View Full Version : Adjusting headlight angles

29-05-2007, 08:45 AM
I know it may be a noob questions but how do you adjust the angle of the headlights on an ek1?

I see a small grove behind the headlight and on the bottom of that there's a small metal wheel with teeth... but when I tried to adjust it with a philips screwdriver I can't really see a difference in angles?

29-05-2007, 11:51 AM
it sounds like you are on the right track, i know with my itr it takes a good few turns before you notice any difference!!

Try turning lots more, and park car facing a flat wall with the lights on while you do it, then you should be able to tell if it's working or not!!

29-05-2007, 12:33 PM
Yea I didn't notice much of a difference when I was turning it.

I've also ready around that there are two gears - horizontal and vertical? Anyone know where these gears are?

29-05-2007, 01:44 PM
try to b at least 3 m away
in a flat wall/fence
then u will c it

29-05-2007, 01:54 PM
and u've foudn the other thread... so why make this??

29-05-2007, 01:59 PM
As stated by Will.i.am many threads on this

here is one of many.


don't be fet lezy bouyyy ok ?