View Full Version : S13 seats in an EK1

12-09-2004, 10:28 PM
Hey all,

Has anyone replaced their EK1 (GLi) seats with seats out of an S13 Silvia? My friend has a pair for sale for $100 and they are in perfect condition. They look like they've got a fair bit more support than the Civic seats (which really don't help you at all when you throw her into a corner).

I also have no clue about making it legal and what rails I should use etc. Would it be better to just spend the extra bucks and get a Recaro and a DC2R rail or something?


12-09-2004, 11:23 PM
If the dementions are right, just use your original EK rails if you can b bothered..

The extra bucks for recaros? Recaros from a dc2r (with dc2r rails of course :P) will cost you anywhere from 1k-2.5k depending on condition and where you buy it.
Honda wreckers down here in melb will let a pair go for 2k usually.. occasionally there are some ppl who will let a pair go for under that, but compared to 100$ its alot of *extra bucks* :P
But if you do get them, im pretty sure the dc2 rails are the same as the EG, so they should b same or similar for EK

13-09-2004, 01:57 AM
*cough* silvia seats look ghey *cough*

13-09-2004, 07:09 AM
S13 seats ARE gay :D there's a reason he's selling them... he replaced them ;)

Why not look for some EK4 ones or the like?

13-09-2004, 08:58 AM
lol im with setanta again...
try and grab some EK4 ones, or even buy a cheap recaro-esq style seat from autobarn or something.. i picked me up a pair real cheap so im using those in my EG
and I love them so much more than stock Breeze seats with a bent frame...
They give better support .. are more comfortable IMO (some ppl dont like them who've sat in them tho, it just comes down to preference i guess).

These retail for about 300/400$ each without rails... i got mine .. alot cheaper.. with EG rails already .. and a recaro headrest thrown in :P but yea... it depends on how much your willing to spend and what you like ...

If seats arnt important to you, keep the EK1s and save yourself 100$ and the time of messing around with rails etc...
Use that 100$ to buy a pair or nice seat covers or something ?

13-09-2004, 02:04 PM
i would have to agree wit wat pplz are saying about the s13 seats
pretty ugly dude....
but dont be a ricer and get seat covers !