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23-10-2003, 01:16 AM
I'm just wondering what u blokes think .... i'm wanting to have my side moulds (plastic stripes on side of door), my door handles & mirrors painted the same colour as the car and if i could the standard side skirts on my '99-00 civic cxi, just to make her bit my style!!
Anyways my question is should i really bother taking it to a smash repair place to have them done professionally where it will cost me more than likely over $500 or should go down auto one get the paint matched, pop down the local auto wrecker get a similar strip made of the same material do a few practice sprays and just do it myself saving money and time??
I value oppinions so if u could give me some it be awesome!!!!

23-10-2003, 10:30 AM
Generally, the smash repair shop will just spray colour straight over the moulds.

I would take the parts off myself, plastic prime them, then highfill them, then rub it down ready to get the final colour spray. Then I'll get a professional to do the final colour spray.

That way, you know that the paint will never come off and you save money doing the major part of the work yourself.

23-10-2003, 10:49 AM
yeh that sounds about right VTiRT.. coz i've seen it on other EK civics and the paint was starting to peel off.. wots highfill tho??

i'd get a pro to do it as well, coz i'd probably bodge it up like my lil plastic model cars :P

23-10-2003, 11:44 AM
depending on which smash repairer you go to, if they want to do a proper job, they will do all that is necessary to prepare and primed..

23-10-2003, 12:52 PM
HiFill is a filler and primer to fill in small holes and smooth out the area to be painted. When you chip the paint on your car.... you see a grey underlayer... this is the hifill/primer...

23-10-2003, 01:05 PM
cool thanx heaps guys .... wasn't sure if'd be an easy job or not so i want it done properly ...thanx a tonne

23-10-2003, 01:46 PM
I would take the parts off myself, plastic prime them, then highfill them, then rub it down ready to get the final colour spray. Then I'll get a professional to do the final colour spray.

That way, you know that the paint will never come off and you save money doing the major part of the work yourself.

Some good advice there.

Colour coded parts look much better than having black mouldings and mirrors...

23-10-2003, 02:46 PM
This is all good advice really, but if it were me I'd get a professional to do it. After all it is your car we're talking about! :?

23-10-2003, 03:22 PM
most of the prep work you all can do yourself... it's the final spray job that you should leave to the pro, so not to get runs and to get an even amount to paint. Also they'll have a dust free environment.

Priming and hifilling doesn't require as much skill, and is where it costs alot to get a pro to do.

23-10-2003, 03:57 PM
ok i just got back from a spray painter in my area ...and a small problem has risin which i have not thought of!!
ok i use mothers back to black stuff wo blacken my moulds etc etc anyways the problem is if you use a silicone based polish or restorer it soaks into the plastic and then if you paint it, the paint will peal off because the silicone then comes to the surface of the plastic and ends up rejecting the paint!!
So i have emailed mothers hoping to get a reply shortly whether or not they have got silicone in their products.... since it don't say on the bottle

ok but if everythin is ok then awesome will only cost me a total of $500 for side moulds, side mirrors, side factory skirts and number plate area!
Thanx PPL's good to get excellent advice!

28-10-2003, 08:56 AM
He should have stuff to clean that stuff off... sand down the moulds a bit, plastic prime the moulds, and then spray it.