View Full Version : Maintaining car - Keeping off road

28-05-2007, 09:41 PM
Hey guys im getting an eg hatch soon cos im way too attcthed to my dc2r, i love it but dun want to drive it (much)!! So my question is what is the best way to maintain the car if its in the garage, and drivin occasionally....for example making sure battery doesnt go flat, how often i should start her and anything else u may want to add would help...


28-05-2007, 09:43 PM
Hey guys im getting an eg hatch soon cos im way too attcthed to my dc2r, i love it but dun want to drive it (much)!! So my question is what is the best way to maintain the car if its in the garage, and drivin occasionally....for example making sure battery doesnt go flat, how often i should start her and anything else u may want to add would help...


theres a few pages in your manual about it, and i think if you did a search there might be a few threads im not sure but i remember seeing a few.

28-05-2007, 09:44 PM
yeh already searched but couldnt pin point the answers i was looking for, i shall check out the manual

28-05-2007, 09:55 PM
how long are you planning on babying the car in a garage for? weekend cruiser only? or a special once every blue moon spin?

28-05-2007, 09:55 PM
ask dean (DLO01), what he does. pretty sure his dc2r is just a weekend car

28-05-2007, 09:58 PM
If your car will be a weekend car, then you don't need to do anything other than drive it on the weekend.

28-05-2007, 09:59 PM
probly start off as week ender , then move to once blue moons, i just dun want it to go dead or rust or somthing of a sort

28-05-2007, 10:04 PM
Mostly going to go out when my crew goes for a cruise and thats never in the rain, soo winter looks like wont b comming out often after i get the EG...so barely driven any recommendations

28-05-2007, 10:07 PM
probly start off as week ender , then move to once blue moons, i just dun want it to go dead or rust or somthing of a sort

It won't. Just make sure you keep changing the oil every 6 months even if you don't drive the kms. I've left my car for 1 month without starting and it still started fine. If you have an aftermarket alarm system, be aware that your battery can drain quicker than stock. Get a battery charger in that case.

28-05-2007, 10:08 PM
Keep it somewhere dry, maybe buy a cheapish dehumidifier and put it in the garage, get one with a hose attachment so you can run a garden house outside instead of emptying it each day

You will need to change the oil and filter about 3-4 times per year
There is a special paste you can buy that you put on your dip stick, when u put the dip stick into the oil and bring it back up; if theres water the paste turns red where there is water

Brake fluid, clutch, power steering will need to be changed every two years

Flush radiator with a 50% coolant 50% distilled/purified water, if you use tap water it will still corrode over time

Get a trickle charger, keep it on the battery all the time to keep the charge level up and the battery in good condition, check the acid level and quality with a battery hydrometer (about $6) and top up with battery acid not water; available at Super Cheap n shit

Keep in mind that tires have a set life span; just because the tread is good doesn't mean that the tire is any good, about 5 years is the rule of thumb... After time it may slightly deflate and loose it's shape; if driver once every few months it should be an issue

Make sure the car is clean before you store it to remove salts and what not

There is a whole lot more that you can do to it; just depends how anal you want to be

28-05-2007, 10:21 PM
Thanks drew

Well not going to be as hard as i thought,, luckily i can do all those things myself, thanks for the ideas, i think your description is anal enough for me!!:p

28-05-2007, 10:59 PM
No offense, but why bother owning it and keeping it registered if you are going to drive it once in a blue moon. I could understand if it's a classic car, but it's just a DC2R which was built to be enjoyed.

28-05-2007, 11:55 PM
dont have money to buy a classic car, i love my honda and take a lot of pride in it...people enjoy there cars in different ways, so trust me im enjoying my car.

I was merely getting peoples thoughts on how to maintain it if i were to drive it once here and there....im taking this dc2r to my grave 100 years from now:D

28-05-2007, 11:58 PM
Don't worry I know exactally what you mean :) I was just making sure you weren't the other type of person who doesn't drive their car :D

29-05-2007, 12:01 AM
i think in the end it will be a weekender when i have the eg
haha yeh dun worry ill drive it just was wondering maintanence tips if i was to leave it for a month or so for some reason...never know what might happen

29-05-2007, 12:02 AM
dont have money to buy a classic car, i love my honda and take a lot of pride in it...people enjoy there cars in different ways, so trust me im enjoying my car.

I was merely getting peoples thoughts on how to maintain it if i were to drive it once here and there....im taking this dc2r to my grave 100 years from now:D

It won't last 100 years. I don't think it'll last 30 years before rusting sets in. Just make sure you get as much driving as you can before the car reaches the end of its life.

29-05-2007, 12:05 AM
but the vtec needs some loving

29-05-2007, 12:10 AM
haha yes i have a feeling she will b having some big week ends, the vtec shall get plenty of lovin

30-05-2007, 06:08 AM
Ha ha, Yeh, I would not go too over the top like some of these other guys, but thats just my opinion.

If its just a weekend car like mine, thats just it, drive it on the weekend. Other than that, just make sure you keep up with your services. If its gonna be sitting around for a month or months, then with mine I would just make sure I start it every week.

In the end just try to make it a habbit to taking it for a spin every week.

Everything deterorates with age. Its your car and it up to you how you want to use it. If you like some people that say its a type R and it needs to be driven and you feel that way then do it. If your like others and want to preserve it and can, then do that.

Like many things, its Pros and Cons. Its up to the individual its a personal choice.

30-05-2007, 06:14 AM
haha yes i have a feeling she will b having some big week ends, the vtec shall get plenty of lovin

But yeh, give it some good lovin on the Wends. My Dad takes his VFR bike, I take the R and we go for nice runs up Mt Tamborine. :D

30-05-2007, 03:35 PM
haha nice good advice, well thanks all i have all i need!!

04-06-2007, 09:35 PM
try disconnecting battery wenever its in the garage and start the car at least every 2 weeks to keep the oil fresh and lubricates engine seals,oil gallerys from clogging up plus start aircon too stops sealfrom leakin and stuff like dat and take it for a drive every now and then to stop fings from binding up.