View Full Version : Yellow VTI-S Jazz Bumper Colours

27-06-2007, 08:08 PM
Hi all

I picked up my new VTI-S Jazz in Yellow yesterday (haven't taken pic yet). Build date May 07.

I noticed in different light there is a difference in colour between the front bumper and the main body. I've spoken to a couple of people today who didn't know if this was normal for yellow. I spoke to Honda cust service (head office) who said "well it looks the same in the brochure".

Any ideas???? Is this normal or should I be taking her back?


28-06-2007, 05:51 PM
Yellow is a standard color on all Jazz's helos or something i think its called.

the bumper is plastic and the car is metal so maybe thats the reason for the difference in color, but would expect undercoats etc to negate the fact the base material is different.

its a brand new car, so go back and ask for a decent bloody answer if you unhappy then say something, the earlier the better.

get your bf/dad to go with you unfortunately dealers dont treat women the same. make sure your happy with the outcome before u walk away, check out other jazz's at the dealership and see etc, etc.

good luck

28-06-2007, 08:41 PM
u are correct, plastic and steel body parts create a slight difference in the end colour result