View Full Version : antenna goes up, but doesnt come down..

09-09-2007, 02:16 AM
hey guys,

i recently had a head unit installed into my accord 94 and everything works fine.


whenever the head unit starts up, the antenna goes up! regardless of whether its on aux, mp3 player etc etc. the only way it would go down is if i turn the whole unit off.

i dont know if its my wiring but i have connected the antenna relay wire from the accord (brown) with the head units blue and white cable (whereby the manual states that it should be connected to the auto-antenna relay control terminal..)

am i missing something? i've disconnected the wires for now, until i find a solution.

please help! thanks.

09-09-2007, 03:06 AM
Is it a pioneer headunit?

For some odd reason Pioneer headunits only have one cable for the antenna as well as amp trigger, so the antenna will go up regardlessly if you;re listening to radio's or CD's.

The only way around it is to make a switch. I had to splice my trigger cable because I'm using amps and I also didnt want to have the antenna up all the time. Basically I soldered 2 more wires onto the remote/ant wire from the headunit, one wire is connected directly to the amps (because I want them on as soon as the deck is turned on), the other wire connected to a switch which is then connected to the antenna's trigger cable. By having the switch you can choose to have the antenna up or down and depending on which switch you buy it can look like a NOS ignition switch... lol :p

09-09-2007, 10:35 PM
ahaha yes! it is a pioneer unit

ahhh there must be a way! that however does sound like a good alternative loll

where did you mount the switch? loll "wow! is that a NOS switch??", "uhh... its for my antenna.." ahahahah

10-09-2007, 11:26 PM
yeah like what Fr3aKi3 a switch is needed, just go grab one from your local jaycar, wire it up and that should fix your problem of your antenna going up or down.