View Full Version : remote difficulties

11-09-2004, 07:55 PM
I've been having a feeling this week hasn't been my week, first my computer dies, and coz of a defect motherboard i get my new athlon64 chip damaged. Aside from that :p the main story really is..

has anyone had difficulties with their euro key arming/disarming remote?

i strutted out today like usual to goto work, unlock the car using the well.. key remote of course, get in, drive to work. Get downstairs to the carpark - get out, push the button ...... ..... :confused: i didn't see 3 blinks.. and the car did nothing, checked all doors were closed.. pressed it again, nothing. Got in the car started it, no probs, turned it off.. again.. nothing when trying to lock it. Locked fine when turning the key manually.

Now, i'd probably be suspect to believe maybe.. MAYBE there was some dampening field in the carpark, unlike most days - a mates subaru also had issues arming up later (alarm).

Went to work.. came back, had to unlock car manually. Drove home.. got out of the car. What do you know.. the automatic gate.. is also dead - not my day honestly, park car outside.. again tried the remote.. nothing.

After a few pushes.. it worked.. and then stopped.. unlocked fine.. locked fine, but it was more a less only when it wanted too. Left it for awhile outside, came back and so far it seems normal again.

I'm gonna take it in to honda to get it checked out just in case, but it's just all weird and temperemental which is annoying.

And yes the key is fine, the car is only what.. 3 months new or something - even the spare key didn't work, and they both flash red indicating a signal is being sent.

Just wondering if anyone else has encountered similar problems?

that's my 2 cents worth for tonight :D

12-09-2004, 12:15 AM
I haven't had that experience with my euro yet *touch wood*
Just get it to the dealer to get it checked out, but sometimes when you arrived at the dealer, it all suddenly works fine, and they can't find anything wrong because of that.

12-09-2004, 01:05 AM
err...battery problems? of the remote...not the actual car battery i mean.

/me shrugz

12-09-2004, 10:58 AM
i actually figured out what it was, i created my own frequency jammer which took out the car and everything around it! :D

it was basically my remote control for the front gate which died on me while trying ot transmit so it was locked up, as well as jamming everything else around.

Pretty interesting mind you :p

thx for the advice ;)

13-09-2004, 09:00 AM
can you explain that again?

I have a remote for my gate yet that hasnt died. will that cuase me any issues?

13-09-2004, 04:46 PM
ahh my gate remote battery was dying and i believe it was constantly transmitting a signal, weak but continiously. Because the it would have a decent radius it, it was jamming all other signals around it.

It's kind of like when you're watching tv, and if you push and hold one button down, and then try and push another button from another remote, it doesn't do anything.

02-08-2007, 11:27 PM
Thanks for this post..I know it's abit old but it saved me a 100 bucks or so..i was thinking of taking it an alarm specialist.

Same thing happened to me too..my remote to open my driveway gate ran out of battery and blocked the signal for my car remote to work. Removed the gate remote out of my car..guess what..IT'S WORKING NOW!!!