 389g+ f430 360kw=$1080.55 per kw....
dc5 clearly better then a ferrari if you base your theory on money right... well thats a load of BULLSHIT cause i know if you could buy the 430 you would in heart beat!

wrx p/w 8.37
dc5r p/w 7.89
dc5s p/w 7.98
f430 p/w 4.02

that shows the better power to weight. also the only reason why a wrx is quicker off the line 0-100km and 1/4mile is off the line traction. i seen so many hondas they peg them back up high with ease... my 118kw crx being one of them

05-02-2007, 08:15 PM
LOL, in that case, my Euro for 140kW for $33,900 is better at $242.14 per kW!

And the best car is the Nissan Tiida ST at 93kW for $17,990 ($193.44 per kW) and you still get a 6 speed manual!!!

05-02-2007, 08:18 PM
my 118kw crx being one of them

ur 118kw crx is a lunchbox on wheels...
i cant even bother arguing with u speds, ur clearly brainwashed or something. u love "a car manufacturer" and not "a car", and thats stupid cause it'll always cloud ur judgement.
its like ur living in the matrix, u need to take the red pill and open ur eyes!!!

arrong for someone that spends all his time researching useless crap u really susprise me...

05-02-2007, 08:57 PM
ur 118kw crx is a lunchbox on wheels...
i cant even bother arguing with u speds, ur clearly brainwashed or something. u love "a car manufacturer" and not "a car", and thats stupid cause it'll always cloud ur judgement.
its like ur living in the matrix, u need to take the red pill and open ur eyes!!!

hey _______! i like mitsubishis ralliart specials mrs all evo galants colt i like nissan r34gtr 180sx pulsar gtir stageas i like subaru wrx wagons i love mazda rotories all rx range i like 1jz coversion toyota cressidas i like toyota aristo g's mk1+mk2 mr2s i like ford fp6typhoon. I love ferraris and my girl loves the fact that there is at least one porsche i love. i like renault mengane cups. peugoet 106 107 206 207 t16. so dont say that im brainwashed or the other bullshit. i just prefer honda better build better reliabity better value for money and still good performance.
as im sure most ppl on here do

ps.. _________!

05-02-2007, 09:12 PM
arrong for someone that spends all his time researching useless crap u really susprise me...
I'm glad that I made your day. ;) Stop egging people on. Everyone has their own opinion, even you. You've made your point that you don't think DC5Rs are value for money and that other cars like the WRX are much better. Why are you attacking other people's opinion that they think that the DC5R is an equal performer to the WRX?

BTW, Anymore personal attacks and I'll CLOSE this thread.

05-02-2007, 09:33 PM
I'm glad that I made your day. ;) Stop egging people on. Everyone has their own opinion, even you. You've made your point that you don't think DC5Rs are value for money and that other cars like the WRX are much better. Why are you attacking other people's opinion that they think that the DC5R is an equal performer to the WRX?

BTW, Anymore personal attacks and I'll CLOSE this thread.

If u cant see it get someone to spot it out for you, i dont even remember this thread, someone brought it back from the stone ages BY ATTACKING MY OPINION about the car, then i comment back nicely and they all start pouring in with their claws out because they own the car and an honest opinion hurt their girly little feelings.
read the thread before u make speculations, not that i give a shit what u ever say tho...
now run to the real mods and ask them for the ban stick with my name written on it... ;)

05-02-2007, 09:43 PM
If u cant see it get someone to spot it out for you, i dont even remember this thread, someone brought it back from the stone ages BY ATTACKING MY OPINION about the car, then i comment back nicely and they all start pouring in with their claws out because they own the car and an honest opinion hurt their girly little feelings.
read the thread before u make speculations, not that i give a shit what u ever say tho...
now run to the real mods and ask them for the ban stick with my name written on it... ;)
Why should I use the ban stick? Are you that childish that the ban stick is the only thing you understand? ;)

BTW, it was a debate (and yes, they did attack your opinion first) until you started egging people (first one was on my with the 12 year old comment) Anyway, attacking opinions is one thing, just don't attack the character of the other members. Don't egg the other members on, I know you are trying to anger them into losing their cool. Same goes for the other members, if they start to personally attack you, this thread will be closed.

05-02-2007, 11:08 PM
mate the only balony and jibberish posted in this thread recently is from you, and its pretty ordinary telling us that we need to take the red pill and open our eyes when its pretty clear that you have an extremely biased opinion and refuse to even read peoples genuine comments regarding the car.

my suggestion to you is to spend more than 2 minutes in a car before passing such comments, as its clear your opinion of downfall of the car is mostly due to a lack of knowledge about how to drive the car properly.

Amen to that.

you think were all sticking up for this car cus its a honda, speaking for myself, that is definatly not the case, i appreciate all cars from v8s - turbos to 4cyls, toyotas to hondas, once again (how many times has it been now) the dc5r is capable of performing competivly against lots of other performance cars, even though its drive platform should give it a large handycap over rwd&awd, to me, that sais alot about its design.

