View Full Version : Civic, Vti-r (dream on)

07-05-2008, 10:57 PM
Hey all.

Had my first test drive in a 1999 model Civic Vti-r last night.
Car seemed like an absoulte steal. 84,000 km on the clock.
Very very clean, coupe, vtec, ran perfect. And an omgosh price of $12500!! :wave:

I was so close to buying this car "as is" without road worthy for $12000 G.
I decided to have a racv car inspection.... (with mixed opinions if it were worth the doller)
To my surprise! After my heart was set on this new machine. The report came back today.. 3 PAGES long of bad news. Cars had a major accident, structurly unsafe, way to many problems to mention.

So that saying if it seems to good to be true, it probley is really came through for me today.

It seems my search for a new honda continues, but a couple hundred dollers well spent i say.

Thanks for saying hi!
Keep you all posted on the new ride..

Griffo :honda:

07-05-2008, 11:03 PM
good choice - thinking with your mind and not your heart.

07-05-2008, 11:05 PM
wat exactly was some of the problems, what type of accident damage?
those inspections i guess are worth it, they mention every little detail.

07-05-2008, 11:22 PM
Well the report is huge, an yes i agree now well worth the money.

But such things as:
Engine mounts, Damaged / Distorted.
Steering wanders.
Poor repair, on welds.
Cosmetic blemishes.
Suspension was shot, surface rust.
Lots of little short cuts, exhaust missing bolts an other parts of the car to.

Theres to much to go right through, but you get the picture.
It's scary because the car was so clean looked perfect in my eyes. I couldn't pick much wrong with it.
It just goes to show that these guys no what there looking for. :p

07-05-2008, 11:34 PM
phwaor good thing you had the check done. I nearly bought a EK1 VTi before i got my GLi, low k's on the odo (only 98K). i had the price bargained down to $8K, nearly bought it but i decided to get them history checks from VicRods, put on the writen off register 4 months prior to sale with heavy damage to the rear and 4 previous owners, 1 being a company car*cough* bs 98k kms *cough*

But wow your report sounds pretty dodgey, where exactly was the "surface rust", im sure you could pick that out...

btw welcome and HAI :wave:

07-05-2008, 11:43 PM
The surface rust was more under the hood, some near te suspension and on welds / mounts.. things like that. So i didnt see any on the out side body of the car.

Im calling about another civic vtir tomorrow.. (from a dealer) hopefully this one turns out better. Keen to get my hands on one. "inlove"

08-05-2008, 12:47 AM
you couldnt pick up the faults on the test drive?

anyways money well spent hey!

08-05-2008, 05:43 PM
Hey mate, sucks about the check up. were those things spotted from an RACV test only. or was it taken to like a mechanic's place?

08-05-2008, 09:13 PM
i think u r talkn about the red
it is obviously been in a major accident
i spotted out the prefacelift front on the em1
please check this thread as we've been discussing it as wlell


08-05-2008, 09:40 PM
Yer it was the racv inspection that gave me the report.
I also had a road worthy cert at the same time.

I did ask the seller about the history and he told me it had been in a crash with front end panel damage hence the reason i went with the full check. Thats why the price was so good, but not worth it in this case :-/
And your spot on thats the car.. Im bummed, but a good lesson lernt.

09-05-2008, 01:11 AM
yeh i'd always get a check up on any vechile i was going to buy, just for the piece of mind.

anyway if your still looking at buying a ek vtir, let me know cos my mate is thinking of selling up.

11-05-2008, 04:21 PM
Its much easier to get a non-vtec model that isn't thrashed or damaged. I spent a long time looking for a dc2 before settling for a clean dc4. If its daily driven into the city or lots of traffic, vtec isn't necessary at all. If you want torque and low end power, a non-vtec engine handles force induction quite well.

Overall, the best cars to buy are ones being sold from an enthusiast. If you find one your in luck!