View Full Version : filter cleaning

22-11-2006, 01:48 PM
besides using the cleaning kit for k&n pod filters, are there any other successful methods of cleaning filters? i know some dude who used a toothbrush, but it just fluffed the entire filter material out. any suggestions?

22-11-2006, 02:37 PM
A filter cleaning kit. Don't skimp out man unless you want some major pieces of crap goin into your engine.

A cleaning kit will clean the filter a few times also.

22-11-2006, 02:54 PM
is teher a different cleaning method for different kinda filter?

22-11-2006, 02:58 PM
most oil based filters use the same method. Some of the dry ones are different depending on material.

23-11-2006, 06:51 PM
man don't cheap out on filter, you don't wanna suck a whole heap of crapo into ur engine through some shitty autotecnica $10 jobbie from super cheap, you mite as well have a stocking over your intake pipe!

Anyway, go by the instructions from the filter.

A k&n will only set you back like $60 nowadays, plus cleaning kit for like $25, well worth the $$$

Just ask santa for one! :)

23-11-2006, 08:33 PM
if its slightly dirty u can just get a aircompresser with a air gun and blow off the dirt.. comes out good *thumbs up

24-11-2006, 12:21 PM
yeah that's my point. it's not full dirty that's why. just insect remains and crap that managed to find it's way inside. it wouldn't be worth buying the kit.

24-11-2006, 12:33 PM
well just leave it until its dirty enough for the kit. you won't notice any difference in performance.

24-11-2006, 12:47 PM
sounds good. thanks.

24-11-2006, 12:51 PM
If you are eventually going to buy the kit, then you might as well buy it when it is cheap.

BTW, go for the one with the oil in the aerosol can as it is easier to apply a thin layer.

24-11-2006, 05:15 PM
Guys, you're all talking about rubbish on the filter not interrupting performance, but you're forgetting that if you suck that rubbish into ur engine you're in trouble.

If you are going to blast with a compressor, make sure you blow from inside to out, or else you will push all the crap further into the gauze of the filter.

If you want my advice, do not clean with any kind of pressure, gerni compressor Etc, as this can work the gauze apart and make bigger holes to suck dust and dirt into!!

24-11-2006, 05:20 PM
I just use oil and let it dry (for dry HKS filter)

24-11-2006, 06:37 PM
You should use the K&N cleaner because other detergents can damage the filter fibres.
And you should use the K&N oil because other oils may be too thick or thin and cause crap to come through, or cause the oil to come off the filter too easily.

Check eBay, ive seen some very cheap K&N cleaning kits :thumbsup: