View Full Version : Which honda to choose

12-06-2007, 04:45 PM
Ok guys as some of you know i currently own a supercharged corolla. I am looking into buying a new car and because of insurence i need one which isn't FI. I'm looking into cars atm and am thinking of going honda since they have more power in the n/a form and the corolla sportivo isn't a good car due to it's common oil pickup problem causing the engines to seize. Plus it's really poor bottem end. I also like revvy engines as my 100kw 4age used to rev to 7800rpm and i loved it.

My two choices are either the honda integra dc2r or the honda civic coupe em1 i think it's called, the 2000 vti-r coupe.

Now i've been trying to research on these two cars and haven't had much luck in info. I really like the look of the em1 but may have to go with the dc2r for power.

I don't really wanna go from 136kw down to under 100kw. So the info i'm looking at is any common problems with the two. Pro's and con's. Also what modifications are available to increase power to get good results.

What i basically need is a nice looking newish car without enough power that won't disappoint me after comming from a 4agze. I know no honda will compete with the killer low end torque i have now, but i guess you know what i mean.


12-06-2007, 04:49 PM
DC2R all the way,
No comparison to make if you're comparing it against an EM1...
Mechanically, the dc2r is unrivalled in all facets compared to the EM1,
the only issue will be which car appeals to you more looks wise.

Read the stickies up the top of the Integra forum for more info on em :)

12-06-2007, 05:42 PM
dc2r. more power, looks nice, and dont really need to mod the beast.

as far as problems are concerned, not much besides the normal wear and tear. you can also have a look at the integra section or at other integra forums such as austeg or clubitr for problems other ppl have.

12-06-2007, 05:56 PM
Dc2r hands down is the better choice.

But, your insurance will be a killer, especially since your from Mt Druitt lol

12-06-2007, 05:59 PM
hmmm all true, any other suggestions maybe. Or maybe i should just stick with teh corolla :S

12-06-2007, 06:05 PM
What Corolla have you got?If it's an ae101 or newer just keep it.
Yes the Type R will kill with insurance so the Em1 is the choice as far as that's concerned.Although you will need to spend heaps to make a Em1 do 13.8 secs...
Just choose a car for overall features not purely kw or torque.You won't regret changing to Honda once you live with 1 for a while.

12-06-2007, 06:21 PM
DC2R or not, insurance is still gonna be a lot cheaper than a supercharged Rolla.

12-06-2007, 06:28 PM
not really, considering type Rs are a high theft profile car to insurance companies.

12-06-2007, 06:34 PM
Yep and value of car and it's a "type R" yo lol

12-06-2007, 06:39 PM
Another vote for DC2R. And not only is the engine good, it has the suspension, chassis and brakes to go with it. :)

12-06-2007, 06:50 PM
i have an ae92. I currently don't pay for insurence on my car, it's not worth it. If i crash it then it's gone. How about an integra vti-r?? I hate having to find a new car, i love my rolla and i dont think anything that i can afford is going to make me as happy as i am with the rolla. I would have about $20-25grand to spend on a car and wouldn't want to pay more than $1500 for insurence if the car is worth 22 or more.

Maybe insurance is not for me :(

12-06-2007, 06:52 PM
How old are you?

And personally, no...forget the vtir...it wont live up to expectations.

12-06-2007, 06:53 PM
Perhaps just get 3rd party JUST TO PROTECT YOURSELF.

In case the worst can happen...you for some reason hit an AMG or something along those lines and rack up a massive bill.

12-06-2007, 06:53 PM
I'm 23

12-06-2007, 08:30 PM
Yeh, under 25 and you'd struggle to insure the Type R for cheap - but still would've been cheaper than your FI Rolla had you of insured it.
Depending on your driving/insurance history, 1500-2k insurance would be my best guesstimate for ya.
Best just asking an insurance company about it.
I personally found Vigil to be a good company to deal with - Melb based.

12-06-2007, 08:44 PM
well first off, of all the cars u have mensioned i would be taking the dc2r :)

however, i would personally not be buying a dc2r and then not having comprehensive insurance on it, for a car worth that much its not worth the risk if something goes wrong. even if its not ur fault there are a lot of dodgy drivers on the roads... unless it is going to be used very sparingly, if u cant or are not willing to fork out for the cost of comp insurance then i would reconsider ur options.

12-06-2007, 08:58 PM
dc2 type R but good luck finding one clean and unsmashed. I've tried and seen many. No luck. Went for a rexie and now an Euro(different story).

12-06-2007, 09:03 PM
ffs we should call this site dc2r-honda.com.......

12-06-2007, 10:20 PM
dc2r is 1 perfect packaged car

12-06-2007, 10:27 PM
dc2r is 1 perfect packaged car
Ye perhaps for people who want a stripped down weekend warrior.
I love them too but not everyone wants that type of package in a car....

12-06-2007, 10:29 PM
well he said he didn't wanna go down to a 100kw beast. :)

12-06-2007, 11:17 PM
dc2R has more better mods avaliable then the em1. besides dc2r way better stock vs stock to. for insurance go with justcar insurance. they are the cheapest for under 25. if your a safe driver just get 3rd party other wise comprehensive will leave you poor in the gutter. lol
if you prefer the civic coupe look more then the integra, then just buy a coupe gli or sumthing and get a conversion done. you might save more money depending on how well you use your budget.

what i would do if i was in your situation, id get a coupe. i reckon they look much more sexy :). then id drive it around abit or if you have a money tree in the backyard id invest in a k20a or maybe k24, better yet a k20a with k24a head. lol. i think dr honda was selling one for 8k or sumthing, but ud need around 12k for engine+parts, anyway, with that you'd have a killer car in the future.
that would kill integra type Rs dc2 and dc5 since the civic is way lighter, better power to weight ratio.
along the way if n/a doesnt tickle your boat, maybe u can turbo it. that would murder skylines, rexies etc etc hahah.
HOWEVER, you can do the exact same with if you buy a dc2, get a conversion, might be cheaper then buying a straight out dc2r, but thats nothing special as it will be a dc2r wannabe.
BUT.....this is if your intending to keep the car for a long time, personally i reckon buying mods....sell...make a loss....buy...spend on mods...sell make more losses....take public transport......apply for dole. you get the idea. id keep and love one car and slowly make mods along the way if i were u, i know by exp buying then selling cars a few times, i made a loss.

thank wisesly not to waste your cash, UNLESS you have a money tree farm.
if so tell me where you live haahahahaah

12-06-2007, 11:23 PM
Hello buddy.

There is no such thing as a COUPE GLi as you stated in your reply.

Only VTi-R (EM1) or VTi (EJ8)

12-06-2007, 11:43 PM
Hello buddy.

There is no such thing as a COUPE GLi as you stated in your reply.

Only VTi-R (EM1) or VTi (EJ8)

except the one that called 'ferio' overseas, that shape has a GLi model.

12-06-2007, 11:44 PM
except the one that called 'ferio' overseas, that shape has a GLi model.

Umm, a ferio is a sedan - not a coupe.

12-06-2007, 11:46 PM
DC2R all the way...

12-06-2007, 11:54 PM
I went from AE93 20v Rolla SX to DC2 VTi-R and the old rolla doesn't stand a chance, I've Type-Rified my suspension + all braces (which in 98+ models = Type R chassis), a lot of people will try knock it but most never tried it first. Just don't take everything at face value and you could be surprised.

13-06-2007, 12:14 AM
Umm, a ferio is a sedan - not a coupe.

oyeah, I forgot. LOL

13-06-2007, 03:01 AM
Hello buddy.

There is no such thing as a COUPE GLi as you stated in your reply.

Only VTi-R (EM1) or VTi (EJ8)

err... wrong my friend.

there're Gli coupes available in Aussie, perhaps just not very common.

--> http://www.honda.com.au/wps/wcm/connect/Honda.com.au/Home/Owners/Previous+Models/Civic/1996+-+2000/

search before correcting others? :)

13-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Yeah there is a GLi ek/ej civic coupe available in Aust.

Seen a couple of them around.

13-06-2007, 10:40 AM
Get a REAL Honda (CRX) :p

...Or a DC2R is a wise choice also.

13-06-2007, 10:47 AM
Crx Gen3!!!!

13-06-2007, 03:02 PM
yeh there are coupe gli's iv seen them around. but the main pont is a bargain em1 in general wat ever it is, dats if he likes the coupe look.

13-06-2007, 05:21 PM
Great another converted Toyota person.
I use to own a ae92 20v, and personally it didn't live up to expectations.
I'm suprised that your gze is doing the times it is, i've seen a few line up type Rs and get beaten down the quarter. I guess youve prob got a few mods on it

Reason i changed to a ek4 is that my 20v was getting beaten by them.

All the Hondas with performance are expensive to insure, my 20v was cheaper to insure. Looks like the insurance companys understand what VTIR & Type R means.

If you've got an AE92 you might wanna look at the EK4, its lighter than the EM1 with same engine. ITRs are coming down in price also. I have to admit that all the honda ranges are nicer to drive, the feel is just better and you can feel the quality of the build.

13-06-2007, 05:28 PM
^^^^Agree with Limbo on everything there, and especially the feel of the Honda engines, I used to be a diehard Toyota man after owning a couple 4AGE's and I was convinced that there's no way Honda could build a better engine, oh how wrong I was, so much smoother and with no torque holes of the 20v.

13-06-2007, 05:40 PM
i think you guys really need to drive a 4agze, you wont be saying the same thing :P

I've driven a civic cxi and an integra vti-r and they suck compared to my car, the integra was better than my 4age but the civic, no way. Now with 4agze i can't find one to compare, i have two mates with dc5r's and i leave em for dead :(. I might have to keep the rolla as i love the low torque pull. nothing beats it. But if i can't get it to handle as well as a honda i'm gonna have the shits and have to get something else. It's one thing to have a quick car, it's another to have one quick on corners.

13-06-2007, 05:44 PM
err... wrong my friend.

there're Gli coupes available in Aussie, perhaps just not very common.

--> http://www.honda.com.au/wps/wcm/connect/Honda.com.au/Home/Owners/Previous+Models/Civic/1996+-+2000/

search before correcting others? :)

Thanks hero. You are never wrong and your a perfect LITTLE THING aren't you.

13-06-2007, 05:50 PM
i think you guys really need to drive a 4agze, you wont be saying the same thing :P

I've driven a civic cxi and an integra vti-r and they suck compared to my car, the integra was better than my 4age but the civic, no way. Now with 4agze i can't find one to compare, i have two mates with dc5r's and i leave em for dead :(. I might have to keep the rolla as i love the low torque pull. nothing beats it. But if i can't get it to handle as well as a honda i'm gonna have the shits and have to get something else. It's one thing to have a quick car, it's another to have one quick on corners.

N/A and Supercharger ar different class :wave:
Honda N/A is making a decent power. compare to other 4cylinder N/A

if you want more power Charge it :p LOL !! Unless you want a V8..

Mind you Honda doesnt build their car for Drag or Freeway warrior they are much more a Track car. If you want Alot of Power Honda will not give you what you need. but you will be surprise how well HONDA handles on the road. ie, Integra Type R :thumbsup:

13-06-2007, 05:54 PM
Looks like your dead set on your rolla.
If its straight line action and torque your looking for don't bother with a honda as with honda's its high revving and fun around turns.

For power and torque look at getting a wrx or skyline. I don't think honda was suited for you.

13-06-2007, 06:03 PM
Thanks hero. You are never wrong and your a perfect LITTLE THING aren't you.

sorry man. i dont mean to b picking at u.

not everyone knows everything, ppl make mistakes including myself of course.

but just somthing i feel like pointing out. look at ur past replies, its quite insolent especially when u're trying to correct somone.

no offense man. :)

13-06-2007, 06:15 PM
N/A and Supercharger ar different class :wave:
Honda N/A is making a decent power. compare to other 4cylinder N/A

if you want more power Charge it :p LOL !! Unless you want a V8..

Mind you Honda doesnt build their car for Drag or Freeway warrior they are much more a Track car. If you want Alot of Power Honda will not give you what you need. but you will be surprise how well HONDA handles on the road. ie, Integra Type R :thumbsup:

You know what i think your right, i'm not much of a track person, although i love it, it wont be a regular thing for me. Hmmm, i hate choosing cars with all this insurance crap. I really wanted an s15 but insurance would be a bitch. That's more my style of car. Reason i was thinking honda was cause they're the best n/a cars. I was just hoping that maybe for instance a dc2r would respond well to cheap mods and make really good power, but then again i would want a car that i could leave somewhere and not worry that someone would touch it. Now i'm getting stressed:confused:

13-06-2007, 06:19 PM
Hahaha, turbocharged Nissans, mention anything to do with Silva or Skyline add Turbo and your set :p

Driving an EK CXi isn't a good indication of what a Civic can do if its got its stock cooktop engine (Non-Vtec and economy built and tuned), like Limbo has said test drive an EK4. It has a much better powerplant, of course it won't offer what a supercharged 1.6L has like the low down torque but it has its own character.

13-06-2007, 06:29 PM
what is ur budget? if you are willing to spent 20G on the car, and you want HONDA.

Get ur self a EG Hatch $4k
K20 n gearbox type R $10K
labour n misc parts, $2k

there you go a 13 sec car with lots of power and torque in comparison of the weight. :)

13-06-2007, 07:07 PM
yes ok, although the point of another car was that it had to be newish, don't wanna muck around with engine transplants or anything major. Plus it'll have to be comfortable to drive.

14-06-2007, 09:08 PM
mods for your honda aint goner be relatively cheap if you actually want big differences. by comfort what do you mean??
your car handling corners without struggling? get a rwd.
interior comfort? get some recaros or sumthing.

16-06-2007, 03:07 AM
DC2 R...this is the best choice

17-06-2007, 01:31 AM
maybe you should supercharge a vtec if your keen on a honda.

18-06-2007, 09:55 AM
Turbo gen3 crx ftw!! :p ;)

18-06-2007, 02:03 PM
If you want low down torque and pull, and sumthing fast in a straight line, thats relatively new, why dont you just get a vy 6spd 5.7? Add an edit tune and exhaust and its a beast.

18-06-2007, 02:41 PM
might as well NSX