View Full Version : Can you register a homemade car?

29-11-2007, 05:00 PM
say i want to have this project involving a 1970s mini and a k20/b18 will i be able to register the car if i change the engine layout?

Im planning to place the engine in the rear making the mini a RWD. Will this be legal to register the car in NSW for road use?

29-11-2007, 05:12 PM
It would need a blueprint and the other certificates/slips.

But i doubt you could find anyone crazy enough to risk their licence on an insane power to weight ratio.

why would you want to do it anyway? you wont be able to use the car to its full potential other than a track. And with most track cars you dont need them to be registered.

29-11-2007, 07:13 PM
lol in sydney goodluck!

go brissi :D tuners paradise that place..

syd is a hole wen it comes to road rules .. but who knows ..

goodluck anway :D

29-11-2007, 07:14 PM
If you're an engineer.
Go for it.

Cold Fusion
29-11-2007, 09:44 PM
come to perth, were still slack about some rules.

29-11-2007, 09:44 PM
Look up rules for individually constructed vehicles for starters (ICV). It wont be easy either way!

MK1 mr2 or fiat x 1/9 might be your answer for small mid engined cars..

30-11-2007, 07:11 AM
check out www.zcar.org.uk . im planning to buy one of their kit. The reason of me doing this is because of my hobby. Im studying mechanical engineering so ill be an engineer soon :). And this is also my dream car and will kick ass on the track

30-11-2007, 02:41 PM
so if im doing it myself. can i get a mechanic to give me engineer certificate

30-11-2007, 03:57 PM
or give yourself a engineer certificate!

30-11-2007, 04:08 PM
yeah after all ur studying engineering
give yourself a enginer certificate 100% approved

30-11-2007, 04:10 PM
do some googling mate as (fwd) b-series swaps are relatively common for them now, there are a few sites that sell kits to help with the conversion process. i'm guessing it will be alot easier than converting to rwd

30-11-2007, 04:11 PM
buy a mini that registerd and just do the converison :P

30-11-2007, 04:19 PM
you can do it if you get the car engineered as what you are doing is pity much what areal has done http://www.arielatom.com/ also have you you ever seen the rx-2/rx3 coupes with 13b turbo setups in them. well they get engineered and tested by pacman performance for around $2500 + fix's (if it needs more reinforcements, better brakes , etc).

but if your building this thing because you wont to kill it on the track then dont register it build it and only use it on the track as track cars dont need rego....

30-11-2007, 04:22 PM
i've spoken with a few engineers, they generally don't wanna certify anything crazy unless they did the work.

30-11-2007, 10:41 PM
you can do it... provided that its within the guildlines of the weight to ltr BS

Its on the RTA website.. Certain weight can only have certain CCs. If its over you cannot register it in NSW...

Thats why you "rarely"(dodged it) see 13b's in RX7s1 or R100s or even in RX3 coupes.

01-12-2007, 01:52 AM
ppl register home made trikes

01-12-2007, 05:06 AM
buy a mini that registerd and just do the converison :P

I think this will work the best. thank you, i better start looking around for a mini now :D

01-12-2007, 08:18 AM
RWD mini ? Whats the point if it spins out on the first corner ? Wheelbase is hardly ideal , ive seen likve others , b16a powered mins that go quite well n hard around the tracks of england.

03-12-2007, 12:29 AM
P.S if you have enough money to get a engineer to build you a car it can be registered.

I know a place that builds Cobras from scratch, only $120k, fully registered

03-12-2007, 12:43 AM
dont just buy an already registered mini, do this then keep driving.
What happens when you get pulled over and you have done all that work?
Will be off the road for sure..

03-12-2007, 03:51 PM
whats the qualification needed to give an engineering certificate? can a normal mechanic do it?