View Full Version : flat battery mean new battery?

10-06-2007, 01:36 PM
i got a flat battery because i ran my stereo with amp and sub for too long. i am going to jump start my car. would the current battery still be ok to use after? or would it be better for me to get a new one asap? what are the chances that it would become flat more quickly or often? i just dont wanna be somewhere and get a flat thats all.im not sure how old the battery it thought.

10-06-2007, 02:41 PM
if u havent changed it for a few years, mite as well get a new 1, esp if ur running amps and subs.

i had to jump start my batt in March, thought it mayb ok, then had to jump start it last week. had it replaced on friday. it depends how old ur batt is and how much things depends on it i guess

10-06-2007, 02:46 PM
^ that said. definately take age of the batt into account.

but most of the time, a jump start would b fine as long as the batt cells are not completely dead. if ur batt's still reletively new, jump start it, let it run or take the car for a spin, drive for a few days, if no problem arise, u shud b ok. when the car's up and running, the alternator shud rechage the batt.

10-06-2007, 05:00 PM
yup, jump start it first and run it for a while and see how it goes.

11-06-2007, 04:00 PM
or take it to a battery shop. they can test it and let u know the best step to take. the test is usually FREE.

if the battery doesnt meet your output requirements they could also point you in the right direction for a better battery

11-06-2007, 04:11 PM
Before buying new battery, try top up the water level with distilled water.

My battery used to die after no driving for a month. Then I top up the water, give it a full charge.

Then I left my car again for 1 month. When I came back, I was surprised that it still cranked up. :) The power of dream.
My car got no alarm or amps though.

11-06-2007, 04:33 PM
this happaned 2 my car (battery died) jump started it.. ran it for 45min 2 recharge... but it wouldnt start after...

give this a shot and if it doesnt start after get a new battery or u could just refill it with battery... with battery acid not water though and then recharge the battery... but just easier 2 get new one :P

11-06-2007, 08:55 PM
Try jumpstarting, but expect your battery to not retain charge for too long after being discharged a few times, especially if it is an old battery. It happens because lead acid batteries start to lose plate material (lead/calcium) when they are discharged. Deep cycle batteries are less prone to this problem, but they eventually have the same problem (but you get to discharge, jumpstart and recharge them many times before they too start to not retain charge)