View Full Version : Red Dash Needles???

10-07-2007, 11:12 PM
Hey guys,

I am new and im from Melbourne. Drive a Honda Civic 96 Sedan!!!

Will Post Pics of my baby soon...

BUT, for now i need help please... i replaced my cluster dials from stock to white ones and they glow red and blow at night... I had white needles as stock previously but now i need RED needles... Does anyone at all have red needles that will fit in my civic dash or should i spray them red???

Any suggestions please guys?

Also, the lightening from factory bulbs isnt that bright at night and not evenly spread... Do you suggest i use those 5 in 1 LED bulbs that might emit more light or do you guys have something else in mind???

Please help soon.


Johnny Bravo.

11-07-2007, 08:51 AM
dunno if this should be here or in the noob forum...guess mods will move it...

u should've taken the needles out and spray paint them red while u change the dials...i think u can buy red needles at some online stores for car stuff...but not worth the money, better DIY:)

what lights are you talking about?

from what u saying about not bright and spread, i'm assuming u're talking about headlights...then LED is out of the option...as bright as they are, they won't even be as bright and spread as halogen bulbs....get something like Phillips bulbs or even Narva had good white bulbs or check some traders here for bulbs...or if u have extra cash, go HID...that'd be the ultimate brightness...although u need to adjust the light beam direction so u don't blind incoming traffic;)

that's my 2cents:)

11-07-2007, 10:47 AM
i wouldve thought the needles would take the light from the bulb at the base of the needle. much like fibre optic cable.

11-07-2007, 07:15 PM
hey guys, thanks for the replies... I think i didnt make myself pretty clear cos i didnt get the answer i was after!!!

First, the needles are originally why and cos i changed the dials to white color means i cant really see the needs unless i concentrate hard... So i thought i'd paint them red BUT how and with what???

Second, the lightening i was talking about was the cluster lightening.... after i changed the dials to white faces, the lightening is not evenly spread!!!! I gotta some how make it even...

Hope thats better... and PLEASE dont remove this till its been solved.

Thanks guys,

John. :D