View Full Version : just some random questions concering egs

29-02-2008, 01:00 PM
so if i were to buy black angel eyes for the headlights, will they fit in both eg5 and eg6?

also, for the taillights, i've seen the led lights, and i really don't like how they look, so what about spray tinting them black

i've seen some eg's with black tinted tailights, they look sweetass, but i hear its illegal? is this true..

ive also heard people using "smoking". is that the same as tinting? because i'm after the black head/tail light look.. so what legal, and can make my tail lights darker. i saw a eg with semi black taillights, but it didnt look that dark, just like a .. light tint.. it still looked nice tho. where can i find a diy for this??

also, whilst driving my cousins eg manual ( i cant drive manual properly ) i find my self missing gears hence ****ing his gear box up :[ ( trying to go reverse, but instead putting into 4 and .. * cluck cluck cluck * "oh wtfbbqsause was that" . is the car forgiving? lols, so i know when i buy one.

also, my mate has a non turbo r33, and his gone through like 4 exhausts, he has a hks one, but before that he had a silenced exhaust and he said it was causing some minor engine problems? is this true, because im looking to get a silencer on my one, cause i dont want loud noises when im just cruising along.. would it be because he was using a crappy silencer exhaust tip, or what.. so if i were to buy a silencer for my exhaust, what should i go for that won't blow my budget. im also asking on behalf on my cousin with his eg5.

now onto rims, im looking for maybe 16" -> 17" 5zigen hyper 5zr .. or maybe spoon w388 or whatever the spoon one is called. i've seen some of the hyper 5zr with studs along the outter rim ( looks fuglytastic ) . when i recall of the 5zr, they didn't have the studs? or do they all have them ugly ass studs? if they don't can someone direct me to the style without the studs.

also, can anyone give me some tips for driving manual? like reversing ( i stalled it once, no idea why ) -- was making a 3 point turn, and it was kinda on a slope when i tried reversing, and it just stalled. meh , i let clutch too soon? also, tips on launching uphill? i kinda already know, but just too double check ( i go uphill by: clutching, until friction, then accelerate, let down the hand brake, rev till i start moving a tiny bit, then clutch off ) is that correct?

in the long run i was thinking of buying a type R integra 2000/1991 model, but then im thinking of maybe just turbo later on ( when i'm off p's ) cause ill be on m Ps for what 3 years? so stuck with an eg for 3 years? with the eg, i'm thinking about getting a b18c conversion, but my friend goes its rare and expensive, and i was like wtfux, i see like jdm b18c half cuts for sale on ozhonda, and it only cost like 1 - 2g more then a b16a.. ( i dont want b16a cause i dont think its worth it for a conversion )

well that was long ( im on uni break for 5 hours so why the hell not ) = )

29-02-2008, 01:28 PM
With reagards to the exhaust, youl should try buying the silencer that goes with the exhaust (if that makes sense lol). If not sell your setup and invest in either a mugen or xforce twinloop or fujitsubo exhaust as they aren't that loud or drony (but can be loud if you want it to :p)

17" are too big for eg's IMO, so go with the 16" or even 15" and buy the Spoon sw388's :p

And with driving manual, practice makes perfect. By the sounds of it, it seems as though your letting go of the clutch too early.

Don't know much about the lights :p

Btw is this Paul's cousin ? (Think i met you last sat night)

29-02-2008, 01:41 PM
BAHA lols yoo suppp =) yeh

29-02-2008, 01:54 PM
Exhaust - honda is NA so its a little more refined that 'whack a 3" canon on it', u will find that mugen twin loop (or xforce) will be nice and quiet and wne u put ur foot down u will get a nice 'expensive sports car' sound (even a ITR setup onto an EG is good)

Intake - short ram intakes will gie ur car a real induction roar but cold air intakes will give u alot better performance and a more refined sound

Wheels - for a EG get 16", they are lightweight (better acceleration) and are closer to the cars stock size (14"-15") Rays wheels are very good (only brand i would buy) the traders here have some nice replicas (make sure u get the right stud pattern 4x100 for EG and offset)

Gears - Reverse gear always crunches in the EG civic and DC2 integra, try putting it into 5th and than R, it works for most of us

Engine - well.. it depends what you want, most people will say get a b18c or b18cR because they are the best value for money, if you just want a car to get you around and want to save some $$ i would get a b16a or convert your EGs head to VTEC

all in all, i wouldnt waste ur time with the EG if you have a ITR in your sights, the ITR is an awsome package and theres not much stuffing around left to do to it, with an EG there are alot of things that will need doing, etc - the interior sux compared to DC2, u will have to upgrade the rear brakes to discs, the back end (and front lol) will need stiffening, no bucket seats, less engine bay room, not as good sussy setup, they are starting to get really old now... the list goes on

if you have lotsa time and money on ur hands and u wanna make a wicid panda/sleeper - get a nice EG civc / EK civic / Del Sol and put a B18cR in it, but please remember that it will need other alterations and its gona take a little fiddleing around

also bare in mind that u dont have control of what happens on the road, for example i spent almost a year working on my Vti-R Teg putting bodykit on it expensive and the best engine mods etc and than some toon slams into me and its all gone... if i juss bought an ITR in the 1st place it would have been all alot easier and less heartbreaking and cost about the same anyway lol

29-02-2008, 02:04 PM
anyone help with the headlights.

and the exhaust, so thinking of getting 2 - 2.5" twinloop exhaust : )

well about the engine head, so if i just got any eg, how would i swap the head to vtec ( im noob remember ;) ) lols. wells ITR i dont know for sure yet, because its along way down the track and who knows i might just change my mind half way down and that would suck =) lols. yeah so i've made my mind up about the 16" so yeh thanks. cai i was gonna get for sure neways, rather not get the sri =)

about the gears, what you mean put it into 5 and the R.. like im in neutral, so .. N - 5 - R ? lols? or just N - R lols.

nah i have practically jack shat money on my hands lols, so yeah.. like my mind is more on looks then performance, as i aint gonna be racing all day every day any day lols just when i wanna give it, it GOES lols. like ive got exterior image in my head, black headlights, black tail lights,black rims, MAYBE black hood, MAYBE black mirrors, black front lip, MAYBE black rear lip and black boot soyeh... is that TOO much black LOL :) and im thinking of getting my car resprayed a nice red : )

Sorry 2 hear about your ITR : [

29-02-2008, 02:16 PM
He means if you can't get into reverse, try shifting into 5th gear (or even 1st gear) and then reverse. Makes life much easier :thumbsup:

29-02-2008, 02:43 PM
17" are too big for eg's IMO, so go with the 16" or even 15" and buy the Spoon sw388's :p

haha cmon man the bigger the better ive got 18's on my eg and boy does it draw stares go different go chrome :)

29-02-2008, 02:53 PM
hahah you have to be kidding me purlease. im steering 180 degrees away from anything close to chrome, i hate chromes with a passion and massive beeeg ass ss farrrkk lebo reeeems like wallalh shu habibi lawwk at my garngstarr as rideee bradah massive shinneey toy tthings between my tyres like offft ahahah well no offense to you but you know everyones entitled to their own opinion and thats mine so yeah lollllllll rofl, wells yeah. thanks for your opinion newaysss


29-02-2008, 03:41 PM
ok i just saw an eg with black tail lights. its black housing with like 3 red circles.. whats that called? where can get em?

29-02-2008, 04:00 PM
Regarding the reverse crunching just slow it down and give it time to go in.
Light pressure not trying to ram it in.You will be surprised.

29-02-2008, 07:37 PM
yeah nice and light on the gears and try sliding it up into 5th and than reverse

chrome is horrible, its heavy and large mags are not good for EGs it will steer and drive like a tug boat and not to mention how bad it looks

in regards to halo angel lights, be careful when you purchase them as Left and Right headlight houseings are slightly different, if you buy american ones the drive light will be on the wrong side, you have to make sure that they are setup for australia

01-03-2008, 12:58 AM
go chrome go home? everybodys entitled to their own opinions on what looks nice thats kinda harsh.. dude if u got any questions talk to me on msn?

01-03-2008, 09:34 AM
go chrome go home? everybodys entitled to their own opinions on what looks nice thats kinda harsh.. dude if u got any questions talk to me on msn?

hahah you have to be kidding me purlease. im steering 180 degrees away from anything close to chrome, i hate chromes with a passion and massive beeeg ass ss farrrkk lebo reeeems like wallalh shu habibi lawwk at my garngstarr as rideee bradah massive shinneey toy tthings between my tyres like offft ahahah well no offense to you but you know everyones entitled to their own opinion and thats mine so yeah lollllllll rofl, wells yeah. thanks for your opinion newaysss

So i cleared that up, and in addition thats my opinion, so my opinion thats the way it isss yo, but i don't mean to offend anyone :)

Btw im still lost on the gears, maybe draw me a sequential diagram LOL

01-03-2008, 04:40 PM
Yo yo yo had our fun. Getting out of control and off topic. Make a new thread with A question if you need more information no need to put a bunch of topics in one post it makes searching very difficult. closed