View Full Version : NEED HELP Building a engin for civic

25-05-2007, 11:26 AM

I am new to OZ-Honda and i need help to decide on what engine to choose for my civic i am buying another one due to massive crash that happened on January 6th

i want to make the fastest civic i am looking do make street/drag car

i am looking for any help i can get i am even looking for the best platform for the chaise i was thinking a 1995 Honda civic GLI EG4

these pic's of my old car

25-05-2007, 11:51 AM
Welcome to ozhonda hope you enjoy your stay! :D :thumbsup:

Pics aren't working and can you be more specific as to your interests?


25-05-2007, 11:58 AM

I am new to OZ-Honda and i need help to decide on what engine to choose for my civic i am buying another one due to massive crash that happened on January 6th

i want to make the fastest civic i am looking do make street/drag car

i am looking for any help i can get i am even looking for the best platform for the chaise i was thinking a 1995 Honda civic GLI EG4

these pic's of my old car
You and everyone else wants the fastest car around good luck with your build,just dont get led up the garden path with your setup research it at the track first and not on the net,to many claim big power figures and there ET's and MPH dont show it.Where do you live so at least someone can come up with a local shop to help you out.
Regards Dyno Dave

25-05-2007, 11:59 AM
firstly man you need to make a budget and get some time / power goals.... really dood the sky is the limit when you say ..."as fast as possible"

25-05-2007, 11:59 AM
what's your budget? and are you for real or just asking questions? turbo or na?

Your question is way to vague for anyone to answer.

25-05-2007, 12:16 PM
hi i haven't got a budget im looking at about $100,000AUD
oh and im in Australia NSW and i noticed the pics arnt working and i accidentally made 2 threads and the other one is better cos the pics are working and how do i delete this one

25-05-2007, 12:18 PM
and im looking at naturally aspirated and maby later on supercharger for some reason i really don't like turbo

25-05-2007, 12:21 PM
hi this page has the pics working http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1183526#post1183526

25-05-2007, 12:25 PM
aus $100,000.....are u kidding me???

you must not be serious...who has that kind of money 2 spend and use it on a drag civic??? wouldnt u rather a m3 or wait for the evo10?
if this is lump sum then im amazed...

well anyways...theres lots of places you can go...Croydon Racing and so forth
as for NA it will push the 100k mark 2 get low times...
if i had 2 go NA i would problie choose k20a/k24a frankenstein or just k20a

and u ask moderators 2 delete or CLOSE thread for you

25-05-2007, 12:58 PM
and im looking at naturally aspirated and maby later on supercharger for some reason i really don't like turbo

in that case you will not have the "fastest civic"
No matter how much you pump into an n/a motor, there will always be someone who can kick the $#!+ out of it with a turbo variant... what do you mean you don't like turbo? it doesn't really make any sense, have you owned one??

Bottom line is that there are civics that will pull under 10's, so it really depends on a lot of things, is it a street car, track only? how reliable do you want this car??

So man, if you REALLY have 100 grand to put down, then there are plenty of places which can hook you up with the right gear, but better get to know your stuff a bit betta coz talking like this, you are going to get screwed bad by the 1st company that sees you coming!!

Also better have a good think about whether it really worth putting that kind of money into a $5000 "grocery getter"

(no offence guys love da civics!!:honda: )

25-05-2007, 01:10 PM
Are you for real? $100k... if you are seriously this bling, i would really consider buying something pre-built from overseas. Lots of proven race teams in the US that are heavyly into the honda drag scene.

25-05-2007, 01:32 PM
i am i have 100K at my dispose and i donut mind going turbo if that will give me more speed i have chosen to do a civic because i like them i always have but im not to sure whats the best rout to take my main reason is

i know its childish but a guy i know is mg into drag and he spoke of my choice of car as crap and i wanted to prove him wrong hes got now a twin turbo Mitsubishi VRX and its my goal to beat it and put him in his place calling civics girls car

25-05-2007, 01:40 PM
and i got the 100k from the crash i had with my old civic www.ozhonda.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=5386&d=1180056124

please use this thread cos it has the pic's of the crash

25-05-2007, 01:42 PM
ok to put it straight i want the fastest street legal civic
cos its not worth much to me if i cant drive it on the road

25-05-2007, 01:44 PM
you got paid out 100k for crashing your civic ? I have never heard of this....it had gold plated parts everywhere ?!?

25-05-2007, 01:45 PM
Sorry about the crash, it must have been quite nasty for such a big payout.
But, you've come to the right place. Since you're in sydney, that's perfect. You should contact DynoDave and the Online Boys, they should be able to sort you out something since you have such a healthy budget to play with. I'm sure they'll definitely build you something to beat your mates VRX.

25-05-2007, 01:52 PM
OMG!! Were u ok? Thats a terrible accident!!

25-05-2007, 01:59 PM
man, if I got 100k from a crash, i would not be blowing it trying to prove a point to a mate, that is stupid.

Unless ur some millionare, i think you should take a long hard look in the mirror and think about how that money could be somehow better invested into your future.

I am assuming that it is a TAC payout or something as i guess you were pretty badly injured in the accident, maybe look at investing that money a little more wisely! Cash like that only comes up once a lifetime for most of us if that and i think you will regret wasting it on a car that, in the long run, will be worth next to nothing!

Sorry to put it like that, and I know that i do not know the full situation, but from the sounds of it, have a think about what i am saying here!

25-05-2007, 02:10 PM
i know i have already thought of it and i invested the rest and have plans on buying a house and what not but i have thought about this alot and i planned out what i want out of like and set aside 100K for me to play around with and build a car with and the rest is taking care of its self look at the photos on this thread and you will know what i mean and i walked away from that crash to me thats all that counts but i got a couple of years till i can work agen so im using this time to work on the civic that i have always wanted and cos of the crash i have the $$% that i need to do it

25-05-2007, 02:23 PM
yeah some good advice from kiz_eg6, i hope you have thought about it, and I reckon if you really want something go for it! Life's too short to hold back :thumbsup:

25-05-2007, 02:26 PM
I think about $10k into a cheapo $4k civic is plenty too make a really great car! keep the rest, honestly!! dont blow it all on cars.

25-05-2007, 02:29 PM
yeah some good advice from kiz_eg6, i hope you have thought about it, and I reckon if you really want something go for it! Life's too short to hold back :thumbsup:

thanks and i know what you mean i have seen it in person i have been dead and 5 and brought back so life is to short mine was almost cut short a and it gave me a wake up call and i have taken steps to get ready for the future and set aside some so i can live free for now if that makes sense

25-05-2007, 02:32 PM
I think about $10k into a cheapo $4k civic is plenty too make a really great car! keep the rest, honestly!! dont blow it all on cars.

i know that but i have put the 100k as my limit if it only takes 20k to do what i want the rest is going on a holiday but i set it as a limit i wont need it all but its a price im willing to go to to be happy

25-05-2007, 02:38 PM
i know i have already thought of it and i invested the rest and have plans on buying a house and what not but i have thought about this alot and i planned out what i want out of like and set aside 100K for me to play around with and build a car with and the rest is taking care of its self look at the photos on this thread and you will know what i mean and i walked away from that crash to me thats all that counts but i got a couple of years till i can work agen so im using this time to work on the civic that i have always wanted and cos of the crash i have the $$% that i need to do it

ok, fair enough man.

Well it will not take 100 grand to get a civic beating some shitbox magna, no matter how many turbos he has stuck on it.

I guess, as you may well have learned from the crash, you need to make sure your car is as safe as it is fast.
I would start by installing all the best in suspension, brakes and probably invest in a roll cage, i would say it is by far the most important part by far!!

As for the rest, set yourself up a plan, talk to as many ppl as you can, because remember, just because someone tells you something, doesn't mean they know it all, or for that matter, they are even right!
Everything you can do to a car is opinion based, so there is no one way to go, or a right and a wrong!

All i can say is it is very easy to get ripped, and you may find that 100 grand does not go as far as you think, i mean you can spend 20 or more just on an engine rebuild, so do the homework and all the best with it!!

25-05-2007, 02:48 PM
ok, fair enough man.

Well it will not take 100 grand to get a civic beating some shitbox magna, no matter how many turbos he has stuck on it.

I guess, as you may well have learned from the crash, you need to make sure your car is as safe as it is fast.
I would start by installing all the best in suspension, brakes and probably invest in a roll cage, i would say it is by far the most important part by far!!

As for the rest, set yourself up a plan, talk to as many ppl as you can, because remember, just because someone tells you something, doesn't mean they know it all, or for that matter, they are even right!
Everything you can do to a car is opinion based, so there is no one way to go, or a right and a wrong!

All i can say is it is very easy to get ripped, and you may find that 100 grand does not go as far as you think, i mean you can spend 20 or more just on an engine rebuild, so do the homework and all the best with it!!

and thank you i was in hospital and a role cage was my first derision i don't care what car i would buy i was putting in a role cage and i was steered away from civics to big 4 door cars and i came back to civics cos i have a thing for civics i dont know why but its something about them im just drawn to them

25-05-2007, 02:50 PM
and thank you i was in hospital and a role cage was my first derision i don't care what car i would buy i was putting in a role cage and i was steered away from civics to big 4 door cars and i came back to civics cos i have a thing for civics i dont know why but its something about them im just drawn to them

Yeah, i've gone from an EG6 to a DC2R, EG6 is still my pick!!

25-05-2007, 02:50 PM
i think and EG with a worked k20 will be more than enough for what you want? also wouldnt cost up to 100k. Cause end of the day it will just be a civic.

25-05-2007, 03:02 PM
man seriously just get a d16..... ahhahah

on a more serious note, i think a boost kseries hybrid would be a killer, do some research on the 2.6L K... would be an awsome platform for boost

25-05-2007, 03:17 PM
thanks and i know what you mean i have seen it in person i have been dead and 5 and brought back so life is to short mine was almost cut short a and it gave me a wake up call and i have taken steps to get ready for the future and set aside some so i can live free for now if that makes sense

hehehe, seems like we have a bit in common, but i didn't get paid out anything, cause i had no insurance. but yeah as many have said, i think 30K should cover the cost to build a real street weapon, leaves you 70k to party with :cool:

here was my crash


25-05-2007, 03:30 PM
...if we're going to start showing off crash photos...


25-05-2007, 03:38 PM
sweet, did you get a payout? guess all is well now anyways, you have a dc2r, lol.

25-05-2007, 03:47 PM
sweet, did you get a payout? guess all is well now anyways, you have a dc2r, lol.

honestly man, no payout, i could not get full comp coz of the paint job absolute b.s!
She is still sitting in my front yard gathering leaves, while i decide what to do!!

But yeah, dc2r pretty sweet, lotz a debt though!!

how bout u?

25-05-2007, 03:55 PM
:thumbsup: I sincerely hope you end up with a (TRUE) engine builder and tuner! Hopefully someone will help you make an example....:thumbsup:

25-05-2007, 03:58 PM
nar i didn't have full comp insurance cause i was sure they would pull off a stunt like what they did with you, since my car was always changing, and it was turbo charged.

but yeah shit happens, learnt heaps from the experience and now i own a car that i couldn't be more happy with.

25-05-2007, 04:24 PM


its like watching animal cruelty, too hard for me to watch

25-05-2007, 04:37 PM
dam your old turbo coupe was so nice....

25-05-2007, 06:31 PM
that was a coupe man, faark, sorry, but it would've been awesome!!

RIP to anyone who has lost a honda to some bad luck!!:)

26-05-2007, 10:50 AM
i know ppl are thinking im not serious about 100K budget for my new civic but its real trust me the only reason was that i couldn't walk for 4 months and now i cant walk with out crutches still you all prob saw it on the news it happened on January 6th this year

26-05-2007, 06:11 PM
Go for it man do what you want with your money and your car. You survived that crash i think you deserve to own a fastest fookin civic there is.Call Spoon or Mugen and order a whole civic made to order then bring it over here lol.

26-05-2007, 06:44 PM
Go for it man do what you want with your money and your car. You survived that crash i think you deserve to own a fastest fookin civic there is.Call Spoon or Mugen and order a whole civic made to order then bring it over here lol.

thanks bro good idea never thought of that ill find out more amout mugen and spoon and how to contact them

thanks agen

26-05-2007, 08:46 PM
lol reading this thread makes me laugh for some reason.. it should be titled, guy rites off civic, guy and friends get fudged up, guy gets 100,000, guy decides to spend it all on a faster civic? we should send this 2 rove "WHAT THE?!?!?"

31-05-2007, 11:37 AM
he said before it wasnt his fault someone hit him :S shouldnt he replace what appeared to be a previously nice civic (i could see where intercooler was once, nice rims etc.)

31-05-2007, 11:42 AM
he said before it wasnt his fault someone hit him :S shouldnt he replace what appeared to be a previously nice civic (i could see where intercooler was once, nice rims etc.)

No inter cooler cos it was NA i cant have turbo or supercharger for 2 years but it was a nice lil eg6

31-05-2007, 11:45 AM
he said before it wasnt his fault someone hit him :S shouldnt he replace what appeared to be a previously nice civic (i could see where intercooler was once, nice rims etc.)

No inter cooler cos it was NA i cant have turbo or supercharger for 2 years but it was a nice lil eg6 it only had 18,823 K's on the clock when i bought it and i never even got over 23,000 i just want it back or another to replace it the car didn't deserve a crash like that it was a ride off unrepairable

31-05-2007, 11:55 AM
lol reading this thread makes me laugh for some reason.. it should be titled, guy rites off civic, guy and friends get fudged up, guy gets 100,000, guy decides to spend it all on a faster civic? we should send this 2 rove "WHAT THE?!?!?"

its like the 3rd or 4th time you have posted this what are you so retarded that you can remember posting this if you are im sorry i don't want you to feel bad and if your no get over it you idiot

31-05-2007, 02:15 PM
hehehe, seems like we have a bit in common, but i didn't get paid out anything, cause i had no insurance. but yeah as many have said, i think 30K should cover the cost to build a real street weapon, leaves you 70k to party with :cool:

here was my crash


granted i am a car noob, isnt that thing sticking out at the bottom piping with blue silicon thing linked to the intercooler??

31-05-2007, 02:22 PM
haha yeah, but that's my old car not the kid that started this thread.

31-05-2007, 07:02 PM
oh shit my bad, sorry.. how stupid lol didnt realise the poster wasnt deadcivic :S

31-05-2007, 07:17 PM
that reminds me i didn't have any insurance only green and pink slip and they covered my compo for my injury's and thats where i am now just waiting to build me a street weapon and when it complete take it to the track and go Nuts

31-05-2007, 10:46 PM
its like the 3rd or 4th time you have posted this what are you so retarded that you can remember posting this if you are im sorry i don't want you to feel bad and if your no get over it you idiot

lol great exaggeration, i posted it once here, i would like you to point out the 3rd or possibly even 4th time i posted that exact msg again. if u can find another 3 or 4 times i will apologize and add another $50,000 to your $100,000 civic bank

31-05-2007, 10:53 PM
lol great exaggeration, i posted it once here, i would like you to point out the 3rd or possibly even 4th time i posted that exact msg again. if u can find another 3 or 4 times i will apologize and add another $50,000 to your $100,000 civic bank

very funny for an idiot that finds the accident that me and my friends almost died in funny next think i gonna hear is that you support rape and child porn if you think ppl almost dieing is funny then you are one sick puppy

31-05-2007, 10:55 PM
very funny for an idiot that finds the accident that me and my friends almost died in funny next think i gonna hear is that you support rape and child porn if you think ppl almost dieing is funny then you are one sick puppy

lol watever mate goodluck with your project, and afterwards the next think you can do is maybe spend a bit of money on some english lessons.

