View Full Version : Oil pressure and Oil temp Gauges.

28-12-2007, 06:16 PM
Just a quick question has any one out there fitted these to a d16y8 sohc vtec engine and if so are i meant to use electronic or mechanical style... Thanks any help would appreciate it. Just bought a apexi gauge shroud for my dash and want to get both of these fitted but honda couldnt tell me if need electric or mechanical. And autobarn was no help.

28-12-2007, 07:34 PM
Just a quick question has any one out there fitted these to a d16y8 sohc vtec engine and if so are i meant to use electronic or mechanical style... Thanks any help would appreciate it. Just bought a apexi gauge shroud for my dash and want to get both of these fitted but honda couldnt tell me if need electric or mechanical. And autobarn was no help.

I'm using this type on my D16Y1 SOHC VTec

Oil Pressure and boost both electronic

Note: Its illegal to mount gauge's on your dash.. shroud or no shroud..

Must be in bedded in the dash and flush...

28-12-2007, 07:41 PM
I'm using this type on my D16Y1 SOHC VTec

Oil Pressure and boost both electronic

Note: Its illegal to mount gauge's on your dash.. shroud or no shroud..

Must be in bedded in the dash and flush...

They will be. thanx for the input appreciate it... The shroud is the flush mount.. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HONDA-INTEGRA-EK-01-03-CIVIC-GAUGE-METER-CLUSTER-turbo_W0QQitemZ320199685050QQihZ011QQcategoryZ6775 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem.

28-12-2007, 07:43 PM
They will be. thanx for the input appreciate it... The shroud is the flush mount.. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HONDA-INTEGRA-EK-01-03-CIVIC-GAUGE-METER-CLUSTER-turbo_W0QQitemZ320199685050QQihZ011QQcategoryZ6775 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem.

No problem's though why are you putting in those gauge's anyway?

I hate seeing those lol

Only coze they don't make em for my car :thumbdwn:

28-12-2007, 07:45 PM
yeah i have electric ones. You get mechanical oil pressure if you have no room cos the line goes into the gauge itself

Electronic ones are more accurate as the oil does not have to travel to get a reading.

29-12-2007, 04:08 PM
No problem's though why are you putting in those gauge's anyway?

I hate seeing those lol

Only coze they don't make em for my car :thumbdwn:

From what ive been told oil temp is more important then water temp, and the factory temp gauge gets its reading from the water temp anyway. As for oil pressure thought i mite aswell even things out having both oil gauges in the shroud.

29-12-2007, 04:10 PM
oil pressure is even more important than oil temp.
If you ever get a leak, like i did, it will notify you straight away of an issue before you loose too much and damage your engine

29-12-2007, 04:15 PM
From what ive been told oil temp is more important then water temp, and the factory temp gauge gets its reading from the water temp anyway. As for oil pressure thought i mite aswell even things out having both oil gauges in the shroud.

I would not bother unless your running boost IMO

Wast of money you could put to some other mods..

I'm not even running any right now and I am boosted :p

oil pressure is even more important than oil temp.
If you ever get a leak, like i did, it will notify you straight away of an issue before you loose too much and damage your engine

Limbo's right!

oil pressure would be the only mod I would do on NA and even then its a wast as you already have one stock..

29-12-2007, 04:24 PM
I'm using this type on my D16Y1 SOHC VTec

Oil Pressure and boost both electronic

Note: Its illegal to mount gauge's on your dash.. shroud or no shroud..

Must be in bedded in the dash and flush...

Not true... aslong as the top of the gauges is not higher than the top of the steering wheel, then they are not illegal...

in regards to electrical and mechanical... electrical will be more acurate for oil temp, as the oil doesnt have a chance to cool... in regards to oil pressure, mechanical is more accurate, because there is less chance of grounding differences between the sender and gauge...

oil temp is more important than water temp, stock usually has water temp, and only realy tells you whether your coolant is doing its job, oil temp will gove you better diagnostics for monitoring your engine, and knowing when its all good to vtec :p

29-12-2007, 04:26 PM
oil pressure would be the only mod I would do on NA and even then its a wast as you already have one stock..

by the time the low oil pressure light comes on youve probably already damaged the engine! a gauge will show you instantly as you start to loose pressure, allowing you to turn off the engine, before the damage acrurs...

