View Full Version : my clutch feels weird...

17-01-2007, 06:23 PM
hi everybody
my clutch feels weird. whenever i press it with my foot, theres a "click click" sound that feels like its being resisted by something
i have it boooked for a check up at honda rosebery next week, but does anyone else have this problem?>

17-01-2007, 06:50 PM
check the clutch resiover level,dose it sound like its coming from inside the car just below your foot?

17-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Its most probably the clutch master cylinder causing the clicking/creaking.

Get some silicon grease from an Auto shop such as AutoOne or SuperCheap, and follow the clutch pedal up to the small cylinder, push the clutch pedal in a bit, and spray inside the cylinder for a second.

Here's a pic of the Euro's one, but the S2000 should look similar: