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View Full Version : CD5 Auto D3 or D4 ?

20-03-2007, 07:57 PM
Hey guys, I just got my accord!!

Now I havent owned an Auto for a long time and was wondering what you guys drive around in ?
D3 or D4 ? Iv noticed there isnt a power/over drive button anywhere..

So are you ment to drive in D3 around town and D4 on the highway ?

Thanks guys :)

20-03-2007, 09:11 PM
D3 stand for gear 1 2 3 there is no gear for....i usually kick down to d3 when i am breaking........if you want to hold a higher gear than leave it in d3 other wise i would say drive around in d4 save more petrol too

23-03-2007, 03:05 AM
FINALY you got ur ACCORD !! zooot.. so are you going to boost it ? :p hahhaha

23-03-2007, 06:37 AM
Leave it in D4 all the time. D4 allows the gearbox to use all 4 gears. D3 allows the first 3 gears. 2 allows only 1st and 2nd gear while L keeps it in 1st gear.

And to slow down, use your brakes. It's easier to replace brake pads and rotors than to recondition your auto box.

23-03-2007, 10:13 PM
In traffic, city, or backstreets I use D3, unless the revs are too high in that model in D3, only time i use D4 in city or town, is when driving along a long 60km/h road just to lower the revs...

D4 is infact ur overdrive use on long roads 60km/h stretch or highway.i even notice like a half gear when in D4 on the highway, little throttle at 100km/h press it just a bit more i get this half gear kick in i dunno whysat and its not 3rd cause thats too high.
also in D4 you have very little engine breaking as if ur rolling around in neutral...

26-03-2007, 09:25 PM
just leave it in D4,
this AT doesnt have any problems with that,

28-03-2007, 07:03 PM
I've heard from my mechanic that CD5 automatic box is not really that great!? is that true? Anyway maybe coz myself, my mechanic included always preferred manual box hmmm.

28-03-2007, 09:34 PM
^^ an auto is an auto, a manual is a manual.

29-03-2007, 12:29 AM
most honda autos of the 90's where average. the CD5 and 94 ludes had the best one IMO of that era.

i think its harsh saying that they are not that great, as they have been quite reliable in the cars iv seen.

30-03-2007, 05:27 PM
Leave it in D4 all the time. D4 allows the gearbox to use all 4 gears. D3 allows the first 3 gears. 2 allows only 1st and 2nd gear while L keeps it in 1st gear.

And to slow down, use your brakes. It's easier to replace brake pads and rotors than to recondition your auto box.

D2 only uses D2 and doesn't down shift to D1 or L/Low.
D2 is mainly used on snows/slippery conditions for stable/better grip on take off.