View Full Version : AH cd player troubles

Joel The Mole
16-06-2007, 04:13 PM
hi guys

im having trouble installing my cd player into my civic. its a pioneer DEH-1550. ive tried most things with the wires but im not having any luck. any help would be appreciated.

pics of cd player:

16-06-2007, 05:19 PM
what do you mean by 'tried most things with the wires'? I hope you didn't just randomly connecting wires... what seems to be the problem? does it not start at all? no sound in some of the speakers? does not play CD? Did you check the red fuse behind the deck and the in car stereo fuse?

Joel The Mole
16-06-2007, 11:39 PM
^^nah i didnt connect random wires, i tried connecting the colours together and that didnt work. it doesnt start up at all. didnt check the fuses, wouldnt think i would need to change thse as teh previous tape deck was working.

17-06-2007, 07:07 AM
what about the fuse on the new CD player?

17-06-2007, 11:53 AM
You just matched the colours? Or you actually found the proper wirres?

Joel The Mole
17-06-2007, 12:40 PM
^^i was jsut matching colours lol, i no nothing about this kind of thing, fortunately a mate of mine does, and he came over and fitted it for me. so now i dont have to lsiten to the crappy radio nemore.

thanks for ur help guys

17-06-2007, 04:41 PM
the instruction manual should say which wires are ground, audio, etc. some colours might be irrelevant.

17-06-2007, 04:49 PM

Do not do anything else; remove it
Take the car to someone who knows what they are doing; as you obviously haven't the slightest ****ing idea as to where you should even start

17-06-2007, 05:11 PM
^^i was jsut matching colours lol,e.


plz next time do sum research be4 doing anything thats so STUPID.
black = ground
red = power 12v
yellow = ingnition 12v
blue = remote?
everythign eles is speakers. like green and green with white strip or sumthing, is +ve and -ve for one speaker.
plz stop wot u doin be4 u blow the car up

Joel The Mole
17-06-2007, 05:56 PM
^^^yes i no connecting wires was stupid, thats why i stopped.

but i mentioned above that it was put in by a friend of mine, who has done many cd players. it works fine now, which is good.

17-06-2007, 08:13 PM
Lol, that's pretty funny when you think about it. But anyway.... atleast you know next time you wanna install a HU what to do!

Good on ya for giving it a shot yourself

Joel The Mole
17-06-2007, 08:15 PM
^^yeah it was pretty funny.

yeah i was gonan pay the people at JB HiFI $88 to put it in but though 'screw that' conisdering thats what i paid for it.

so good not listening to teh radio!!!