View Full Version : Tinting Legalities

07-05-2007, 05:45 PM
Hi, just a quick question about tinting.
I have a black car, so the tinting that TintProfessor recommends is this one:

Im from VIC, and ive heard that mirror tinting is a defect. Do you guys think that this will be just a boarder line ok, or a defect?

If a defect, then ill settle with this one, should look ok on a black car.

07-05-2007, 06:05 PM
General Modification Guidelines. Search it. (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59568&highlight=modification+guidelines)

07-05-2007, 07:23 PM
Don't listen to bayani :P
http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/98272D4B-BE1A-403E-AEB3-91EC5DB0E621/0/VSI2.pdf Since you're in VICTORIA (bad bayani), read this.

Rasputin wins!

07-05-2007, 08:06 PM
Yeah thanks fellas....guess ill go with the bottom one then.

07-05-2007, 08:08 PM
yeah read it mate...

a Euro is obviously after 1994 so your restricted to 35%... though 30% is easy to get away with when you have a black car.

07-05-2007, 08:17 PM
Yeah, its just on the tintprof website, they showed the first pic as a good pick for black cars, i was thinking that tint looked like a mirror finish, but just wanted your opinions on it. whether it was defective or not.

But yeah, ill go with the 2nd one with about 30% ish.

07-05-2007, 10:27 PM
bro u got a black car get %5 ;D looks hot "D

08-05-2007, 08:28 AM
bro u got a black car get %5 ;D looks hot "D

= instant defect and cops make you peel it off on the spot... they know the rules regarding 1994

08-05-2007, 08:44 AM
im confused, so the lower the percentage the more illegal? (does the % relate to the amount which can be seen or the amount which cant be seen?)

08-05-2007, 08:52 AM
= instant defect and cops make you peel it off on the spot... they know the rules regarding 1994

LOL... not really

been defected about 20 times in my life..

all u do is find a place that can sign the defect of ;D at a fee of course.

%5 means that, thats how much they can ONLY see through ;D so 95% tinted

08-05-2007, 10:26 AM
im confused, so the lower the percentage the more illegal? (does the % relate to the amount which can be seen or the amount which cant be seen?)

as stated above this post... % is how much they can see through it...

35% is the lowest legal as of ADRs 1994

if you have tints APPLIED before 1994 then anything goes, even 5% for rears. that also obviously means you need to have a pre-94 vehicle... hence why i said it's an obvious defect. like my del sol being a 93 model, i have 5% rears (rear window winds down anyway), if i do get pulled over i can simply say it was already on the car as i won't have proof of when it was done = no defect notice = no fee :D

it's also the reason that people/places who can do it for you won't give you a receipt for less than 35% as they don't want liability.

no point getting a defect "signed for a fee" every time.. gets expensive and is a waste of money.

08-05-2007, 01:09 PM
yeh thats true, it aint like ur gna be fined every month....

if you aint a stupid driver then u will be fine ;D

i had %5 on my civic EG got defected so many times.. only defetced once for the tints.. coz cop was a wanker..

got %5 on my dc5R atm and no defects at all

it really depends on the cop ;D dont know how they are at vic

08-05-2007, 03:00 PM
yeh thats true, it aint like ur gna be fined every month....

if you aint a stupid driver then u will be fine ;D

i had %5 on my civic EG got defected so many times.. only defetced once for the tints.. coz cop was a wanker..

got %5 on my dc5R atm and no defects at all

it really depends on the cop ;D dont know how they are at vic

and what year was the EG civic made?? they know its fine for the car...

the original poster has a 2004 Accord Euro.

i just got pulled over at lunch today for an "RBT" at liverpool. he asked about my tint after checking the car over.... i had to explain that i've only owned the car for 2 weeks and that it was already on there and 'reminded' him of the modifications/adrs guideline regarding tinting and he said OK.

i actually live near you (oakhurst) and know for a fact the cops in our area are not that stupid.. i actually commend them that they know how to do their job unlike some power-trippers.

08-05-2007, 03:16 PM
ok i guess that explains it for my EG, not for my DC5R.. ive been rbt'd at least once every 2 weeks..

i travel alot.. esp to livo and city so i alwaiz see rbts and cops roaming..
the cops at mtdruitt... they dont do squat..

each person has there opinion.. at the end the law is the law.. and if u wna follow the law.. then dont get a tint lower than 35%, but i would go 5%..

EDIT heres a pic of the tints on my EG http://xposed.au.com//photos//18/1177390902_100_0495.jpg

14-05-2007, 11:01 AM
what % tint you got dude?

ok i guess that explains it for my EG, not for my DC5R.. ive been rbt'd at least once every 2 weeks..

i travel alot.. esp to livo and city so i alwaiz see rbts and cops roaming..
the cops at mtdruitt... they dont do squat..

each person has there opinion.. at the end the law is the law.. and if u wna follow the law.. then dont get a tint lower than 35%, but i would go 5%..

EDIT heres a pic of the tints on my EG http://xposed.au.com//photos//18/1177390902_100_0495.jpg

14-05-2007, 12:43 PM
%5 ;d

14-05-2007, 01:03 PM
EDIT heres a pic of the tints on my EG http://xposed.au.com//photos//18/1177390902_100_0495.jpg

god that car is sex

14-05-2007, 02:16 PM
hahaha thanks ;D

15-05-2007, 12:11 PM
^^^you know i think i've seen your car before...

you were driving around the block one time, around plumpton and rooty hill road north...

i know coz me n the mrs were going for a loooong walk and you went past us 3 times in different locations... you must've been bored that night... hehe

15-05-2007, 09:48 PM
hahaha nah, just picking up mates ;D

one lives at kingston, one at plumpton 1 at mtdruitt and one south rooty hill, well thats my close mates hahaha im the taxi ;D