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View Full Version : Recent Outages

10-07-2004, 11:18 PM
Hi all,

Apologies for any inconveniance caused while browsing either today or yesterday.

It seems that after upgrading the forum software there are a few bugs which have lead to excessive server resource usage. Most probably the reason the site is sometimes slow.

I have tried disabling certain features and optimising the database, but will just have to see how it goes in the next few hours/days.

Apologies once again and I hope to resolve this ASAP.


[[d a n n y]]
11-07-2004, 02:39 AM
good one mate..

i couldnt log in this arvo

is there a problem on this server alone or just my provider

any1 else with telstra? :?

11-07-2004, 10:46 AM
]";p="105865]good one mate..
i couldnt log in this arvo

Hi all,
Apologies for any inconveniance caused while browsing either today or yesterday.

15-07-2004, 05:31 PM
It is Ok Wyn we behind you all the way mate the site LOOKS FANTASTIC hope you solve the problems hey

15-07-2004, 06:09 PM
Thanks you Dr!

Love the avatar! :D