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View Full Version : '99 Civic GLi project

16-10-2003, 10:36 PM

I've got a '99 Civic GLi hatch and wanna spruce it up a bit. I wanna get some '95 Integra VTi-R rims on it, side skirts, front spoiler, fogs and sports exhaust. Can anyone direct me where to go to find and read up about this stuff? I'd like to know/compare prices and stuff like that. Thanks. :D

16-10-2003, 11:21 PM
The same model Civic VTiR Hatch wheels look better than the 'teg IMO. For the parts, the best bet is to look in the selling section of most forums - people are letting go of the bits you might like there.


17-10-2003, 10:16 AM
if you are interested i have a copy FEEL'S 9 piece wide body kit for the 99 hatch.
after around $1300 for it. the widebody panels have been sprayed with a putty and primer. the rest have been painted. email me if interested.
i paid $2500 for it like 2yrs ago.


cut and paste address and look under FEEL'S

17-10-2003, 02:35 PM
Thanks mate. I had a look and I don't think I wanna do it up that much - I want mine a little more subtle than that - plus it's the wrong colour - I need silver. Thanks anyway - still looks pretty shmick.

17-10-2003, 03:10 PM
i think the kit that s2k has, is painted in sliver already...i rem seeing his car and it look pretty mad with it on!!! :twisted: