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View Full Version : installing headlights crx del sol

25-08-2007, 11:47 AM
Hey ppl...

Im tryn 2 remove my crx del sol head lights and looks like a mission 2 do. lol

I can disconnet the wiring for the main light, but i cant disconnect he corner/indicator light!

It looks as if i have to take the graud offf..

I know ppl have done it so if any1 knowz jst reply..


25-08-2007, 12:45 PM
for the indicators
pop the bonnet, have a look inside the gap between the headlight and indicator, theres a small screw, that bolts the indicator to the headlight, unscrew that and the indicator should slide right out
to remove the actual headlight u'll have to take off the bumper
to do this, undo all the top screws/bolts in the engine bay, ie when u pop the bonnet there are screws/bolts across the radiaotr surport that hold the front bar inplace
then 2 bolts at the bottom of the bar(underneath car)
the 2 screws each side of the bumper holding it to the gaurds, to undo these, u'll have to move the splash guard out of the way

ps join www.crxaustralia.com if u havent already:p

25-08-2007, 01:16 PM
thanks bro!

yea im on crxauz as wel. lol...
i askd the same question but know1 answerd jst yet. lol...