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04-11-2006, 09:21 PM
As the title says guys, i am from Qld and was thinkin of purchasing a car from NSW. Now if i got a car from NSW and it has its pink/blue slip (forgot what it was). I know that wen i come back fo Qld i hav to get a Safety Cert to get the car registered.

What i want to know is, is it transferrable (pretty sure it isn't), n nex if i got a pink slip would it make it easier for me to get a safety cert. As in is Qld level of a Road worthy much harder than NSW??

04-11-2006, 09:50 PM
can anyone help me out??

Plus does anyone know what forms i must get in NSW then, i think in Qld once its over here i have to get a Safety Cert then go apply for registration

04-11-2006, 09:53 PM
^^^ best is to ring QLD road thing man, takes wot? 10mins?

05-11-2006, 02:55 PM
To register that car in qld you will need:
NSW rego
proof of purchase

There is also a form to fill in at the Registry

Obviously, if its not registered, then you dont need the rego cert, but still need other 2. Also, Qld will honour the term of any interstate rego without further charges.

If the car is registered, you will probably be given a pink slip. if not registered, you will be given a blue slip. Both of them dont mean squat in Qld, you need to get a Qld RWC

if it was registered in NSW chances are it will be fine. However Qld RWC will also pick up things like chipped windscreen etc. But seriously, its not hard to pass a RWC, and lots of places can be lenient for minor defects.

05-11-2006, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the info mate.

Yea the car is registered in Sydney, i know that if i get a pink slip in NSW it doesn't mean squat in Qld. So either way i am prepared to take it to get RWC in Qld n then pay rego.

This is such a noob question i kno, but i was thinking of getting the person in sydney to sign a transfer paper as well as on another paper to say that he sold the car to me. Would this be enough?? also if i was to send it here in Qld does anyone know who i can contact and roughly how much it is?

thanks guys

06-11-2006, 04:41 AM
That's called a receipt. You should get one made out EVERYTIME you buy or sell a car, regardless.

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