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View Full Version : Help Me!! Non-vtec and frustrated!!!

30-08-2004, 09:01 PM
Hey All, Im a newbie here but im starting off with a bang! What damn engine do i put in my 96 gsi Teg??????? i have around $10k and some change to play with, help me, help me, help. Oh, and i live in Adelaide so anyone that knows any kind of honda tech place, give me a yell!!!!!!!
was thinking about a b18c but i figure while im looking around i may as well venture into h22a's or k series engines??? and where do i get them?!?!?

Thanks, Benny.

30-08-2004, 09:15 PM
Unless you're going to go for a H22A or a K series, I'd suggest selling your car and buying a vti-r integra.

30-08-2004, 09:48 PM

30-08-2004, 09:53 PM
welcome to the club :)

...but i am frustrated for different reasons :)

As Mr admin said before , there is little point to modding your current engine with "10k" - its best to actually sell yuor current car , and be happier with say a stock integra vtir or even integra type R.

BTW a k-series into your car will cost MORE than $10k to be installed and legit AND working....probably a similar price for a h22a.

If I was yourself , I would spend a small fraction of that 10k on nice suspension , wheels and rubber as a start - it is proven that the gsi is a nice lil car - and in the hands of a good driver ( which you can be with practice my friend) is a weapon :)

Become a experienced GOOD driver - learn the road...dont just strap yourself to a rocket that dosent handle ( Danny anyone ? ) and expect to be fully sick and accepted.

Simply put , you will be pretty much likely dead and poor from spending $$$.

oh....for further options...use the search tool in this forum champ :)
CLICK here to search ! (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/search.php?)

30-08-2004, 09:59 PM
BAHAHAHA.....*hands Ben the largest pint of Stella he can find*

Spot on-aroonie. :)

Or - if you're just after straight line speed and really dont give a **** about handling, quality or the rest - you can spend your money on a cheap early 90's turbo Nissan or Toyota, or maybe boost your FWD Honda. :) (psst....keep the GSi ;) lol)

30-08-2004, 10:07 PM
Whilst I realise there will be certain constraints (insurance etc) as to what car you can own/drive but your best return on investment is just buying a car thats already closer to what you want to achieve.

A VtiR is good and a DC2R is awesome for the $$'s.

In the end you will get more back for a DC2.

If your heart is set on the car that you own and you really want to go fast, just boost it till it blows! :P.

First and last question what do you want the extra power for? Drag racing? Track racing? or --*street racing*-- ..... ?

30-08-2004, 10:37 PM
speakin of stella, that shit cost me the bomb! $5.80 for a schooner fook that! oops bit off topic :P If I were you and had the 10 grand id be selling my gsi and getting a vtir.

31-08-2004, 08:06 AM
Yeah second that Vtir or Type R depending

or just turbo it

31-08-2004, 12:10 PM
LS/VTEC + TURBO = owner any teg.

31-08-2004, 09:39 PM
hey 10k is alot of money and with it you can do some serious mods, tho i totally agree with joneblaze and bennjamin. keep the gsi, i own one my self n i think its an excellent car to learn and practice your driving skills. use the money for som suspension mods and good rubber, altho if you are out there for performance and quater mile speed, i recommend dc2r, boost or a nissan(hehe).