29-12-2007, 04:30 PM
Not true... aslong as the top of the gauges is not higher than the top of the steering wheel, then they are not illegal...

in regards to electrical and mechanical... electrical will be more acurate for oil temp, as the oil doesnt have a chance to cool... in regards to oil pressure, mechanical is more accurate, because there is less chance of grounding differences between the sender and gauge...

oil temp is more important than water temp, stock usually has water temp, and only realy tells you whether your coolant is doing its job, oil temp will gove you better diagnostics for monitoring your engine, and knowing when its all good to vtec :p

I just when through this whole thing mate..

Show me this rule?

RTA link?

Just got my car Engineering Certificate and you can't have a gauge on the dash anyway no matter what or I would have..

by the time the low oil pressure light comes on youve probably already damaged the engine! a gauge will show you instantly as you start to loose pressure, allowing you to turn off the engine, before the damage acrurs...

Far enough and as stated the oil pressure would be the only one I would do if any.


29-12-2007, 04:35 PM
Thanks for your feed back guys.....
I already knew that oil pressure is the more important of the 2 as low pressure can result in severe internal mechinical failure. so can high pressure for that matter.

And the oil temp is more important then water temp... as the oil usually surcombs to higher temps then the water and coolant in the engine. which can intern do alot of differrent things. Hence i want the oil temp aswell.

29-12-2007, 04:45 PM
I just when through this whole thing mate..

Show me this rule?

RTA link?

Just got my car Engineering Certificate and you can't have on the dash anyway no matter what or I would have..

ill try find a link... i know because i got done over a year ago in my pulsar... i had 5" monster tacho, and the cop said, they have to sit below the top of the steering wheel... how do you think FPVs (F6 typhoon and tornado) come out stock with two gauges (boost and clock) ontop of the centre console? it cant be one rule for them and another for everyone else?

29-12-2007, 04:49 PM
ill try find a link... i know because i got done over a year ago in my pulsar... i had 5" monster tacho, and the cop said, they have to sit below the top of the steering wheel... how do you think FPVs (F6 typhoon and tornado) come out stock with two gauges (boost and clock) ontop of the centre console? it cant be one rule for them and another for everyone else?

But there are different rules..

Its fine if the car came out stock with gauge's then the car company has paid $$ for the right but modding afterwards is a different story..

Its not fair but hey what can you do

I was so pissed having to remove my gauge's after I spent $$ getting them installed

29-12-2007, 04:50 PM
ill try find a link... i know because i got done over a year ago in my pulsar... i had 5" monster tacho, and the cop said, they have to sit below the top of the steering wheel... how do you think FPVs (F6 typhoon and tornado) come out stock with two gauges (boost and clock) ontop of the centre console? it cant be one rule for them and another for everyone else?

this probably doesnt apply as the shroud sits in dash and is well below the level of the steering wheel. have a look at the ebay link on the previous post form yesterday... im trying to keep the interior stock looking anyway..

29-12-2007, 04:54 PM
this probably doesnt apply as the shroud sits in dash and is well below the level of the steering wheel. have a look at the ebay link on the previous post form yesterday... im trying to keep the interior stock looking anyway..

No the shroud that sit in front of the other gauge's and behind the steering wheel are fine..

Its all about head impact zone's

29-12-2007, 04:54 PM
But there are different rules..

Its fine if the car came out stock with gauge's then the car company has paid $$ for the right but modding afterwards is a different story..