31-05-2007, 11:06 PM
lol watever mate goodluck with your project, and afterwards the next think you can do is maybe spend a bit of money on some english lessons.

what you gonna pull me up on one word out of context that i hit a K instead of a G your a big man for noticing that wow congratulations

any way im no longer bothering with ppl like you

sounds like you sad that i have the money to do what i want to do and you don't

but thats life get over it

01-06-2007, 04:17 PM
i dont suggest you act childish or berate, youre only feeding the trolls :(

02-06-2007, 12:48 AM
i reckon you should give ur mates some of that 100g's u got

02-06-2007, 01:02 AM
i reckon you should give ur mates some of that 100g's u got

they all got there compo co there set and i decided to build me a killer of a civic

02-06-2007, 12:09 PM
they all got there compo co there set and i decided to build me a killer of a civic

i guess that sums it up.

Guys , grow up and stop with the name calling or defensive comments.

DeadCivic , best of luck mate. If you have $100k , why not put a chunk of it into investments or a term deposit - rather than blow it on the most amazing civic there ever was. Funny , since you say you almost died in one why spend even more on it ?

02-06-2007, 12:20 PM
i guess that sums it up.

Guys , grow up and stop with the name calling or defensive comments.

DeadCivic , best of luck mate. If you have $100k , why not put a chunk of it into investments or a term deposit - rather than blow it on the most amazing civic there ever was. Funny , since you say you almost died in one why spend even more on it ?

because it never failed me
it wasn't my fault if it was int for the car taking all the hit and getting destroyed i would of died from the impact

like if the car was in one piece we would not be here but since the car took all the speed and crumbled the car took most of the impact weight instead of us

that and i just feel comfortable driving them

they just suite me they say that you don't chose a car it chooses you

02-06-2007, 12:24 PM
the car did what it was supposed to ~ but remember its not like you owe the car a favour by putting so much money into it.
Just remember that you will not get anywhere near as much money back from it if you choose to sell etc. This rule applies to all cars.

Ok , IMO - for a nice nice civic you would be looking at around the $30k mark with a nice K series installed , full ITR running gear ( suspension / swaybars / brakes / etc) and then a nice paintjob etc. Who knows whatever else...why not have alook on honda-tech.com and browse around at the styles in flavour at the moment ?

02-06-2007, 12:41 PM
the car did what it was supposed to ~ but remember its not like you owe the car a favour by putting so much money into it.
Just remember that you will not get anywhere near as much money back from it if you choose to sell etc. This rule applies to all cars.

Ok , IMO - for a nice nice civic you would be looking at around the $30k mark with a nice K series installed , full ITR running gear ( suspension / swaybars / brakes / etc) and then a nice paintjob etc. Who knows whatever else...why not have alook on honda-tech.com and browse around at the styles in flavour at the moment ?

cool thanks for that i really have np plan in blowing it oll on the civic but if i get something i like for 30K im happy but if it takes a liil bit more i mapy to but i set my limit to 100K but i am sure that i will never get close to it but thank you for the help

02-06-2007, 12:43 PM
sorry im finger is on my right hank is messed up so sorry cos my typing is really bad

03-06-2007, 09:00 AM
so i read the last 5 pages of your thread. wont give you any advice on cars etc, thats been covered a bit but one thing i will say is i dont think its a great idea to come onto a forum and tell people you have 100 thousand dollars to spend on a civic. do you really want people to know u have that sort of cash? let alone that sort of cash to spend on a honda?

do your research on what you want, ask people who have done similar builds etc but dont go telling people before you know anything about what you want that you ahve that sort of money to play with.

you might find your dollar will go just a bit further..

if i was a mod id close this thread for deadcivics sake before everyone knows him as "the guy with 100k to spend on a civic"

best of luck

04-06-2007, 10:52 PM
i dont know if there is that many things you can do to a civic with 100k..
why not make a top fueler with the money?

05-06-2007, 11:15 AM
well for one first on ur shopping list should be an internal cage

05-06-2007, 11:43 AM
lol @ internal cage

05-06-2007, 02:00 PM
i dont know if there is that many things you can do to a civic with 100k..
why not make a top fueler with the money?

because it would cost more than that just to keep a top fueler for a season lol.