View Full Version : sreeeeeccchhing noise on hill starts?...

17-11-2006, 01:39 PM
any ideas?...had this problem for awhile now....im thinking its related to the clutch as it only happens mostly on hillstarts... as if when i ride the clutch abit more the noise comes in.... i might have to take it in for a service to get it checked out before my warranty runs out....
but i did want to know if any of u guys ever experienced it, cos if its a easy fix ill do it myself save me the trouble driving to the dealers.... thanks in advance...

17-11-2006, 01:50 PM
Clutch release bearing. I think someone had the same problem on their Euro. Get your dealer to check it out, it's not an easy fix.

17-11-2006, 01:54 PM
darn lol.... yeah will do thanks aaron.... hope dealers dun bite my head off....lol... or ill have to poke back...

17-11-2006, 02:05 PM
darn lol.... yeah will do thanks aaron.... hope dealers dun bite my head off....lol... or ill have to poke back...
Just don't tell them the cause. Just tell them about the screeching and let them find out the solution themselves. Then they are more willing to replace parts.

17-11-2006, 02:22 PM
oh ok..should i tell them it only happens on hill starts? or should i demonstrate to them the problem by takin them for a spin?

17-11-2006, 02:53 PM
oh ok..should i tell them it only happens on hill starts? or should i demonstrate to them the problem by takin them for a spin?
Yeah, tell them about the hill starts, but you MUST take them out for a spin yourself to show them. If they drive it without you, I'm sure they'll tell you that they couldn't replicate the problem.

BTW, you sure it's not your tyres spinning during hill starts? The clutch release bearing problem gives you screeching even on flat road.

17-11-2006, 03:06 PM
lol thanks for ur advice aaron.... will book my car in for a service next week and post my results.....damn hope they dun take my car for too long ill miss my baby....u reckon they are gonna blame my mods to the car at all.... bear in mind this problem started before i modded it....

so far i put in a K&N Typhoon
-18-8 rims
-whiteline rear sway.

definitely not well spin... it happens in dry...and i dun even push hard at all for it to happen...just a simple takeoff and sreeeecchhh damn embarrasing around town....ppl just turnaround and look... but yeah wheel spin doesnt make that horrible noise...wheel spin sounds sooo much nicer *wink* lol... yeah sometimes on flat roads but like i said it really only happens when i have to give it abit more clutch....

17-11-2006, 03:31 PM
If you can get it to screech easily, then it shouldn't be a problem to get it fixed under warranty as long as the dealer is good.

17-11-2006, 03:58 PM
thanks again aaron.... yeah ill take it in first thing next week.... and we'll see how it goes...

17-11-2006, 06:53 PM
I doubt its a VSA thing but its worth a try anyway.
Try a hill start with VSA disabled and see if it still happens.

17-11-2006, 07:28 PM
i guess thats worth a try....ill try that 2nite when i get home... anything is worth a try to try isolate the problem...

18-11-2006, 01:34 AM
Thrust bearing, it happened to mine and honda replaced it.....funnily enough the noise has started to come back

18-11-2006, 11:10 AM
Again? Do you always hold the clutch in at the lights and power-shift alot or something? Maybe its the driving technique..

18-11-2006, 05:35 PM
hmm i think ur on the ball ferrista(damn forgot how to spell it) lol i apologise.... i duno hahha sounds like it makes sense or could be aarons idea lol....either way its sumfing i wouldnt have a clue about...and off to HONDA i go....they better not brush me off and better not blame my mods for it....or ill get angry xD...

in regards to eurodude's quote....no i dun use any of those clutch killer techniques lol.... funi enuf my cars been redline probally around only 10 times in its life and 5 of those ten was because i was testing my CAI typhoon hahahha... so yea no funi take off's, smooth cruiser....maybe if i had a more of an aggressive vtec point that might of been different tho.... considering that redline now is more common since the CAI was installed hahaha........ohhh the swweettt soundd hmmmm *yumm* haha...

