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View Full Version : Ps2 slimline in a JAZZ =D

13-04-2008, 09:37 PM
Good evening guys,

i dunno if this should be in audio/video section or here... but i wannt install a ps2 slimline to a screen..

now here are the obstacles i am encountering

1. i wanna put the ps2 in the bottom level glovebox but if im changing cds i will have to pull the ps2 out and insert the disc because its a flip top drive, which also means you cannot secure the ps2 in the glovebox ( scratch marks and damage to the ps2 when driving)

2. i cant think of anywhere else easily accessible by the driver to the ps2, i've thought about having a mount on the ps2 in the boot but that would mean a long cable to the lcd screen, so i wanna avoid using long cables.

anyone thought about doing the same thing? or done something similar?

I heart the SSS
13-04-2008, 10:20 PM

With the glovebox idea.. watch out for lack of cold air / overheating whilst running for a while (confinded space im presuming)

Might need'a fit a CAI for it LOL.

13-04-2008, 11:11 PM
lol i thought about this. Its actually a good idea. But i reckon you can store the PS2 under the passenger seat and cable it through the side of the seat trim into the back of your LCD. This way the PS2 will have plenty of vent plus its hidden away so you wont have another reason for people to break your window. Also changing the CD is alot easier, just a slight reach.

18-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Why will you need to make it easily accessible to the driver? Its not like you'll ever be playing while driving. More like ur passengers. They'll be fine with the glovebox?

I heart the SSS
18-04-2008, 02:08 PM
What 'bout when you're bored waiting some place.

You need access to it!

19-04-2008, 12:50 AM
im sure there are plenty of us guys here who has to wait for their gf to do their make-up and get dressed...i'd probley finish playing san andreas before she finishes lol

25-04-2008, 10:49 AM
^ rofl. maybe just get out and sit in the more spacious passenger seat? that's what i usually do if waiting for extended periods of time. can also adjust seat back recline to the max without worrying about changing my perfected driving position settings.

01-05-2008, 08:38 PM
i had it in my glovebox in my ek and it was fine for all the long trips i had. some pics of me old girl for inspiration.


wireless remote no cable in the way!

added a red led above it to match my red light theme. i changed every buld to red leds. more points from judges.

02-05-2008, 11:08 PM
i had mine in the glove box of my dc2. worked fine

12-05-2008, 10:11 AM
Can you play it while driving? will it skip during bumps and shakes? Sydney roads aint too smooth...

13-05-2008, 07:20 PM
yeah to a degree. its shiit when it skips you have to start all over again. i had 18's with stiff sussy so it was a rough ride but skipped very little

14-05-2008, 05:19 PM

With the glovebox idea.. watch out for lack of cold air / overheating whilst running for a while (confinded space im presuming)

Might need'a fit a CAI for it LOL.

Reason why this is such a problem is because the slimline ps2 does not have a fan. The normal ps2 does. Therefore the maximum running time in an open area for a slimline is a maximum of 2hours.
However, ebay sells little external fans very cheap, wouldnt be a bad investment.

15-05-2008, 09:06 AM
You can just buy external fans (PC fans) as they are 12v and just hook it to a power source.