View Full Version : BIKE or a CAR

12-02-2007, 09:36 PM
hi everyone, im not new to this forum, just made a new account cos i lost the pw to the other. been a lurker for abt a year now. after 5 years of hungry jacks + 1 year of having 3 jobs i saved up 15k.:p

originally i was goin to get a 99prelude vtir:honda: , but unfortunately it didnt satisfy me, in terms of power, comforability and abit small:( . so i opted for a 2001 vx-s v6 3.8 litre supercharged ( i dun mind non supercharged either) .kekek. after 2 months of looking, i still havent found one in mint condition + manual + in my price range either dat or its been a some sort of accident (repairable writeoff). so im leaning towards a bike now, anyone here that owns bike give me more reasons to get my Ls etc is it worth getting a bike if i travel abt 60kms (uni) a day to and back from uni + work?, prices involved ... or wuld it be a bitch ... just stuff like that.

oh btw i drive a 92 telstar 2.5litre quad cam v6 :cool: its served me well, but its time for a change ... but i dont know wat to change too !!!

12-02-2007, 09:57 PM
I don't own a bike but I'm planning on getting a scooter end of this year when a friend of ours goes back home. It's a honda! :thumbsup: I can tell you that it's going to be a lot more convenient for me to get to work and back home as I don't need to carry a lot of stuff with me and we've got cars at work to use during the day.

When I was at uni a lot of people rode bikes/scooters as it's a hell of a lot cheaper on parking and petrol, so they are 2 pluses for getting a crotch rocket for a struggling uni student. I dare say it would be cheaper than running your v6 for 60kms a day.

12-02-2007, 10:07 PM
If you have a reasonable car I would get a bike...

I've only ridden 250's in the past years but still damned fast
FXR250 and FZR250 are the two I rode the most...

Both absolutely shat onto my brother lightly worked GT4 Celica, I mean we'll and truly shat on it... By the time he got to 120 odd I was sitting on the speed limiter at 180 about 600m up the road

My only problem with bikes is that I will only ride them in full gear, which makes it a pain if you have no where to drop off your gear while you're not riding it... So it's gay if you want to go see a movie or something... Helmet, leather pants, armored jacket -_-

All good to go to work and back on unless you need to wear a full suit to work then that become a hassle too...

Scooters tend to be a bit more practical, more upright riding position, because you don't go as fast you wont need all the hard out protective gear and people see you better than if you're hunched over the tank speeding along in black leathers

The other thing is that you still need a car a lot of the time...
Doing the shopping and stuff like that is impossible with a bike alone -_-

I really should get a bike again

12-02-2007, 10:14 PM
i was planning to get rid of the car, 2 toys is kool but abit expensive for a full time uni student. and yeh i agree with u with the full gear stuff, its not exactly appealing to wear leather pants to go out, unless u wana be known as *ahem* gay ...
like i go to the gym, work, uni etc riding is kool, xept wen its raining, hailing, or scorching hot -___- and 60km a day isnt wat i call short distance, so mite get bored cos it has no radio. also isnt exactly convenient to wear a bag/ gym bag on a bike ....

anyone know the price to hold onto a bike?

12-02-2007, 10:26 PM
I'd rather be knows as gay than dead

Not to put you off or anything... But at Mad Dogs n English Men a local pub back in NZ
One of the guys got hit by a car, his helmet cracked open and he got permanent brain damage...
He's not retarded or anything but talks like one now; but he's still the same person and everything... just can't talk properly

Jeans look really cool, but if you ditch it they will grip the road and you will rag doll down the road. No matter what else you have on, you will probably die

One thing I noticed here is how relaxed people are on bikes, 9/10 people only wear a helmet, even saw people riding with sandals on... :S

The only two people with gear on were on the motorway/freeway (wtf you call it here) chasing each other

Regardless you need to think about how you are going to do you basic stuff like shopping and whatever... Wet weather is another factor but with full gear it's not really an issue in-terms of getting soaking wet under the gear. You get used to it pretty quickly

12-02-2007, 10:58 PM
anyone else has storiess or views of owning a bike?....im sure there are more honda riders out there !!!

btw chicks dig guys on bikes hahaha > i love the thought of riding and then parking in front of the uni and wen all the chicks come off the train and walk pass the car park ... sorry im an attention seeker

12-02-2007, 11:04 PM
Yeah im getting a bike soon just need to save up for the lisense =S, a bike is alot easier to park and manuover around in town and since uni's in town it all makes sense(for me btw i live like 20km from town). oh yeh and just curious why doesnt ozhonda have a bike section? like for honda bikes.

13-02-2007, 12:13 AM
i know wat u mean about the prelude... i always thought i wanted one until i drive one... it was pretty hotted up too juss didnt do anything for me...

have you tried an integra... it won me over =) i drive one now =D

13-02-2007, 07:36 PM
i had a honda nsr250, was fun to ride, very fun....so fun in fact i lost my licence for 12 months (both car and bike)

bikes are heaps more fun, however cars are heaps more practical (cant fit much shopping in a backpack can you?)

i'd certainly recommend getting a bike but not at your only method of transport

oh and as for scooters.... i wouldn't wanna ride one 60km a day, especially i the travel is on major roads

oh yeh and just curious why doesnt ozhonda have a bike section? like for honda bikes.

i've mentioned it before and i still think it's a good idea. but i don't think 'the man' thinks there is enough demand for it (however there are no bike posts coz there is no bike section....catch 22)

13-02-2007, 08:44 PM
At the moment i am telling everyone to stay away from motorbikes,
my mate who was an expierenced rider came off the other week, after swerving to miss a pot hole in the middle of the road his rear tyre hit some gravel throwing him off and well i guess when your doing 90km you slide,
well he slid back first into a tree, lucky to be alive but never to walk again, when the helicopter guys got there they said he was gonna die for sure, then first examination the specialists told us that he would be a quadraplegic, then now its only paraplegic, but yeah been riding for many years, he had a Honda VTR1000F, very nice bike,
So yeah i would say Car, at least you got more around you, i wont get me a bike now, ohhh my Ducati dream crumbles,

13-02-2007, 11:23 PM
A truck can T bone you in a car; you'd be dead for sure...
Your airplane could fall out of the sky because some sand ****** blew it up...
This could happen that could happen...

If you live your entire life in fear of dying then whats the point of living?

Live your life to the fullest; just don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)

14-02-2007, 12:12 PM
Simon its personal preference.

As for bike you know what happened to Jason and Peter on M5.

As for costs scooter/ bike is cheaper but man get a car for the long run.

It really depends on what you want out of your ride. If you just want to get around scooter n bike would be the best option but go cruising with friends n that car for sure

If I was you I'd save up abit more youv'e waited this long so why not another couples months.

Theres so many ek4, coupes and tegs going cheap these days.

14-02-2007, 12:17 PM
I ride a bike, in fact I rode to work today on it. I ride a Kawasaki ZZR 600.

All i can say is if you plan on riding a bike make sure you buy all the necessary safety gear as well. If you cant afford decent gear, you cant afford the bike.

My trip to work is about 15 - 20mins, I ride in full leathers with race spec boots and race specgloves. WHY DO I DO THIS???? I dont do it to look good, I do it because its the best protection I can afford. Too many people ride around in minimal gear , and by the way jeans really arent good protection, even the draggin bike jeans are only marginally better than normal jeans.

Whilst I would encourage anyone to ride a bike, do realise that it is more dangerous and you need to be so much more alert on a bike than a car.

And by your comment of you getting bored by not having a cd player, are you sure you really want a bike.

The image thing is all very nice but if your dead cos you werent paying attention it kind of loses its appeal.

The best advice someone gave me about riding is, ride like everyone around you is trying to kill you.

14-02-2007, 12:42 PM
get a bike AND a car
bike = 5000
car = 10000 (decent car for that price still)

i got a cbr250rr fun as hell.. cheap to run..
if u got friends that ride join them

14-02-2007, 12:46 PM
get a bike AND a car
bike = 5000
car = 10000 (decent car for that price still)

i got a cbr250rr fun as hell.. cheap to run..
if u got friends that ride join them

Plus at least $1000 for reasonable bike gear. And dont get a CBR250 RR if you are learning. There are much better bikes to learn on than that.

14-02-2007, 12:52 PM
And by your comment of you getting bored by not having a cd player, are you sure you really want a bike.

lol the sound of my 2-stroke was enough to keep me entertained :)

14-02-2007, 12:55 PM
get a carbike


14-02-2007, 12:57 PM
Plus at least $1000 for reasonable bike gear. And dont get a CBR250 RR if you are learning. There are much better bikes to learn on than that.

curious.. what other bikes would u learn on..?

theres a reason why CBR250RR's hold their value

14-02-2007, 12:57 PM
;1067799']lol the sound of my 2-stroke was enough to keep me entertained :)

exactly :thumbsup:

14-02-2007, 01:03 PM
curious.. what other bikes would u learn on..?

theres a reason why CBR250RR's hold their value

For someone that has never ridden a CBR250RR is a terrible bike to learn, it is very focused on speed and handling, and that is NOT something you need when learning.

Depending on your tastes, a VTR250, a ZZR250, GPX250 , cb250, a virago (if thats your thing), trail bikes are also very good to as they are very easy to manage and if you drop them there are generally no expensive fairings to replace or repair.

250's in general hold their value as the market is over inflated due to the power restrictions in some states, its not just CBR250RR's.

14-02-2007, 01:04 PM
get a carbike



14-02-2007, 01:10 PM
In regards to a Supercharged S pack + manual

Now thats gunna be near impossible to find considering they werent made right?

Personally id opt for a car over a bike first time round, bike is what i see more of a second "toy" so to speak :p

14-02-2007, 01:14 PM
In regards to a Supercharged S pack + manual

Personally id opt for a car over a bike first time round, bike is what i see more of a second "toy" so to speak :p

I think i would tend to agree with this statement. My first bike I had i didnt have a car, it was a pain sometimes. After that I always said if i have a bike I must also have a car too.

14-02-2007, 01:49 PM
yeh commodore 3.8is werent made in manual, altho i wuldnt mind it in a auto (providing it had a good paintjob + foggies), with the commodore vx s models, like any holden its so rare to find in manual, and there is one its always some lookalike hoon owning one. which doesnt exactly appeal to me. maybe i expect too much from my money, like i want a near perfect paintjob so i can baby.
with hondas, i do like them yes, but the onli let down personally is the interior to price ratio, dont flame me for this but it isnt exactly appealing unless speaking of accords. thats jsut my personal opinion tho.

in the Near future id like to own a dc2r, although ive never driven one/ sat in one id like to test drive one wen a dealership takes me seriously and not just as a "20 year old" time waster. someone told me to insure this car is abt 2k?...IF i can afford a car like that and cant afford the insurance, then i dont deserve such a ride

14-02-2007, 02:29 PM
my insurance on my VTi-R is about 600 a year, but then again, im pushing 25 with no accidents.

14-02-2007, 04:49 PM
For someone that has never ridden a CBR250RR is a terrible bike to learn, it is very focused on speed and handling, and that is NOT something you need when learning.

sorry but in my opinion that's a load of shit
good handling is something you WANT as a learner. they also have a better brake setup than most 250cc's so i think it's a good place to start.

i learnt to ride (and lost my licence on) my nsr250se
while yes it could be quick when pushed it is also a great handling and great braking bike. i thought it was great to learn on.
if you want to speed you can do it on any bike, regardless of whether it's a sports or naked bike

14-02-2007, 05:13 PM
i used to own a bike a long with a car. it was a kawasaki gpx250. imo, only get a bike aswell if u can afford it. i ended up selling my bike as i got tiresome of the 250 plus i couldnt really afford to own both.

i would get a car first due to practicality reasons, then if money permits, look into getting a bike.

also as another member said, protective gear is a must. dont ignore it like some squid who thinks just a helmet is enough protection. i had an accident on my old bike, and i am only in one piece because my gear did its job.

anyways as i said, if money permits for both, get both, if not, then car, bike is a luxury unless u can make just having a bike work for your lifestyle.

14-02-2007, 07:40 PM
;1068097']sorry but in my opinion that's a load of shit
good handling is something you WANT as a learner. they also have a better brake setup than most 250cc's so i think it's a good place to start.

i learnt to ride (and lost my licence on) my nsr250se
while yes it could be quick when pushed it is also a great handling and great braking bike. i thought it was great to learn on.
if you want to speed you can do it on any bike, regardless of whether it's a sports or naked bike

Well that goes to prove you dont know much about bikes. As a learner you want something that will be easy to control and not too much power as if you have too much power it will be unforgiving and get you into trouble. Perhaps you might remember the instructors when doing the L's training advising getting something you are comfortable on and easy to handle,not something that is a pocket rocket.

And yes whilst any bike has a certain amount of speed, different bikes have different power characteristics, some will be much more forgiving than others for the novice.

If we went by your theory all learners should be on R1's on Cbr 1000's, i am sure they will out brake and out handle a 250:thumbdwn: :thumbdwn:

Perhaps all learner car drivers should be driving Porsche 911 turbos as well as they have good handling. Good theory that one!!!!!

14-02-2007, 07:42 PM
sc commodores never came out in manual so good luck lol.

14-02-2007, 07:49 PM
DamienS has a point
i mean u learn to drive in a shitbox so u can absolutely thrash the shit out of and "learn" to drive...
but think about learning to drive in a faster car that can handle well... you wouldnt reach ur "peak" as fast as u would in a shitbox

same goes for a bike
i learnt on my CBR... other mates have vtr250s, ninjas, spadas, and zeals... no fricken chance i'd wana learn on them and not be able to ride to my limits

depends on the person though..

oh and IMO... CBR250RR are easy as to learn on..

14-02-2007, 07:59 PM
I am not saying you cant learn on the CBR, its just that for a lot of people it would be unforgiving, if you have had previous bike experience it might be the perfect bike to be on your l's for.

I learnt on a ZZR 250 then went to an 2003 R6, man was that a shock to the system, yes the R6 handle better and braked better but whilst learning I never had to worry about spinning up the tyre accidently like the R6 was capable of.

I thinking learning to ride on the road is learning to deal with hazards and idiot drivers that are around. You dont want to be worrying too much about the bike being too much to handle.

14-02-2007, 08:06 PM
I learnt on a ZZR 250 then went to an 2003 R6, man was that a shock to the system,

yeah alot of ppl say that.. my mates have all upgraded.. havent hopped on a 600 yet... dun wana jump on theirs incase i drop it or something goes wrong hehe.. really want the 07 cbr600rr!!

I thinking learning to ride on the road is learning to deal with hazards and idiot drivers that are around. You dont want to be worrying too much about the bike being too much to handle.

definitely have to agree with u there :thumbsup:

14-02-2007, 08:59 PM
Well that goes to prove you dont know much about bikes. As a learner you want something that will be easy to control and not too much power as if you have too much power it will be unforgiving and get you into trouble. Perhaps you might remember the instructors when doing the L's training advising getting something you are comfortable on and easy to handle,not something that is a pocket rocket.

And yes whilst any bike has a certain amount of speed, different bikes have different power characteristics, some will be much more forgiving than others for the novice.

If we went by your theory all learners should be on R1's on Cbr 1000's, i am sure they will out brake and out handle a 250:thumbdwn: :thumbdwn:

Perhaps all learner car drivers should be driving Porsche 911 turbos as well as they have good handling. Good theory that one!!!!!

you're taking my comments out of context. my point was i learnt on an nsr250, one of the quicker 250cc's out there but i dont think it was too much power. my point was if you want to do silly speeds you can do that on ANY bike, you could seriously hurt yourself on a postie bike ffs.

everyone tries to exagerate the power delivery of rgv's and nsr's, and people like yourself make the cbr250rr out to be some uberpowerful superbike that learners cant handle.... this is not the case

comparing a any 250cc bike to an r1 is utterly retarted and if you ride bikes you know that :thumbdwn:

speaking of learner training the most important points made was to KNOW YOUR LIMITS and to KNOW YOUR BIKES LIMITS AND CHARACTERISTICS.
those too points go a long way and sadly both of them are ignored by young people these days (goes for cars too)

14-02-2007, 09:08 PM
Honda VFR400

grey import, but a 400cc vtwin, and learner legal too

rode my mates one last week, very very nice

im going for my license on the 27 28th of March. im plan to get one myself

15-02-2007, 12:33 AM
Sorry if the following has been mentioned already but anyway! few things u gotta think about:

If you plan to have a bike only its very inconvenient (shopping,etc)

Torturing- think of how u have to ride in the rain/hail/storm or just simply freezing cold!

If you have a really bad cold/sick, need to go to doctor for medical certificate it sucks hard to ride bike when ur sick

when it gets really really hot u either risk urself riding with tshirt or sweat like a pig in leathers- even mesh jacket is still hot!

