View Full Version : Honda CRX EF8 SIR 89' HID KIT

14-07-2007, 05:42 PM
hey guys i recently bought a hid kit H4's and the bulbs don't fit my car, originally the h4's i have on my car are smaller in size, is it possible to find a Hid kit that will fit on my type of car..?

14-07-2007, 08:17 PM
if you want to get anything usable out of an hid set up, you need to do a projector retrofit.

putting hid's into your stock headlights is going to blind traffic, and will not provide proper lighting for what hids are capable of. Sure, it may appear brighter to you than your stock lights, but a large amount of the light is being wasted as glare that makes it very difficult for oncoming traffic to judge where your car is.

With projectors, you get a good cut off to prevent this glare, but you also get a light designed to maximize the output that hids allow. There's a huge difference between on oem hid set up and these kits.

If you're going to get hids, you want 4100k-5000k. Going higher simply means less light output. After 6000k or so, you're outputting less light than halogens, and you're getting a very blue color that's bad on the eyes for night vision.

A lot of people will say "but I want 6000k-8000k bulbs to match the blue of an oem set up!"
The blue from an oem set up comes from blue at the cut off. This is a result of the projector... has nothing to do with the bulb. You only see the blue on an oem set up for a narrow part of the beam. Look at this pic... these are my new projectors color modded for a lot of blue at the cut off.


The color you get from that is far better than any hid kit, and it's far far more usable.

The most important part to consider is that companies that make quality components do not make drop in hid kits. Putting hids into halogen lights offers such poor results that the big companies would not support them, and it's illegal to do so in most major countries. As a result, the majority of hid kits(there are a very few that utilize oem parts and rebased phillips bulbs, but they cost A LOT of money and are very rare) use extremeley low quality parts that simply don't last. The ballasts burn out, won't always fire, and simply don't last. The bulbs aren't any better.

If you want hids, and you want them to be a usable modification, an oem retrofit is the ONLY way to go.

16-07-2007, 02:36 AM
EF8 has the rare H4H bulbs. I've seen a few kits on eBay US selling them...

16-07-2007, 06:38 PM
hey there guys thanks for the information, sdx you know the link to the ebay site.? i tried looking for it finding it hard to see it.

16-07-2007, 06:55 PM
EF8 has the rare H4H bulbs. I've seen a few kits on eBay US selling them...

bloody ef8s! good for people who like challenges (finding parts)

17-07-2007, 12:16 AM
try this (http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-JAPANESE-MTEC-XENON-HID-KIT-H1H3H4H7-H11-HB3HB4-H4H_W0QQitemZ200127621953QQihZ010QQcategoryZ102560 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)one
there used to be a few other sellers...they've disappeared though. best to ask the seller if they definitely do H4H

17-07-2007, 01:06 AM

17-07-2007, 12:49 PM
yep, we are pretty unlucky for getting the H4H's.

but GEE, do projector lamps exist for a SiR headlamp? i dont think so