You obviously dont judge cars truly by there actual level of perfomance, because it is a fact you cant argue, that the dc5r is a very capable performer, its been proven countless times. your looking at it going "hmm its fwd and has xxx kw" its not as good as car b which is rwd and has xxx+20 kw.

your review of its handling dosnt mean shit when u make hilarious comments like-

i found u cant pull Gs on the corners.

the unsafe amount of understeer it had just worried me.
Lmao x2

the braking balance was terrible and the wheels almost locked and i nearly went into the gutter when i tried to go around a corner.
learn to drive, also a little reading on weight transfer wouldnt hurt..

what also worried me (and this goes for all fwds) is when u put your foot down and the steering wheel has a mind of its own, it controls the car AND you, i usually gotta worry about squeezing the steering wheel and keeping it under control AND watching the road when im changing lanes or coming onto a road at high revs.

hahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha roflmao lots and lots, still brings a smile to my face:D

and my favorite of all:

the car needs better braking balance, it applies too much braking force to one side of the car and its causing ineffective braking and wheel locks.
its times like these where OH needs to implement a crying smylie.

Oh and i love comments like this

i felt the dc5r could do better with improved braking balance.
when you seem to be unable to answer questions like this

Ok, so once, again do you find that the brake ballance needs more front or rear bias?
instead spiting out responces like this

i cant even be bothered reading the 10000 lines of jibberish above me...

dude, of course you read it, id bet everything i have that you did.

05-02-2007, 11:26 PM
haha i deleted that post thinking it might cause the thread to be closed.

nice post again Muzz :)

06-02-2007, 12:43 AM
My weekend car is a '98 NSX, my plaything is an EF Civic which holds the lap record for Improved Production cars at Barbagallo Raceway. I have multiple Class State Championships from 18 years of circiut racing.

Yes it's obvious, my expectations from a car must be VERY low! ;)

i would of thought you would of given up after sadlerau owned ur ass, lol.

Anyways here is some factual data for you to look over instead of basing your judgement on how you feel the car performs;) .


Car number 96 is a dc5r integra, it got faster times than porches, plenty of s2000’s, lots of turbo nissans etc, etc.. It came 5th out of 60 cars, (2nd in its class) and is Still NA, and beating shitloads of RWD and awd turbo cars, with much higher levels of power! :eek: http://honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=1177480 would you like me to point out that no one in the 944 porche class got better times than 96 in the dc5 integra, infact the fastest 944 was 59seconds behind the dc5 integra. jees 944s must be shit like those dc5s hey mj?:zip:

Oh and take a look at the results for the 2006 road Atlanta time attack. The unlimited ff, category was won by Chad Slagg, driving a dc5 integra, comparing his results with the rwd unlimited class, he beat shit loads of high performance cars pushing big big power figures, there is no limit on power in that class, he beat plenty of rwd turbo cars pushing in excess of 350+hp, mind you he is running NA, says a lot about the cars ability in cornering and braking huh mj?:zip:

Unfortunately, I can’t find the results on the road Atlanta site to show, but here, read this if you need verification - http://honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=1800594 or even better yet, have a chat with chad, he’s a regular in the HT road racing forums, and a really nice fellow, under the name Chad. Have a chat with him about those pitfalls you’ve found with the dc5r chassis, lol.

Ok now if you still believe the dc5r is a poor handling car, take a look through the scca results forum http://sccaforums.com/forums/default.aspx this will give you a chance to see how it can compete against all sorts of cars, not just high performance imports.

However this means nothing to you does it? You can’t seem to get any performance out of the car, hmm it must be a shit handling car then hey?

heres a really good question for you, (i think i already know the answer;) ), that is if you read the 100000 lines in this post, lol;)

is there anyone else/any reviews/professional racing drivers/autocrossers etc. that lead you to believe that the dc5r lacking any performance or handling?
Or are your views soley produced by what you experiaced when you drove it yourself?

If so, do you think that its possible that the poor results you found may have been due to the driver, not the car?

FWD are unforgiving, put a poor driver in a rwd, he can get ok times, put a poor driver in a fwd, and he will suck big time! possibly spitting out hilarious excuses like:

the braking balance was terrible and the wheels almost locked and i nearly went into the gutter when i tried to go around a corner. and
the car needs better braking balance, it applies too much braking force to one side of the car and its causing ineffective braking and wheel locks..

06-02-2007, 12:46 AM
mj3610 driving at local racetrack


06-02-2007, 03:36 PM
lolllll @ muzz, seems like ur really cut to be spending that much time typing all that crap, i will say it again, im sure if i go on a lancer forum or a suzuki forum or something they'll say exactly the same crap ur saying and show me timeslips of lancers and suzukis to make up lame little excuses for their car...

dc5r is 42g worth of scrap metal. original poster can buy it and find out for himself...
yourfather: lol thats not me on the racetrack, thats me on public roads buddy.

06-02-2007, 03:42 PM
lol how cool is it

06-02-2007, 03:57 PM
lol i finally figured what to say to keep u girls happy and to stop all this 10000 line posts which everyone has time to read:

lol focking speds, go have a cry on ur moms lap...

06-02-2007, 04:05 PM
if I had 42K i'd buy a Euro. Or I'd buy an Accord VTi Thailand model and a motorbike with the change

06-02-2007, 04:08 PM
lol mj are u still on this thing, stop trying to give these losers advice they wont listen. muzz you need to be shown a lesson, why dont u bring pretty little ass down to syd and i'll give u a go with my brothers STI tuned wrx, u can drive my dc5s if u like, im sure after that u'll shut ur mouth and wont talk so much "jibberish" as mj says...

06-02-2007, 04:09 PM
street racing is a crime.

06-02-2007, 04:18 PM
lol focking speds, go have a cry on ur moms lap...

muzz you need to be shown a lesson, why dont u bring pretty little ass down to syd and i'll give u a go with my brothers STI tuned wrx, u can drive my dc5s if u like, im sure after that u'll shut ur mouth and wont talk so much "jibberish" as mj says...

I warned you all...