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11-03-2008, 12:32 PM
WAt up every1?!?!

I drive a Prelude wid a H22a engine on a 92 shell.. I bought it like this so i didnt really hav 2 do much 2 it.. The guy put a full xforce exhaust system and a daeken clutch.. It goes pretty well so im happy wid it.. :honda::D

But i havent been drivin it lately coz ive been gettin constant problems wid it eva since i got defect warning for my exhaust being loud.. Even tho i didnt get a defect fine i did get a formal warning where i still had 2 get my muffle changed n take it down 2 the testing facility n make sure its under the max db.. i ignored it coz i had no fine 2 pay n it didnt seem like n e thing..:angel:

until i tried 2 renew my rego.. apparently the defect showed up n the RTA wouldnt renew it until it was cleared.. but wat i did instead was go online n pay 4 it ther n it accepted my payment.. :cool:

but within 2 weeks after i was sent a letter sayin that if i didnt clear the defect in a month they would cancel my newly renewed rego.. so ok 2 finally get this stupid defect fixed i went n got it changed.. it was a 5 inch cannon changed 2 a stock 2inch muffler which i bought brand new..

Man i loved the way my car sounded.. 2 b honest it was loud n it would probably annoy the crap outt people but that was my baby n she sounded beautiful 2 me.. Sometimes wen i go under tunnels or bridges i would drop it down 2 gear 2 n fang it thru jus 2 hear the echo of the grunt n scream of the vtec.. :honda::D:cool:always put a smile 2 my face.. my girl would always noe wen im about 2 do it.. she thinks im weird..

but n e way back 2 the story.. i got a stock 1 put it.. n man the sound of it made me so depressed.. but n e thing 2 beable 2 drive my car wid rego.. so i went 2 the testing facility hopefully 2 finally get this matter sorted.. so the doode gets his mic puts it infront of the muffler n hes ther revvin my car wid his lil metre on the side.. then afta a few minutes of revvin he goes " sorry mate i cant clear it, its still 2 loud" then he shows me the readin while hes revvin it.. he slowly revved it n its was doin 87db 84 db so i was thinkin ok so wats the problem.. then he seemd 2 hav revved it higher n then let go n the readin then showd 94db.. BUT.. on the backfire.. he sed it 2.. "when i let go of the pedal it goes higher".. BY 2 F**KN dbs.. on the backfire.. i swear it annoyed me so much.. i tried sayn that its not like im goin 2 rev it all the way past the redline (which he seemd 2 do) n its not like 2db more from the backfire is goin 2 get me n more trouble.. but since hes the doode who controls who passes n who fails ther was no way i could get my car passed.. So i was goin 2 get it fixed 4 the next time but i had 2 rebook 4 the testin facility.. n wen i was tryin 2 book the lady said they werent doin n testin n she didnt no wen they would b bak on.. So i held off the repair..

but then time passd i ran outta money paying off my other obligations..

my rego got suspended then cancelled..

so i was drivin around unregoed.. then my key wouldnt stay in the driving position it would turn on if u held the key in place but if u let go it would stall.. still havent found out wat the problem is.. but then i went on a holiday now it wont start all 2gether.. its been sittin in my driveway 4 a while.. but ima jumpstart it or buy a new battery n then take my car 2 the auto electrician 2 get the ingition fixed..

So wish me luck every1 :thumbsup: n hope that my prelly will b bak on the road very soon.. So i can go 4 a long awaited cruise :D

11-03-2008, 12:33 PM
u have mad plates
add that to my mad plates list

11-03-2008, 12:40 PM
u have mad plates
add that to my mad plates list


But yeah Hi welcome to ozhonda....

Sounds like the car has some plans :cool:

11-03-2008, 01:09 PM
lol @ stock exhaust being too loud.

11-03-2008, 02:04 PM
then my key wouldnt stay in the driving position it would turn on if u held the key in place but if u let go it would stall..

i had the same prob in my 4th gen.. mine stalled on a high way.. lol... compelety turned off.. then called raa.. they said it was the ignition switch (the backing).. next day went to honda wreckers got the part.. never had problem since

11-03-2008, 04:15 PM
welcome bro, hope u get ur probs fixed n get ur baby bak on the road soon!

12-03-2008, 08:12 PM
I Love a good story and that was a good story :)
I was gonna say the ignition switch,change that and U should be fine.U can get them new from Honda for around $120-$150ish.Better to buy new I reckon.
Oh btw WELCOME!!! :)

12-03-2008, 09:15 PM
English please?

12-03-2008, 09:38 PM
^^ Hahaha,yeh a bit difficult to read at times....