View Full Version : 2002 CRV SRS Light driving me nuts

14-01-2008, 09:52 AM
Hi guys,

Im a newby to these forums, previously a BMW fanatic until it got written off and now im a converted Honda fan...

Purchased a 2002 CR-V, when i took it for a drive the SRS ligth was NOT on, when i picked it up (private purchase) the bloody light was ON but very faint.

Previous owner paid to get it all tested, auto electrician hooked it up and found no error codes leading him to suspect the SRS light being so dimly lit was due to a faulty cluster. So then i convinced the previous owner to cough up $350 for a second hand cluster, i installed the cluster and found the light to still be ON but this time alot brighter as it should be. So... current situation, i have a cluster that works, an SRS light on all the time, no error codes from 4 different machines. Took it to Honda and these pricks tell me I need 2 seat belt buckles and an SRS module totaling $1550.. after having laughed for approx 4.8 minutes I then began to breath normal again and said no thanks ill come back some other life. Have now given the car to a mate who was a mechanic for Honda, he hooked it up and same story.. no error codes (dont know where Honda got errors from).

He is suspecting lose wires or stripped wires touching the body causing the light to be on all the time ?? I dont know.

I have gone as far as checking the plugs under the seats (passenger/driver sensors) to make sure they are plugged in. Im all out of ideas and that stupid light is still on.

Anyone got any ideas ???? (sorry bout the novel)

14-01-2008, 02:02 PM
the fault could be with the srs module or the SRS harness,

make sure no one has taped into the yellow protected harness.

the only way to make the SRS light go out is a signal from the SRS ECU.

no codes in the SRS ECU doenst mean its not faulty.

14-01-2008, 03:40 PM
Try reset SRS similar to following DIY http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69095&highlight=SRS%2A

NOTE: The procedure may be diffrent for diffrent models

14-01-2008, 04:32 PM
my srs yellow harness on the crv dosnt exist. I have a OB connecter with more than 2 pins on it. No yellow harness located on mine at all that i can see.

If theres no error codes i would assume there would be no error being produced by the module correct ?

I'll try to get some photos of the plugs etc and post them so you guys can see what CRV ones look like.


21-03-2010, 07:13 AM
I just had my belt buckle replace on my CRV & now the SRS light is on again!