View Full Version : spraying eye lids

25-10-2007, 11:57 PM
i recently bought some eye lids and i was wanting to paint them cypress green....i am looking to do a DIY spray job.i would be using a aerosol can. is this a bad idea??? what tips would you give. what materials would i need other than the paint(already have)??? any suggestions or links would be great

26-10-2007, 12:04 AM
get them sprayed properly.. shouldnt cost much for eye lids.

the sun will kill ur spray can job and will look like poo after awhile..

well if ur gonna do it anyway..
primer it if it needs it..
spray guide coat over the primer after it dries (black)
.. rub with 800 grit sand paper until the black guide is gone
.. slap on the spray can stuff acouple of coats
.. then clear it i guess.. if u can buy clear in a can

26-10-2007, 12:12 AM
get them sprayed properly.. shouldnt cost much for eye lids.

the sun will kill ur spray can job and will look like poo after awhile..

well if ur gonna do it anyway..
primer it if it needs it..
spray guide coat over the primer after it dries (black)
.. rub with 800 grit sand paper until the black guide is gone
.. slap on the spray can stuff acouple of coats
.. then clear it i guess.. if u can buy clear in a can

what du-man said.

26-10-2007, 01:30 AM
make sure you pack on alot of clear. and isnt this in the wrong section?

26-10-2007, 08:12 AM
*moderator mode*

moved to noob section

29-10-2007, 07:20 AM
primer,sand it back, then putty, and sand it back again until smooth, then colour spray, and finally top clear coat for protection.

make sure you spray the colour layer after layer, let it dry for 3-5 minutes before spraying another coat.