And depending on ur haircut you mess ur hair with helmet and have to fix it before work!!! (depends on job)- (my hair looks total sh+thouse after helmet and is very hard to fix due to stiff hair)

Depending on the bike-(I assume u want sportbike) full comp insurance is very very expensive for some bikes mainly sportbikes,for comparison: I got quoted $1700 for gsxr750 and full comp for s2000 is $2100 and the bike is only worth like 10k...so i ended up only with third party insurance-$200

So cost wise, all u will save is the petrol money and rego but CTP is same for me

cant smoke while riding bike!!!

But bike is a LOT of fun in the twisties!so if you have car or access for cars bike is definitely worth all that crap i mentioned above :)

15-02-2007, 05:51 AM
Honda VFR400

grey import, but a 400cc vtwin, and learner legal too

not in victoria

15-02-2007, 07:07 AM

comparing a any 250cc bike to an r1 is utterly retarted and if you ride bikes you know that :thumbdwn:

not at all , you said that a learner must have something that handles well, I was just proving your point was incorrect.

my point was if you want to do silly speeds you can do that on ANY bike, you could seriously hurt yourself on a postie bike ffs.

I totally agree with you on that one:thumbsup: , thats why its so important to have decent gear no matter what you ride.

Also someone made a comment on insurance, yes being on your L's or P's or under 25 can be a bit pricey but after that sportsbikes can be quite reasonable. I pay $276 for full comprehensive cover for my ZZR 600 and I have a mate that has a new GSXR1000 and only pays $970 per year and he is only 30 years old, and another mate on an 03 R6 paying $590.

Its just a matter of finding out where the good insurance players are. Also that cover we have is one of the most feature packed policies there is in NSW. I know, cos I have checked them out.

15-02-2007, 10:24 AM
Damien S - please share the insurance company and i hope it is not swann?

15-02-2007, 12:25 PM
not at all , you said that a learner must have something that handles well, I was just proving your point was incorrect

actually i was saying it was better for learners to have something that handles well opposed to handling poorly. it's easier to a n00b rider to control a good handling bike in a safe manner. a bike with poor handling is easier to lose control of, especially in 'surprise' situations

16-02-2007, 07:10 AM
Damien S - please share the insurance company and i hope it is not swann?

The actual insurer is Calliden, they are an Australian based company that are now insuring alot of bikes...HOWEVER you have to go through a broker that has a deal setup with them on bikes, or through another broker that can access such deals.

16-02-2007, 07:22 AM
Honda VFR400

grey import, but a 400cc vtwin, and learner legal too

rode my mates one last week, very very nice

im going for my license on the 27 28th of March. im plan to get one myself

Nice bike they are, they aren't a vtwin though. They are a V4. Not that that matters anyway, nice bike.

I love the way everything turns into a massive argument on forums. Someone always disagrees with someone else's comment and 'has a go' about it. Always good to read.

Anyway on the bike or car issue. Ive ridden cb250 cbr250 zx2r vtr250 and a couple of other 250's, also ridden most of the open bikes on the market (05 R1, 03 gsxr1000, 05 gsxr600, 05 gsxr750, 03 R6, 03 cbr600f4i zx10r zx6r ...... buells .. and more). My opinion on the issue will mirror a few people's previous comments.
1. Its up to you but if you choose a bike - get GOOD GEAR. Ive had a come off also and was glad to be in good quality protective gear.
2. When it comes to a 'good learner bike', lets face it, a bike is something that gets you excited, few people are going to choose a bike that they have no interest in just because its 'easy' to learn on. As a general rule though a 2stroke wont be good to learn on (I didnt say they are crap so keep the tempers at bay people) because they have a peaky motor that is a pain in the ass in town even if its quick when you are up it. Most modern'ish' bikes handle well enough for a learner cbr's zxr's they are both fun and reasonably easy to learn on but the vtr is possibly the easiest bike to ride. Not particularly fast but nice and torquey for a little bike, nice and upright with wide bars that give you good purchase and make slow cornering and tight suburban roundabouts (something most beginners struggle with) far easier. What it comes down to though is get the bike you like, go easy on it till you are confident and make sure you wear your gear.
3. As for bike or car. Buy a car first mate. I have had times when ive only had a bike and i've always enjoyed every ride but ill get you to imagine one situation and it will turn you off having no car. Imagine riding your commute to work on a 35degree humid day, thats interupted midway to work by some heavy rain - do you know how uncomfortable it is to have your work clothes on that are wet through from the rain and yet you are still sweating from underneath as well.

I currently have no bike and i hate it, every time i hear or see a bike my heart longs to coat hanger the rider off the bike just to take it for a quick ride. Ill tell you this, own a bike and it will be forever in your blood. Every day i try and think of a way i can get another one.

End of the day its your choice, but having a bike and no car has many drawbacks (especially when you have a partner that then has to do all the driving because you have no car). When you do get a bike though get what you like, noone's opinion on here is going to sway your choice (as soon as you ride a bike and like it thats the one you'll get anyway. If you do get a bike get good gear.

16-02-2007, 07:57 AM
I currently have no bike and i hate it, every time i hear or see a bike my heart longs to coat hanger the rider off the bike just to take it for a quick ride. Ill tell you this, own a bike and it will be forever in your blood. Every day i try and think of a way i can get another one.

That days is approaching for me as well, wife and I are looking to buy a house and we need the extra cash in the short term. I am already not sure how I am going to handle not having a bike for how ever long it will be. :confused:

However at least another bike WILL one day grace my garage:p

16-02-2007, 08:05 AM
That days is approaching for me as well, wife and I are looking to buy a house and we need the extra cash in the short term. I am already not sure how I am going to handle not having a bike for how ever long it will be. :confused:

However at least another bike WILL one day grace my garage:p

Mate prepare for a long hard haul.. lol. Listen to me sounding like im mourning the death of a loved one. Bikes are unreal, i cant wait to own another one. Probably be waiting another 2years though. Oh life's hard!

16-02-2007, 08:12 AM
Mate prepare for a long hard haul.. lol. Listen to me sounding like im mourning the death of a loved one. Bikes are unreal, i cant wait to own another one. Probably be waiting another 2years though. Oh life's hard!

Yeah i have been there before so i know how hard it is. I keep photos of bikes I have owned before, it helps the process....well so my therapist says:o

16-02-2007, 03:11 PM
The actual insurer is Calliden, they are an Australian based company that are now insuring alot of bikes...HOWEVER you have to go through a broker that has a deal setup with them on bikes, or through another broker that can access such deals.

Calliden Australia are MAJOUR *rseholes(to put it simply)there are a huge amount of panel beaters in our industry who refuse to deal with them, myself included.

16-02-2007, 03:52 PM
Calliden Australia are MAJOUR *rseholes(to put it simply)there are a huge amount of panel beaters in our industry who refuse to deal with them, myself included.

Well I have never had a problem with them and I work in the insurance industry. I guess sometimes everyone can have bad experiences from a particular person/company.

06-12-2008, 02:08 AM
Well I have never had a problem with them and I work in the insurance industry. I guess sometimes everyone can have bad experiences from a particular person/company.

DamienS you have NO IDEA period.

The amount of disputes lodged with the Australian Insurance Ombudsman in regards to "repairs" in relation to Calliden Australia is EXTREME, to say the very least.

But hey dont listen to me, or half the panel beaters on the northside of QLD, guys do what ever you want :)

06-12-2008, 06:38 PM
DamienS you have NO IDEA period.

The amount of disputes lodged with the Australian Insurance Ombudsman in regards to "repairs" in relation to Calliden Australia is EXTREME, to say the very least.

But hey dont listen to me, or half the panel beaters on the northside of QLD, guys do what ever you want :)

Man where did you dig this thread up from , last post was February 2007!!!

All I said was that I never had a problem with them, mind you never had a claim with them either, other people might of but that is not my problem, and who knows maybe their service has gone to crap in the past almost 2 years, like I care anymore, so dip shit before you start saying people have no idea you might need to clarify the point first. And thankfully no I dont deal with any panel beaters especially on the northside.

And this post is also so old that I now have a nice 2005 Suzuki GSX-R 750 sitting in my garage, so still riding :wave: ohh and no its NOT insured with Calliden.

Dude time to move on, build a bridge and get over it!!! Perhaps you need to lay off the paint fumes!!!!!

06-12-2008, 09:55 PM
Ok Thanks Bennjamin :thumbsup:

07-12-2008, 11:02 AM
exactly right. move on guys.