Its not far but hey what can you do

thats mainly for things that alter the vehicles structure and running... a gauge is classed as an accessory... its not modding the vehicles performance or structure... its the same reason that windscreen repairers arent alllowed to repair a chip/crack above the top of the steering wheel, and below the marker at the top of the windshield on the drivers side...

29-12-2007, 04:59 PM
so that would make any A-pillar gauge or bonnet mounted gauges illegal as well. What about gauge clusters that sit on top of the centre of the dash where the air condition vent sits. Like on ek civic's I've seen that style on wrx's aswell would they also be illegal?

29-12-2007, 05:02 PM
so that would make any A-pillar gauge or bonnet mounted gauges illegal as well. What about gauge clusters that sit on top of the centre of the dash where the air condition vent sits. Like on ek civic's I've seen that style on wrx's aswell would they also be illegal?

as far as im aware (from personnel experience) aslong as the top of the gauge is not higher than the top of the steering wheel, they are not illegal... so yes, a-pillar mounted would be illegal... but 2" gauges on the centre console dash would not be, however a 5" gauge would... see where im going with this? im enquiring with both the RTA and ACT govt. about this, ill try get reference/documentation to back up the answer, whatever it may be...

29-12-2007, 05:02 PM
thats mainly for things that alter the vehicles structure and running... a gauge is classed as an accessory... its not modding the vehicles performance or structure... its the same reason that windscreen repairers arent alllowed to repair a chip/crack above the top of the steering wheel, and below the marker at the top of the windshield on the drivers side...

Well whatever the case I was told by Engineer that due to head impact zones no gauges can be installed on the dash anywhere but can be in bedded.. flush

30-12-2007, 12:48 AM
I wouldn't put stock in what a cop said. They don't know the rules any better than most joes out there. I know cos when they defected me last time, even the cop shop didn't agree with alot of the defect items. They base alot of what they say to heresay and their current mood

01-01-2008, 03:47 PM
With the Oil pressure guage,is there a warning light on there.If your not always checking the guage (which would be very annoying) you wouldn't see if the pressure starts dropping.

01-01-2008, 03:50 PM
With the Oil pressure guage,is there a warning light on there.If your not always checking the guage (which would be very annoying) you wouldn't see if the pressure starts dropping.

you can get ones with low pressure warning lights... but they do the job of your stock warning light... no point getting one!

i glance at all my gauges every 10-30secs while driving... im pretty sure thats the way your taught to drive? check the speedo every 12secs isnt it? i noticed my coolant was very hot before the over temp light came on...

01-01-2008, 09:00 PM
I got a reply from Licence and Registration of Territory and Municipal Services ACT.

They wrote:
Aftermarket accessories such as dash mounted gauges may have a negative impact on the vehicles occupant protection features, and/or may obstruct the drivers vision.

A vehicle must continue to meet the Australian Design Rules applicable to the date of manufacture for that vehicle. The modification may be required to be assessed by an engineering signatory to confirm these design rules continue to be met. If they are still met, then the modification would be legal.

I have attached some information from our website for your information. Dash mounted gauges would be listed as a Light Vehicle Modification.

So it seems they are still legal placed anywhere on the dash. As long as they do not impaire your vision, or create head impact zones in the event of an accident. Because gauges mounted on the dash above the centre console not higher than the top of the dash/stock cluster would not impaire vision, and they sit too far back on the dash to create an impact zone, i would safely say that it would not be illegal, however, you would have to get them engineered to cover your a$$.

02-01-2008, 12:01 AM
you can get ones with low pressure warning lights... but they do the job of your stock warning light... no point getting one!

i glance at all my gauges every 10-30secs while driving... im pretty sure thats the way your taught to drive? check the speedo every 12secs isnt it? i noticed my coolant was very hot before the over temp light came on...

I just would never do that.Depends where they are mounted/positioned.If I mounted it on one of these I would look at them more.But I think I'll mount them (automatic transmission oil temp and engine oil temp) under all the air con bits in the centre console but it will be low...