View Full Version : Roof mount screen in a sedan

03-08-2007, 09:02 PM
I want a roof-mounted screen for my EG sedan.

Can this be done and is it legal ? The audiences are the kids in the back.

Any pictures where this has been done ?

04-08-2007, 05:17 AM
Can this be done and is it legal ?

put simply, yes & yes.

about the legal thing, i think there might be a problem if other drivers can see a moving movie/picture whilst your car is in motion. not too sure bout the legalities about this so its probably best to contact your local authorities as the laws vary state to state

04-08-2007, 11:18 AM
me and my mate got pulled over for a routine check and we had our mates playing xbox360 in the back seat using a flip down monitor and the cops didnt mention it one bit but yeah as arverson said check with your local authorities