HONDA here i come....

oh yeah come to think about it all happened when i took the car to melbourne....but i cant see why coz of course i wasnt ripping it or anything...more like driving constantly at 120KM/H on the freeway....it happened when i parked on a hill street to look at a map.... Clutched, break... 1st gear release clutch and acelerate and bammmmm..............SCCCRREEECCCHHH~~ =\

on a side question....is driving ur car continously for 10 hrs harm the mechanics in the car much....cos thats wat i did when going to melbourne.... doesnt sound like a good idea now lol....

19-11-2006, 01:25 AM
Again? Do you always hold the clutch in at the lights and power-shift alot or something? Maybe its the driving technique..

Its got nothing to do with driving technique

19-11-2006, 10:45 AM
on a side question....is driving ur car continously for 10 hrs harm the mechanics in the car much....cos thats wat i did when going to melbourne.... doesnt sound like a good idea now lol....
Not sure, but it shouldn't cause it. I'll drive down to Melb as well, so if mine starts to screech, I'll post it up here.

19-11-2006, 03:53 PM
is driving ur car continously for 10 hrs harm the mechanics in the car much....cos thats wat i did when going to melbourne.... doesnt sound like a good idea now lol....

Shouldn't be a problem at all - better than stop start traffic.

23-11-2006, 05:05 PM
took my car in for service yesterday...after doing the 30000 KM service and oiling suspension and so forth the noise magically disappeared....im stumped at the cause as oiling the suspension and so i dun think that would of helped...lets hope the noise doesnt come back either way....if not ill have to get them to look at it again on my next service...

23-11-2006, 07:32 PM
Did they change the tranny oil during the service?
Maybe that fixed the problem..

23-11-2006, 07:40 PM
not sure...ill go home and check the recept... hope it doesnt come back lol...ill go find a nice big hill to check it on lol...

24-11-2006, 07:44 AM
manual gear boxes dont have trans oil.

If the cause as a thrust bearing it would happen everytime you put your clutch in and u wouldnt hear anything when u let the clutch out, also its a problem that gets worst and not better without changing the bearing, which is a pain u have to drop the gear box to get to the clutch & bearing.

im stumped at what it could be to if a service fixed it, a service is normally just tune and lube, ??? i aint a mechanic and it shows lol.

24-11-2006, 08:25 AM
manual gear boxes dont have trans oil.

:confused: umm yes they do, they use Honda MTF. Although some people use normal engine oil in their manual tranny. I used Castrol Magnetic in my Civics 'box, no probs :p

24-11-2006, 01:20 PM
arh took my car for a spin this morning... nice hill it was too...man the noise is still there but very very faint ....no idea wats going on...it was hard to replicate it... as only happened sometimes....wasnt like before when i didnt even have to try and i heard it....now i had to ride the clutch alot more and give it abit of stick for it to make the sound....

but then again its very faint so i duno....might have to wait and see...

24-11-2006, 02:11 PM
Maybe there is a ruff patch on the clutch, caused by riding the clutch on one position too long?

24-11-2006, 02:15 PM
I had a squeeky/schreeching sounds coming from my clutch in my old car.

The guy at the service place said it was part of a rubber seal rubbing on the thrust bearing.

Dunno if thats the cause but thats what he told me and the noise is now gone.

24-11-2006, 02:44 PM
duno if its a rough patch cos would of noticed it more this morning...did it like over 20 hill take offs... everything makes me think about the thrust bearing also...but i guess either honda is too lazy to have a closer look into it or oiling did help in some way lol...either way....as long as its not affecting my car in anyways... lets cross my fingers

24-11-2006, 03:37 PM
Too many hill take offs with you purposely slipping the clutch to hear the screech will wear out your clutch prematurely and that won't be covered under warranty. 20 is too many man. You only need to do 2 or 3.

25-11-2006, 02:49 PM
lol yeah i knoe i wont be doing that anymore...lol...will give it a rest and just see how it goes over time...if it comes back as bad then ill get them to look at it again on next 40k service